More Jewish Holocast Attrocities

krastner said:

No a Jew never beat me up but the Jewish wife of my Jewish dentist who was also his assistant gave me a great blowjob while her husband worked on my tooth.

There...i fixed that typo for ya


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FinePhilly said:
I bet they brought the audience to it's knees (gasping for breath)

(erm.... in the UsofA what is gastric wind called?)

dana often brought the audience to their knees for a swift blow job (alledgedly)
Originally posted by littleroundman
With a little care and attention to detail, this could turn into an excellent "I can search Google for more bullshit "facts" than you can" thread.

I have an 'inet "friend" of some ten years standing. He is a retired professor of history. He taught at Berkeley, amongst other venerable institutions. He has published numerous papers and is internationally recognised. Given the tone of this thread I will not reveal his name, for obvious reasons, but, trust me, he exists.

One of his areas of specialty is "revisionist historians", i.e. people who attempt to rewrite history for their own ends and to suit their own purposes.

I offered the view in a recent discussion with him that anyone with access to Google and the ability to cut and paste can now become an instant "historian", particularly with regard to subjects like the Holocaust.

He told me that historic "revisionists" have existed for far longer than the internet...their ability to disseminate "revised" history enhanced by the advent of the daily newspapers and the rotary press and the advent of the ability to mechanically reproduce images. The internet has merely allowed them to increase their output in a quantitative sense, but definitely not in a qualitative sense.

Using their own tools, a search for the author of the above article Germar Rudolf produces a heap of hits...most of them from sites run by, or allied with the likes of Dr David Irving one of the most infamous Holocaust deniers.

One of the best explanations of Mr Rudolfs claims to fame can be found here:

(Watch how the boys and girls of the revisionist camp jump in here and accuse the authors of that site of being the running pig dogs of the Zionist Illuminati, apologists for the Jewish masterminds behind the Communist regime in Russia and general all round bad bastards)

My point is: anyone with a few hours to spare, access to Google and the inability to carry out legitimate research,i.e. validating the information, the source of the information and then finding other legitimate sources for cross referencing can carry on fallacious arguments like this one for ever, all the while convincing themselves they are "winning"

With apologies to anyone who saw my similar postings in a similar thread, I'd like to post a series of links to web pages to clarify what I mean.

Notice how legitimate each one appears. Each one has "experts", "references" official sounding names and other legitimising tools:

The Earth is really flat:

The world is really run by secret societies:

The moon landing was faked:

The Holocaust never happened at all:

And my favourite....Elvis is alive and well and living in ????

Thank you for the great post, of course you will now be cast as part of the one world zionist conspiracy or maybe a mason.
zipman said:
Your desire to dismiss the tons of evidence that has been collected which verify the intent of the camps and the practicality of their use is demonstrative of your utter prejudice and hatred against jews.

You're a sad and pathetic little man woody, and you can try and revise history all you want, but that doesn't change the facts.

Time and time again you show this board your true colors, and believe me, they are much worse than any you attribute to the jews you hate so much.

You are delving back into your standard defence again of not being prepeared to discuss the culture behind these posts.

This is not a Jew thing, it is a science thing.

Show me where I have dismissed tons of evidence?

Show me where I have denied a Holocaust?

I have raised established questions where the standard myth does not stand scientific scrutiny and attempts to clarify the situation are decried as revisionist ( read "heretical").

What I do is ask questions about the cultural divide between your world and mine, and very few answers are forthcoming, but much abuse for having the temerity to ask.

This very problem of an inability for non Jews to get a proper understanding of Judaic interests and influences, is at the root of antisemitism. There is a wall of silence that excludes us from open dialogue and in western civilisations , this is a seed of resentment.

I am not a hater, but as a realist. I forsee this overwhelming pressure by the WJC to suppress all discussion on Judaism and Israel , will backfire on them eventually in a bad way. History is full of examples of rebellion against minority domination of thoughts. People dont like it.

If you want greater understanding, it has to start with you, fronting up with openness and not cultural rhetoric and abuse.

BTW I sort had you figured as an Ethnix in the online chat personality review.
catfish said:
Thank you for the great post, of course you will now be cast as part of the one world zionist conspiracy or maybe a mason.

Not at all, but one has to wonder at the limited "flat earther" thinking associated with the Holocaust and the overwhelming denial for an examination that may blow away the revisionist view with FACTS, rather than an untested anthology of survivor anecdotes.

The Zionists are conspiring to limit this knowledge and are openly involved with every court case related to Holocaust questioning.
Common sense says, find the truth and everyone will shut the fuck up.

