More Jewish Holocast Attrocities

Originally posted by Tathagata
ahhhh the third stooge has arrived

Thank you you bastard, I will have to clean the water spew off of the screen for that
catfish said:
Ok, lets say for a moment that this is correct, that their is a huge conspiracy among the US, Russia, Jews, Poles, Germans,( all under the svengali like spell of the Zionists) Why the conspiracy? Why would the allies, after the war is over, promote this gassing lie? Why didn't they use this propaganda effectively during the war? Sure, there were stories trickling out of Europe, but if this was made up of whole cloth by the Zionists and the Allies, why not use it earlier in the war? Why would the 4 people I have known personally that were in the camps, lie to me about the gas chambers and the murder? Was the little old lady from the Sudetenland who lived next door to me part of the conspiracy? The deaths of her mother, 2 brothers and grandparents were just an accident at Dachau, so she made up the gas chambers to make the story more entertaining? The vast majority of historical work on this subject is false and respected historians and academics are lying or are they too under the spell of the Zionist enslaver?

Frankly, I can't see a conspiracy of this magnitude being possible, and in this specific case there is way too much evidence of the camps, the gassing, the wholesale murder(under the direction of the Nazi Government) of jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally and physically handicapped people and other "undesirables".

Please, save your holier than thou attitude for somebody who actually gives a shit. You try to portray yourself as someone who is searching for the truth, who is open minded, when in fact, you are a closed minded anti semite. You parade "news articles" and "research" from, at best, sites of questionable reputation to justify your hatred of the Jews.

Actually Woody, you remind me of the white people I knew growing up in Alabama who justified keeping blacks as second class citizens. They could always come up with some "scientific" study to prove whites were smarter/better/cleaner ect than blacks were and they could always dig up some "expert" to back up the claim. I suppose we haven't cornered the market on racists and people filled with hate.

Nice move to smear me and try and put others words in my mouth but I am quite happy to stand behind anything I have written myself.

All that Holocaust denial stuff is not in my writings and it is dirty pool to suggest it is so try your offended outburst on someone else it may relate to.

If you dont want to clarify the truth, fine, that is a mind block of your own making , that others will continue to question.

This anti semitism lark is a bit hard for me to understand when the playing field for knowledge is hardly level and that any site that doesnt satisy the WJC confidence test is automatically a bunch of antisemitic haters.
I may remind you in all this is that it is not the non Jews with the hangup about being superior here and if you are seeking racism, it is clearly defined in the tenets of the Talmud, Mr Kettle.
Originally posted by woody54
Nice move to smear me and try and put others words in my mouth but I am quite happy to stand behind anything I have written myself.

All that Holocaust denial stuff is not in my writings and it is dirty pool to suggest it is so try your offended outburst on someone else it may relate to.

If you dont want to clarify the truth, fine, that is a mind block of your own making , that others will continue to question.

This anti semitism lark is a bit hard for me to understand when the playing field for knowledge is hardly level and that any site that doesnt satisy the WJC confidence test is automatically a bunch of antisemitic haters.
I may remind you in all this is that it is not the non Jews with the hangup about being superior here and if you are seeking racism, it is clearly defined in the tenets of the Talmud, Mr Kettle.

You stand by what you have written but not the links and c&p's you use to justify your positions?
zipman said:
Continually having to either defend my religion from your nasty and undeserved insults or disprove the lies you post gets tiring.


And therein lies your cross to bear, mate. Your bigotry denies you the ability to have an open discussion about your wider religious affiliations. Its not like I am giving you an internal examination, its only ideas.

You reduce evrything down to me, me, me as some victim of antisemitic assault.

I was talking about historical reality if you go back and look, not some attack on your religion. That is an issue of your making.

The influence of religion is at the level of the WJC and Zionism and your opinion is an irrelelevance at that level.

You have seldom proven any case I have discussed with you except to spout more and more rhetoric as reality. That may be proof positive in your world but it doesnt work in the real world.
catfish said:
You stand by what you have written but not the links and c&p's you use to justify your positions?

