My idea of the Perfect Dom...

as a matter of fact Lance

you are the 1 and ONLY person to complain to me about my SIG (TO MY FACE ANYWAYS) AND as for mine & Artful's relationship,since it IS a D/s ,LDR/LTR relationship ,,I do find it suitable to discuss in this forum and have others of my hobbies and other interests as you yourself suggested i do ,,i have also started many helpful threads ,,1 at the encouragement of Zipman 7 who now believes me to be nothing more than a 'FAKE' .. as if .. the point hee I am desperately trying to make is you dont gotta read my posts , no one is 'forcing you,,, you can waste your time and berate them ,ignore them ,make fun of then .. whatever ,it's really simply .. ALL YOUR CHOICE..:rolleyes:
P. B. Walker said:
I never thought I'd say this... but after reading "someone's" posts here and in other places... my will to live is just completely drained... Someone just come by after work and drag me out back by the woodpile so I don't stink up the office.

PBW "Can that sig possibly get any LONGER?"

Maybe Lance can find a website to make a suitable box for you, too!

No way,....

Who knows CPR?
I am certified and am particularly good at the mouth to mouth piece.

POINT taken Miss T

Re: POINT taken Miss T

Artful's dream said:


Seriously, anyone can ignore posts or threads they don't wish to visit. I do believe Lance was trying to make a helpful suggestion.

You are a special person and while BDSM can be very intensive, you are an individual away from artful. Please, feel free to share more of who you are, versus who you and He are together.

I do think that was the point some were trying to make. If I am wrong, I will join you on the BBQ spit!

For once I agree completely with Lance

Maybe that is why so many have left?
Re: as a matter of fact Lance

Artful's dream said:
you are the 1 and ONLY person to complain to me about my SIG (TO MY FACE ANYWAYS) AND as for mine & Artful's relationship,since it IS a D/s ,LDR/LTR relationship ,,I do find it suitable to discuss in this forum and have others of my hobbies and other interests as you yourself suggested i do ,,i have also started many helpful threads ,,1 at the encouragement of Zipman 7 who now believes me to be nothing more than a 'FAKE' .. as if .. the point hee I am desperately trying to make is you dont gotta read my posts , no one is 'forcing you,,, you can waste your time and berate them ,ignore them ,make fun of then .. whatever ,it's really simply .. ALL YOUR CHOICE..:rolleyes:

First you complain to me that I made public comments about you. Then, when I respond via pm you innacurately post my comments on the board. I said that you were manipulative. I only implied that you were a fake. I said "the only thing that you have learned on this board was how to talk a good game."

As far as starting threads, yes, I did try and encourage you and provide you with some helpful advice. I told you exactly what Lance and MissT did. Try and talk about yourself and don't spend EVERY SINGLE POST discussing Artful. Now take a look at your initial post on this thread. You don't discuss why these things are important, you just point out that Artful does all of these things.

I stand by every post that I have made and every single thing I wrote in my pm to you.
I have no need to come here as anyone but myself to speak.

Dream, I know there has got to be someone whose opinion you value. It seems as soon as someone does point out to you areas where improvement might be a good thing, you get defensive and discard them as friends and their opinions as jealousy, or ridicule or some other silly thing.

Ebonyfire, and now Lance are good examples of that. These are two people who had/have your best interests at heart and you come back with juvenile comments to their attempts to help you. I have many times agreed with Lance and almost always agree with Eb. They both have tried to be gentle with you when they have posted suggestions.

I am not sure there is anyway to change your outlook. That of course, is stirctly up to you and the reason I have refrained from touching this topic until now. But seeing how gently Lance attempted to make suggestions and how you spurned them, gave me pause to react here.