Suppression only exacerbates the conspiracy theories, which reflect in more antisemitic thinking.

Maybe you will get the point one day.
woody54 said:
You are delving back into your standard defence again of not being prepeared to discuss the culture behind these posts.

This is not a Jew thing, it is a science thing.

Show me where I have dismissed tons of evidence?

Show me where I have denied a Holocaust?

I have raised established questions where the standard myth does not stand scientific scrutiny and attempts to clarify the situation are decried as revisionist ( read "heretical").

What I do is ask questions about the cultural divide between your world and mine, and very few answers are forthcoming, but much abuse for having the temerity to ask.

This very problem of an inability for non Jews to get a proper understanding of Judaic interests and influences, is at the root of antisemitism. There is a wall of silence that excludes us from open dialogue and in western civilisations , this is a seed of resentment.

I am not a hater, but as a realist. I forsee this overwhelming pressure by the WJC to suppress all discussion on Judaism and Israel , will backfire on them eventually in a bad way. History is full of examples of rebellion against minority domination of thoughts. People dont like it.

If you want greater understanding, it has to start with you, fronting up with openness and not cultural rhetoric and abuse.

BTW I sort had you figured as an Ethnix in the online chat personality review.

Woody, you have absolutely no interest in learning anything so please don't insult my intelligence by claiming to.

Time and time again you have come on these boards and posted rant after rant about Israel and Jews, often posting totally inaccurate information.

Whenever you are corrected, you ignore it and let the thread die so sell that line of bullshit somewhere else because I'm not buying it.

As for your science, Zyclon B wasn't just a chemical used for delousing as much as you seem to want it to be so. It was used in the gas chambers, it was openly admitted by guards and others involved during the Nuremberg trials. Eyewitness testimony, shipping orders and countless survivor tales fully corroborate that which you call a myth.

But you see some bogus claim on a website which automatically translates into truth for you since it either paints the jews or Israel in a bad light. You never ask questions, you present that crap as truth and hope it flies.

So please, save your "I'm an open-minded Kiwi who sees the truth" bullshit for someone else naive enough to buy into it.
woody54 said:

I see from the tenor of your posts that it will be some considerable time before you can manifest as a Buddha.
woody54 said:
I see from the tenor of your posts that it will be some considerable time before you can manifest as a Buddha.

or maybe I'll just be a sarcastic buddha
zipman said:
Woody, you have absolutely no interest in learning anything so please don't insult my intelligence by claiming to.

Time and time again you have come on these boards and posted rant after rant about Israel and Jews, often posting totally inaccurate information.

Whenever you are corrected, you ignore it and let the thread die so sell that line of bullshit somewhere else because I'm not buying it.

As for your science, Zyclon B wasn't just a chemical used for delousing as much as you seem to want it to be so. It was used in the gas chambers, it was openly admitted by guards and others involved during the Nuremberg trials. Eyewitness testimony, shipping orders and countless survivor tales fully corroborate that which you call a myth.

But you see some bogus claim on a website which automatically translates into truth for you since it either paints the jews or Israel in a bad light. You never ask questions, you present that crap as truth and hope it flies.

So please, save your "I'm an open-minded Kiwi who sees the truth" bullshit for someone else naive enough to buy into it.

And fuck you too, Zipowitz.

If the truth is that established then why are scientific forensics forbidden

There is no open dialogue on this subject, it is a closed subject controlled by those with the most to gain and the most to lose.

I have made no claims about the legitimacy of any evidence other than there are valid questions that need addressing but the cone of silence prevents that from occurring.

So, as an open minded Kiwi, I do want to see the truth , wahat ever it is, even if it disturbs your myths to find it.

Loudly shouting denials and abuse will never solve anything.
Just find out the truth. Thats all I want.
As for painting the Jews in a bad light, they do this themselves by crushing dissent on their views. Get to the truth.
woody54 said:
And fuck you too, Zipowitz.

If the truth is that established then why are scientific forensics forbidden

There is no open dialogue on this subject, it is a closed subject controlled by those with the most to gain and the most to lose.

I have made no claims about the legitimacy of any evidence other than there are valid questions that need addressing but the cone of silence prevents that from occurring.

So, as an open minded Kiwi, I do want to see the truth , wahat ever it is, even if it disturbs your myths to find it.

Loudly shouting denials and abuse will never solve anything.
Just find out the truth. Thats all I want.
As for painting the Jews in a bad light, they do this themselves by crushing dissent on their views. Get to the truth.

Who is loudly shouting denials? The reason that so many countries don't want to do reinvestigate it is exactly because there was so much scientific evidence presented.

