
champagne1982 said:
Hi Senna, Literotica and the Big Mailbox server parted ways about 3 or 4 months ago. I went to check it and found the notice it was shutting down. I had seen some notices on the Lit index and home pages though. I think you were on one of your "away from Literotica" stages then.

Anyway, I'm sorry you lost your mail account. I hope there wasn't anything important kept there.
Dust to dust. It's not the first time that I lost things because of my care free (read careless) attitude and because that's how the things are with computers, as wonderful as they are (in proper hands :)). Thank you Ch82 for telling me.

best regards,

Senna Jawa
champagne1982 said:
Hi Senna, Literotica and the Big Mailbox server parted ways about 3 or 4 months ago. I went to check it and found the notice it was shutting down. I had seen some notices on the Lit index and home pages though. I think you were on one of your "away from Literotica" stages then.

Anyway, I'm sorry you lost your mail account. I hope there wasn't anything important kept there.
Dust to dust. It's not the first time that I lost things because of my care free (read careless) attitude and because that's how the things are with computers, as wonderful as they are (in proper hands :)). Thank you Ch82 for telling me.

Best regards,

Senna Jawa
Senna Jawa said:
Best regards,
Sorry for the double posting the same text but for one letter: "B" versus "b". I am too fast for computers. I managed to correct "b" after hitting "Submit Reply", and the system got confused and bewildered.
Maria2394 said:
I am not really afraid. Thats not it. Just so many educated people here and I dont write as an academic person. I put something down and read it.

I get a feel for how I think the words should go, and then work on it till they are in what I consider the right place. And I do go back and work on my poetry. I dont just "puke on the page" and expect people to love it.

I think what I am trying to say is that I respect my work more than I believe in my own intelligence. Those who have called me stupid have indeed hit on my greatest fear, that I am not really intelligent enough to share company with the gifted people here.

So, I do admit that insecurity. I try to always be honest. and actually, Julie, well, I just inhabit her body, I dont really know who the hell I am anymore...

I know I will never be an Anna or Pat or Angeline or zWicked Eve, or 1201 or Tristess, or DH or Chgampagne1982 or SaraCrew, or or or and the list goes on and on and I kKNOW I left out some marvelous people, that deosnt mean I dont repect them and read them, I just blew my short term memory years ago, lol.

and Tess you certainly do have wonderful poetry. I have enjoyed so much of your work, especially your nature poems and your observations about the sea and human nature.

I want to learn, but what I DO fear is not being able to explain WHY I did it the way I did it. I am not worried about my poetry standing up to criticism because I never was in the state of mind that it was ever good poetry and most certainly never consider my work finished.

I read Walt Whitman a good deal and he had the tendency to go back for years and edit his work. I hope i give up on my work before I let it consume me for years, but it occupies me and entertains some people and that is good enough for me


Kindred spirits ... me thinks :eek:

~ 's all I'm saying on this subject, lol ~

:rose: for Maria
Maria2394 said:
T- thats a good idea. I am willing to post apoem to be "ripped". Umm, Senna, did you wanna do that here?
Maria, first of all thank you for your email.

Yes, I think that this particular poem is especially good to discuss on the forum due to its simple, clear cut compositions. It will allow us to concentrate on some two-three issues without being distracted by having to deal with too many of them. I'd suggest that you create for it a special thread.

Best regards,

Wlodek (Senna Jawa, guru ji :))
Maria2394 said:
I am not really afraid. Thats not it. Just so many educated people here and I dont write as an academic person. I put something down and read it.

I get a feel for how I think the words should go, and then work on it till they are in what I consider the right place. And I do go back and work on my poetry. I dont just "puke on the page" and expect people to love it.

I think what I am trying to say is that I respect my work more than I believe in my own intelligence. Those who have called me stupid have indeed hit on my greatest fear, that I am not really intelligent enough to share company with the gifted people here.

So, I do admit that insecurity. I try to always be honest. and actually, Julie, well, I just inhabit her body, I dont really know who the hell I am anymore...