I wish you the best.
is everyone having fun yet?/

i know I am not.. there is such a thing as constructive criticism and then there is plain out distorting what I say ,period ,I publicly apologized to TO YOUR friend Eb ,Rose and then lo and BEhold it WAS NOT gentle at all of Lance to 'insinuate because I typed I and Master that it Meant that I put myself Before my Master ,thats is just plain mean and false.. this thread was intended as a way of me showing and encouraging my Master that to me ,HE HAS ALL THE QUALITIES THAT WERE IN THE ORIGINAL POSTER(ie,Spankabelle's) post.. My decision ,,,my thread ,period,,as per the title MY idea of a perfect Dom>MINE did I say others could NOT post their opinions or views ? nope sure didnt.. I didnt understand that OTHER people get to DICTATE to me how to run my own thread , my bad! sorry....

My intention was to start a thread in THIS forum so My Master could read it and maybe other submissives might take note and see those same qualities in their Dom /mes geez I know I know it's all just Bull**** to Some of you and ya know what? THATS your OPINION dont mean it';s right , dont mean it's wrong...period You are entitiled to it as I am to mine but for you to say this is "GENTLE" treatment ??? pleeeze!! give me a break .. i guess THAT is indeed in the eye of the "beholder ' now .isnt it? I will respect those that treat me with respect ,period ,it is EARNED NOT freely given by me.. I do apologize for any abusive language ,lies, manipulation or ANYTHING else I stand accused of .. GUILTY as charged!! Now what? anyone got a noose???

My realtionship with Artful is REAL and there is NOTHING any of you will do or say to me ,to change that FACT PERIOD

Obviously, by taking a poke at your sig line I have caused a hijacking of your thread entitled "My idea of the Perfect Dom".

My apologies.

Please return to talking about your pefect Dom, folks. To get things back on track, feel free to talk about my many and sundry imperfections.




Breathe deeply.

First, regarding Lance's posts: you KNOW he can be rather scathing and sarcastic when he choses to be. He chose not to be and was offering constructive criticism. You have been around here long enough to know.

Secondly, it is your thread from the point of view that you started it. You don't own it, you don't dictate where it goes. Anytime we start a thread, we stand the risk of hijacking, going off topic or opening ourselves to criticism and judgement. This is smoething else you ahve seen over and over on every forum in the board. Open discussion means that others may discuss at will. I have had many threads blow up or disappoint me. Oh well. I won't post it if I am not ready for all the possible ramifications.

Thirdly: The qualities that Belle speaks of are wonderful qualities and we would all hope to find them in our parntner. I am glad you feel you have that with Artful. Knowing him as I do, he is someone I respect and admire. But, looking for perfection is going to get you or anyone hurt. (Been there, done that.) He may leave his dirty socks on top of your clean lingerie. He may come home tired and complain about dinner. Artful and everyone here is human first. No one is going to fit the bill all the time. That is what I meant by my "Nobody's perfect" spiel.

Many have a very romanticized view of BDSM, and forget we are all just people. People with moods, bad habits, lousy qualities and differing views. The work is in dealing with all the humaness and finding something lasting. The work doesn't happen when we look at our relationship through rose colored glasses. I don't know if that is what you are doing. This forum really only provides room for an iota of who we are and where we are coming from, but for others reading and hoping to learn....Don't forget to use some reality based thinking when considering a long term lasting relationship, any relationship.

Lastly: the issue of sharing your personal relationship on the board is your choice and yours alone. It is other poster's choice how they will respond to it. If they don't like your thread, they chose whether or not to respond. When they respond in a way you find distasteful, you can chose to ignore them. Post at will, but understand that a thread or post is wide open for discussion of any type. Don't let it get to you. It is the internet, a forum. It isn't a Sunday going to meeting service.

There are no flames here. We have all seen much worse over far less benevolent threads and posts.

Hmm time to pass around the hot toddies and relax all.

I forgot to mention in my last post...

sometimes it is the imperfections that make a relationship work, that I find endearing in someone. stuff!

Lancecastor said:

Please return to talking about your pefect Dom, folks. To get things back on track, feel free to talk about my many and sundry imperfections.



Lancecastor said:
I don't expect you to change, Dream.

Just to consider the point of view that your sig preferences are seen as silly and selfish and thereby devalue your posts.


