
SlickTony said:
My mother and I get along beautifully as long as we don't pass much more than 10 days under the same roof.

Heehee. Ain't it the truth.

My mom is famous as a fast-talker. She cannot stop talking; she is hungry to talk, the way some people are hungry for food. I think one reason she never gains weight despite her love of desserts is that she burns more calories telling you about her day at the doctor's office than most people burn at the gym.

After about 4 days of this on a typical visit, there is inevitably a moment when I'm in the bathroom with the door closed, running a bath, and she is outside the door telling me the latest family gossip.

Here is the image: me, still fully clothed, sitting on the closed toilet lid, with my head buried in my hands, whimpering softly and reminding myself, "she is old and fragile; be nice."

Mom (speaking loudly to be heard over the running water:

"...and did I tell you that Joanne called? You remember Joanne, right? She was married to your daddy's cousin Jack? The one who was in a wheel chair after the car accident? Speaking of car accidents, I cut out an article from the newspaper that you need to read and i left it in the guest room. You should read it. I don't take the paper during the week anymore, only on Sundays for the coupons, and even then I hardly ever have time to read the whole thing. And there's nothing in it but bad news anyway! All this war and killing! Anyway, I remember the day we found out Jack had had that wreck - It was in 1976...No, wait. It was in 1979, because they were still living in Ashville...No, no, I was right the first time. It was 1976. They aren't the ones who lived in Ashville, that was your Uncle Elmer and Aunt Betty. Does Karen still live in Ashville? She was the nicest girl, I always liked her. Do you still keep in touch with Karen?"
ella, I was right there in the bathroom with you; that was so spot on. I have such a fear I will become like that, though I can't imagine it. Maybe when the time comes I will tell my sons all about the people I met on the AH :) .

perdita said:
ella, I was right there in the bathroom with you; that was so spot on. I have such a fear I will become like that, though I can't imagine it. Maybe when the time comes I will tell my sons all about the people I met on the AH :) .


As long as one of them isn't with the Justice Department, feel free. :D

When my mom is ill, I always find myself wishing I hadn't closed that bathroom door. Let her talk. It's not easy though, is it.

Strangely enough, I've learned that the easiest way to spend time with my talkaholic mom is taking her on a car trip. My eyes are on the road, she's talking away and happy to have a rapt audience, and I can daydream or think about a project at work; pretty much anything at all, as long as I keep enough presence of mind to say, "Really?" and "No, I didn't know that."


Makes her happy, keeps me quasi-sane.
shereads said:
As long as one of them isn't with the Justice Department, feel free. :D

When my mom is ill, I always find myself wishing I hadn't closed that bathroom door. Let her talk. It's not easy though, is it.

Strangely enough, I've learned that the easiest way to spend time with my talkaholic mom is taking her on a car trip. My eyes are on the road, she's talking away and happy to have a rapt audience, and I can daydream or think about a project at work; pretty much anything at all, as long as I keep enough presence of mind to say, "Really?" and "No, I didn't know that."


Makes her happy, keeps me quasi-sane.

That's what I do every Sunday, Sher. My mom & I go to visit my grandmother and, like everywhere else in Phoenix, it's a half hour drive each way. More usually since we detour about 8 miles out of our way for coffee. I drive and she talks. It works well.

Originally posted by SlickTony
My mother and I get along beautifully as long as we don't pass much more than 10 days under the same roof.

my mother and I are very close but if I have tio spend more than three days in a row in a living situation with her I'm ready to come to blows. Of course we don't (My mother is surprisingly agile for a woman in four inch heels.)