Then a few decades go by and people want to start denying it ever happened which many do and then there are others with their own personal agenda and a head full of bad wiring, prejudice and conspiracy theories who seek to minimize the horror that those camps contained.

You're the one who said that the scientific evidence doesn't stand back up the myth when all of the standard holocaust revisionism has all been disproved.

You and your motives are so transparent it isn't even funny.
zipman said:
Who is loudly shouting denials? The reason that so many countries don't want to do reinvestigate it is exactly because there was so much scientific evidence presented.

Then a few decades go by and people want to start denying it ever happened which many do and then there are others with their own personal agenda and a head full of bad wiring, prejudice and conspiracy theories who seek to minimize the horror that those camps contained.

You're the one who said that the scientific evidence doesn't stand back up the myth when all of the standard holocaust revisionism has all been disproved.

You and your motives are so transparent it isn't even funny.

OMG, you fake.

If all the evidence was in, there would be no problem blasting the revisionists out of the water with credible facts if their case was flawed..

But that is not the situation that exists.

One only needs to look at the various trials that have gone on to crush alternate thinking, to see that evrything is not as kosher as you make out with all the t's crossed and the I's dotted.

All I say is that we should know the truth as a certainity but then the Zionists have proved in recent times that you can create new realities that have no foundation in truth so expecting a reasoned discussion on the Holocaust is pretty pie in the sky thinking on my part.
Originally posted by woody54
Not at all, but one has to wonder at the limited "flat earther" thinking associated with the Holocaust and the overwhelming denial for an examination that may blow away the revisionist view with FACTS, rather than an untested anthology of survivor anecdotes.

The Zionists are conspiring to limit this knowledge and are openly involved with every court case related to Holocaust questioning.
Common sense says, find the truth and everyone will shut the fuck up.

Suppression only exacerbates the conspiracy theories, which reflect in more antisemitic thinking.

Ok, lets say for a moment that this is correct, that their is a huge conspiracy among the US, Russia, Jews, Poles, Germans,( all under the svengali like spell of the Zionists) Why the conspiracy? Why would the allies, after the war is over, promote this gassing lie? Why didn't they use this propaganda effectively during the war? Sure, there were stories trickling out of Europe, but if this was made up of whole cloth by the Zionists and the Allies, why not use it earlier in the war? Why would the 4 people I have known personally that were in the camps, lie to me about the gas chambers and the murder? Was the little old lady from the Sudetenland who lived next door to me part of the conspiracy? The deaths of her mother, 2 brothers and grandparents were just an accident at Dachau, so she made up the gas chambers to make the story more entertaining? The vast majority of historical work on this subject is false and respected historians and academics are lying or are they too under the spell of the Zionist enslaver?

Frankly, I can't see a conspiracy of this magnitude being possible, and in this specific case there is way too much evidence of the camps, the gassing, the wholesale murder(under the direction of the Nazi Government) of jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally and physically handicapped people and other "undesirables".

Originally posted by woody54
Maybe you will get the point one day.

Please, save your holier than thou attitude for somebody who actually gives a shit. You try to portray yourself as someone who is searching for the truth, who is open minded, when in fact, you are a closed minded anti semite. You parade "news articles" and "research" from, at best, sites of questionable reputation to justify your hatred of the Jews.

Actually Woody, you remind me of the white people I knew growing up in Alabama who justified keeping blacks as second class citizens. They could always come up with some "scientific" study to prove whites were smarter/better/cleaner ect than blacks were and they could always dig up some "expert" to back up the claim. I suppose we haven't cornered the market on racists and people filled with hate.
woody54 said:
OMG, you fake.

If all the evidence was in, there would be no problem blasting the revisionists out of the water with credible facts if their case was flawed..

But that is not the situation that exists.

One only needs to look at the various trials that have gone on to crush alternate thinking, to see that evrything is not as kosher as you make out with all the t's crossed and the I's dotted.

All I say is that we should know the truth as a certainity but then the Zionists have proved in recent times that you can create new realities that have no foundation in truth so expecting a reasoned discussion on the Holocaust is pretty pie in the sky thinking on my part.

See woody, this is what always happens. Usually, you trot out some bullshit and when I prove it wrong, you just disappear and let the thread die only to start a new thread a day or so later.

We've done this time and time again and you never acknowledge that what you posted was wrong. If anything, it just fuels you to find something else to "pin on the Jews."

If you actually looked for the answers on the net, you would find them but you don't care about the truth at all and we both know it along with almost everyone else on this site.

Continually having to either defend my religion from your nasty and undeserved insults or disprove the lies you post gets tiring.

To be honest, you lost your credibility here a long time ago.