I know I will never be an Anna or Pat or Angeline or zWicked Eve, or 1201 or Tristess, or DH or Chgampagne1982 or SaraCrew, or or or and the list goes on and on and I kKNOW I left out some marvelous people, that deosnt mean I dont repect them and read them, I just blew my short term memory years ago, lol.

and Tess you certainly do have wonderful poetry. I have enjoyed so much of your work, especially your nature poems and your observations about the sea and human nature.

I want to learn, but what I DO fear is not being able to explain WHY I did it the way I did it. I am not worried about my poetry standing up to criticism because I never was in the state of mind that it was ever good poetry and most certainly never consider my work finished.

I read Walt Whitman a good deal and he had the tendency to go back for years and edit his work. I hope i give up on my work before I let it consume me for years, but it occupies me and entertains some people and that is good enough for me


Oh horseshit, I related one story about what 1201 said about your work. Get over your fear. Your reasons of why you did something may be valid, he used that one poem as an example of something that would be perceived as wrong, but he viewed as "just right". So you join Eliot, Robert Browning , Dickinson as people perceived as doing it wrong.
Since you invoked "Grand Master Wrongness", he always insisted that [I]nobody ever really knows what the fuck they are looking at.[/I]You assign values to a set of varibles, both as writer and as reader. Quite open ended. Discussion sharpens your values.
Senna Jawa said:
Muscles appear in pairs: a muscle and a counter-muscle. Also the police in the US is trained to press at the hand gun with both hands, in the opposite directions, one hand against another.

I'd like to suggest that we follow that same wisdom. According to this forum custom there are threads (muscles) where one is supposed to praise only. The new poems thread is an example. But then we should have a parallel counter-thread (counter-muscle), where the same poems can be viewed also critically. In my opinion it would be to a great advantage of the participants. Indeed, every time I read accolades only I feel that an excellent chance of learning something about poetry is wasted. When a poem is mentioned then at least that one person is motivated in analyzing such a poem. Together with the critic and the author that's already 3 people, which is 2 more than on average. Worse than that, when false praising is unchallenged then it causes a considerable damage since, it reinforces bad poetic practice.

I don't want to start such a counter-thread myself but I would advocate creating it at least for the new poems, with the understanding that the usual object of critique will be the poems mentioned in the new poems thread (other poems would be introduced only for auxiliary purposes, to enhance the discussion of the poems from the new poems thread).

The main goal would be the discussion of various moments and elements of the given poems, and not any final evaluation on the 1-5 or 0%-100% scale. You know, those overall evaluations are the least important. A poem doesn't have to be discussed totally. It's enough to comment on just one or two issues, or on a detail. It's even better this way! Much better.


Senna Jawa

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Of course, it will have problems unless you, Rainman, Lauren Hyde, Decayed Angel and others that are knowlegdeable don't buy in.

But, then what do I know? Nothing. :kiss: off as received by too many people to list here.

I consider it an excellent idea. :rose:
MyNecroticSnail said:
Oh horseshit, I related one story about what 1201 said about your work. Get over your fear. Your reasons of why you did something may be valid, he used that one poem as an example of something that would be perceived as wrong, but he viewed as "just right". So you join Eliot, Robert Browning , Dickinson as people perceived as doing it wrong.
Since you invoked "Grand Master Wrongness", he always insisted that [I]nobody ever really knows what the fuck they are looking at.[/I]You assign values to a set of varibles, both as writer and as reader. Quite open ended. Discussion sharpens your values.

well, hello, Snail :)

OKay, I get over my fear. Thank you for being you. I know that no one person is "just right". No one poem is either. I do have a question for you however, who is GMW? I missed a few months ( of time here) when I was out of town working, and that is about to happen again.

Maria2394 said:
well, hello, Snail :)

OKay, I get over my fear. Thank you for being you. I know that no one person is "just right". No one poem is either. I do have a question for you however, who is GMW? I missed a few months ( of time here) when I was out of town working, and that is about to happen again.


I think that's every guy I dated in High School and College :eek:
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