Generally the links and C & Ps support a point I make but I would be foolish to assert I stand behind everything someone else has written.
Each idea has to stand on its own merits.
From today's Guardian...

Why Auschwitz?

"What about the five other death camps specially constructed by the Germans in occupied Poland - Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Chelmno? Many people have never heard of them. How is this possible?

The short answer is that what most people know about the Holocaust derives to a great extent from survivors. It is absolutely right that we listen to their voices, out of respect for the dead and out of concern for the suffering of those who managed to live through it all. Auschwitz had 40 sub-camps, constituting one vast prisoner universe of slave labourers; the largest of these, at Birkenau, was alongside the gas chambers. It meant that if, on arrival, a deportee was sent to an Auschwitz labour camp, rather than to the gas chambers, there was a possibility that he or she could end up surviving the war. At Belzec, in contrast, there was no labour camp. About half a million Jews were murdered there, on a piece of land not much larger than three or four football pitches; fewer than 10 people are known to have survived. More than double that number were murdered in Auschwitz, but many tens of thousands managed to survive through being assigned to one of the labour camps. Auschwitz survivors were thus numerous enough to ensure their story was told to the world. Many Auschwitz survivors are still alive today (about 150 of them in Britain alone) - whereas from Belzec we have just two testimonies, and those two survivors are long since dead. No wonder so few people have heard of Belzec."


"We will never know the exact number of the victims in each of these stages and settings of the genocide, mainly because the historical records are incomplete. We owe it both to the historians and to the survivors, each in their different ways, for our detailed knowledge. But when the generation of survivors slowly comes to an end, we will still have our film-makers and other artists, among many others, to fill out our understanding."

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woody54 said:
And therein lies your cross to bear, mate. Your bigotry denies you the ability to have an open discussion about your wider religious affiliations. Its not like I am giving you an internal examination, its only ideas.

You reduce evrything down to me, me, me as some victim of antisemitic assault.

I was talking about historical reality if you go back and look, not some attack on your religion. That is an issue of your making.

The influence of religion is at the level of the WJC and Zionism and your opinion is an irrelelevance at that level.

You have seldom proven any case I have discussed with you except to spout more and more rhetoric as reality. That may be proof positive in your world but it doesnt work in the real world.

LOL, I love the way you accuse others of bigotry when it's your own bigotry that is the issue.

You haven't attacked my religion? How about the continual posts on the Talmud and Judaism that you make. Look up, you just made one in your post to Catfish less than 13 minutes ago.

You smear a document that you have never even read based on the little hate sites you frequent so often.

LOL ah yes, the old zionism world conspiracy that you've become so fond of. Really, it makes a lot of sense that 1% of the world's population who are Jewish manage to control the world. LMAO! You're such a fool.

And you're full of shit too. I've refuted your claims time and time again here. Who is the one that starts thread after thread on the subject? It's you idiots who constantly trot out the same old bullshit that has no scientific or historical basis and yet you accuse me of bigotry?

I don't blame you for not wanting to look in the mirror woody, because it is an ugly person who would be looking back at you.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Let's hope the Maori kick out the sleazy European invaders like Woody.

Judging by the ugly little racist, Kiwi land needs cleansed.

New Zealand is being re-ethnicised right now with an Asian invasion.

When they have finished here,they will sweep through Europe and the Americas too as they take control of the world in near future.
Better book in for that slitty eye op, Hanns. Forget the Arabs, thats old skool.
zipman said:
LOL, I love the way you accuse others of bigotry when it's your own bigotry that is the issue.

You haven't attacked my religion? How about the continual posts on the Talmud and Judaism that you make. Look up, you just made one in your post to Catfish less than 13 minutes ago.

You smear a document that you have never even read based on the little hate sites you frequent so often.

LOL ah yes, the old zionism world conspiracy that you've become so fond of. Really, it makes a lot of sense that 1% of the world's population who are Jewish manage to control the world. LMAO! You're such a fool.

