Morris dance?

Me, too

When I was fourteen, I told a man in his thirties that I wished I was twenty years older. Guess what?
Not exactly. We're still together.

I'd been in love with him since I was about eight years old.


Svenskaflicka said:
Either this is shocking or romantic, I haven't decided yet...;)

Sounds Romantic to me, but what the f**k would I know I'm a bloke for Christs sake.

Actually Romance is my middle name, never forgiven my parents for that, hehe!!
There are worse names, Pop!

In a classic Norwegian comedy, a man was telling about a friend of his, who had married a Japanese woman. Her name meant "Radiant Flower From Heavenly Heights". The man felt very sorry for his poor friend, and imagined what kind of conversations they must have:

"Radiant-Flower-From-Heavenly-Heights, what's for dinner?"

Svenskaflicka said:
There are worse names, Pop!

In a classic Norwegian comedy, a man was telling about a friend of his, who had married a Japanese woman. Her name meant "Radiant Flower From Heavenly Heights". The man felt very sorry for his poor friend, and imagined what kind of conversations they must have:

"Radiant-Flower-From-Heavenly-Heights, what's for dinner?"

I can think of worse scenario's, but the Norsk folks are too straight laced to think of such things, hehe!!

"Ohhhhhh Radiant-Flower-From-Heavenly-Heights, Ohh God I'm Cumming, shit too late I'm finished now.

Por favor

Dear Svenska,
Please bring back the blonde. That AV looks like a 'Sven.'
Damn morris dancers are harder to keep down than Lazarus.
Ps. )_(&*&^$!! I just bumped it again. Sorry.
When I was about six or seven I went to a village fete in East Anglia. While the morris men were dancing a couple of drunk airmen from the nearby american airbase started taking the piss and prancing round the morris dancers. Still skipping merrily away to the tune of floral dance the morris men turned and beat the shit out of the two guys with those lumps of wood they bash together. It was like that Rodney King video but with bells. I've been wary of morris men ever since.
android1966 said:
When I was about six or seven I went to a village fete in East Anglia. While the morris men were dancing a couple of drunk airmen from the nearby american airbase started taking the piss and prancing round the morris dancers. Still skipping merrily away to the tune of floral dance the morris men turned and beat the shit out of the two guys with those lumps of wood they bash together. It was like that Rodney King video but with bells. I've been wary of morris men ever since.

Hehehe! I love that story, thanks for making me chuckle.

They always freaked me out when I was little. They are a little insane, to say the least. Morris dancers: the evil bastards of the countryside. :D

Lou :kiss:
This gets curioser and curioser. I want to know if Morris dancers are a southern or northern phenomenon or are you all daft?

Perdita :rolleyes:
perdita said:
This gets curioser and curioser. I want to know if Morris dancers are a southern or northern phenomenon or are you all daft?

Perdita :rolleyes:

Sadly, Morris Dancing is a southern thing. I am ashamed of my forefathers.

If you want to know what one of them has to say on the subject, here's a link to a BBC news article: Confessions of a morris dancer It's a compulsive read, if a little disturbing.

Dying of embarrassment, on behalf of my heritage,

Loulou :eek:
I can't believe I started this whole damn thread by asking a simple question months ago.
Tatelou said:
Sadly, Morris Dancing is a southern thing. I am ashamed of my forefathers.
Dying of embarrassment, on behalf of my heritage,
Oh, Loulou, I certainly won't hold it against "you".

Mr. Pipe says Morris dancing helps do away with "all that tosh about the English being stuffy and inhibited". Well, I'd simply recommend people read the UK posters on Lit.; much more fun and pleasant than the Morris wankers.

empathetically, Purrditta
perdita said:
Oh, Loulou, I certainly won't hold it against "you".

Mr. Pipe says Morris dancing helps do away with "all that tosh about the English being stuffy and inhibited". Well, I'd simply recommend people read the UK posters on Lit.; much more fun and pleasant than the Morris wankers.

empathetically, Purrditta

Mr Pipe wouldn't know a good time if it grabbed his stick with bells on and shoved it up his... nose! :p

Thank you, for your consolatory words.

Loulou :kiss:
Caling Bournemouth...


it's a long time since I was ever in Bournemouth, but is there still a bar called The Bourne? They had live music when I was there. The pianist was as strange as a nine-bob note but as my wife said, 'he has a great left hand'.


PS: Just to get away from Morris dancers...
Re: Caling Bournemouth...

Alex De Kok said:

it's a long time since I was ever in Bournemouth, but is there still a bar called The Bourne? They had live music when I was there. The pianist was as strange as a nine-bob note but as my wife said, 'he has a great left hand'.


PS: Just to get away from Morris dancers...

I don't recall the name, but there are a plethora of pubs, clubs and bars in and around Bournemouth. I've lived here all my life, but still have to visit many of them. I might have to do a little local research, and see if I can track down this place. That pianist sounds, erm, intriguing. Of course, it is possible that he's pushing up the daises now. :eek:

You don't mean 'The Branksome' do you? That's a gay bar, and I guess the pianist in there (if they have one) is rather exuberant.

Loulou :kiss:
This whole thing started when I was reading "Lords and Ladies" by Terry Pratchett. There was morris dancing in the book, and I didn't know what it was. Did I ever get answers!
Ps. For the Brits: There was also a "Stick and Bucket" dance in that book. It had been outlawed because of injuries. Is that something Pratchett just made up?
Pps. Tom's your sister