And you're full of shit too. I've refuted your claims time and time again here. Who is the one that starts thread after thread on the subject? It's you idiots who constantly trot out the same old bullshit that has no scientific or historical basis and yet you accuse me of bigotry?

I don't blame you for not wanting to look in the mirror woody, because it is an ugly person who would be looking back at you.

Diversion is a standard tactic of your and discussions always degenerate to me, me , me and my religion.

I dont claim Jews control the world, but they exert inflience way beyond their demographics.

Catfish is a case of the Pot calling the Kettle black too.
woody54 said:
Diversion is a standard tactic of your and discussions always degenerate to me, me , me and my religion.

I dont claim Jews control the world, but they exert inflience way beyond their demographics.

Catfish is a case of the Pot calling the Kettle black too.

Yeah, it's everyone else, not you!
You know, I was having lunch with some guys from NBC, so I said, 'Did you eat yet or what?' And Tom Christie said, 'No, JEW?' Not 'Did you?'...JEW eat? JEW? You get it? JEW eat?
zipman said:
Yeah, it's everyone else, not you!

I have opinions just the same as you do and we have to accept that we see things through different eyes.

We each have what the other would portray as bigotries but I consider mine more secular.
Tathagata said:
You know, I was having lunch with some guys from NBC, so I said, 'Did you eat yet or what?' And Tom Christie said, 'No, JEW?' Not 'Did you?'...JEW eat? JEW? You get it? JEW eat?

And this relates to the Holocaust how?
woody54 said:
I have opinions just the same as you do and we have to accept that we see things through different eyes.

We each have what the other would portray as bigotries but I consider mine more secular.

LOL, don't even think for a moment that I'm going to let you drag me down to your bigoted and prejudiced level. I've never made a single racist comment here or espoused a prejudiced view on anything.

The irony of your posts is that you view yourself as having secular bigotry when in reality your prejudice is based on religion.

It's also rather ironic that you claim to want discussion, and yet anyone who disagrees with you is blinded by religion if they are Jewish or blinded by the zionist controlled news media if they're not Jewish.

Basically, you've set up your own little world and anyone who doesn't agree with you (which is the majority of posters here) you write off as being blind.

Keep trying to convince yourself that it's everyone else woody, it only makes your glaring hypicrisy that much easier to see.
zipman said:
The irony of your posts is that you view yourself as having secular bigotry when in reality your prejudice is based on religion.

It's also rather ironic that you claim to want discussion, and yet anyone who disagrees with you is blinded by religion if they are Jewish or blinded by the zionist controlled news media if they're not Jewish.

Basically, you've set up your own little world and anyone who doesn't agree with you (which is the majority of posters here) you write off as being blind.

Keep trying to convince yourself that it's everyone else woody, it only makes your glaring hypicrisy that much easier to see.
And that pretty much sums up old woody54.

Spot on analysis. :D
Wow... listening to Zitman one could be convinced into believing anything short of licking Israel's boots is anti-semitism...
LovingTongue said:
Wow... listening to Zitman one could be convinced into believing anything short of licking Israel's boots is anti-semitism...

I see you still have nothing intelligent to add to a conversation.

It's good to know some things never change.
zipman said:
I see you still have nothing intelligent to add to a conversation.

It's good to know some things never change.

Hey Woody and LT. just comming out are the actual figures on the mass graves found in Iraq that supposedly had 300,000 to 400,000 has now dwindled down to 5,000 +0r-. Looks like bush learned the art of exaggeration well from people in his misadmin like wofloWITZ, feith, perle etc et al. Exaggeration has long been a popular means of getting either public uproar or good press on something. Look at the body counts in Nam how they were exaggerated by commander wanting good reports...Hey they even counted dead animals in the body count as human. Just so they could say many dead enemies..never knew we were fighting water buafflos. You have to expect soem people to believe exaggerated figures..afterall they are the ones that make them...