Silly? Yeah, but that's personally what I like about this lady's sigs. I prefer the word "cute" to describe them, actually. (shrug) Maybe you have to be a girl or have a certain type of humor to appreciate them.

Selllllfish? Now that is one to ponder. And I have been and I can't see it. Is she taking up some rare or limited resource with her sig that others therefore have less of? I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong. In what other way could she possibly be acting selfish with her sig? Does it have something to do with Dream claiming Artful as someone she's in a relationship with? Do you want Artful instead or wish she would share him a little (now I'm getting ridiculous, but I am having real trouble with seeing this selfish-sig business. So enlighten me, OK?)

i wear thongs myself ..

andI believe i already apologized till I am blue in the face so enuf of that and nobody is REALLY perfect i'M not dumb enuf to really believe that ,esp not me or Artful ,,so it's just my IDEA of it that started the thread now wasnt it> he's CLOSE ENOUGH TO PERFECT FOR DREAM ,period nuff said drinks are on the house!!
dang Miss T..

Thats one of My favorite drinks also! and can I ever get smashed on them!!whoo hoo!:D
UCE said:

Selllllfish? So enlighten me, OK?

Enlightenment as requested.


Not thinking and/or caring about how her giant graphics typically account for far more space than her messages.

Not considering or caring how her giant graphics increase loading time per page and chew up bandwidth on every page one of her posts is on, whether we are on that page to read her post or not.

Amongst internet users, that's considered selfish.

See the Electronic Frontier Foundation button at the top left of every page on Lit for more information and enlightenment.
First of all, we are supposed to be discussing BDSM topics. If the graphics to not add to the topic at hand, and if the the signatures are overly long, it takes away from the true purpose of the thread. True purpose of My threads are to exhange information to the people who are here to get it.


UCE said:

Silly? Yeah, but that's personally what I like about this lady's sigs. I prefer the word "cute" to describe them, actually. (shrug) Maybe you have to be a girl or have a certain type of humor to appreciate them.

Selllllfish? Now that is one to ponder. And I have been and I can't see it. Is she taking up some rare or limited resource with her sig that others therefore have less of? I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong. In what other way could she possibly be acting selfish with her sig? Does it have something to do with Dream claiming Artful as someone she's in a relationship with? Do you want Artful instead or wish she would share him a little (now I'm getting ridiculous, but I am having real trouble with seeing this selfish-sig business. So enlighten me, OK?)

Ebonyfire said:
First of all, we are supposed to be discussing BDSM topics. If the graphics to not add to the topic at hand, and if the the signatures are overly long, it takes away from the true purpose of the thread. True purpose of My threads are to exhange information to the people who are here to get it.



I am sorry you act as if the sigs are only seen here in the bdsm. No one says that you can only talk in the bdsm talk thread so the sig should be able to be what ever shows us as a person. Not everyone has every facet of there life as bdsm.

I am sorry there is nothing wrong with Dreams Sig.

Maybe there is jealousy maybe there isnt but I think people are picking on Dream more than they give themselves credit for.

She has tried to change and She tried to follow what your Thread was about and you just ignored her. She can only ask about her relationship do you expect others to ask questions about things that have no meaning to them. They ask about there relationship. You seem to take offense because you know them both and i am sorry that shouldnt make any question less valuable.

Sorry if this sounded disrespectful to anyone but i have been doing alot of reading and have seen nothing but disrespect towards others and they blame the one being disrespected for doing the disrespecting.

Ghost's amaris
How does the ignore feature work, so we can get back to the topic of this thread and not allow others to hijack this thread?.......I see that as the only option to ending this incessant goofiness.
another view...

I don't know what the person that used the word selfish had in mind, but I can offer something here on the sig business.

Dream, I am NOT trying to insult you here or tell you how you should be, I respect that you love to show your admiration of your master and the cute graphics fit your personality...however, this thread has prompted me to share another view on why your signature may not be well received, despite its good intentions.

I get migraines really easily...and they put me out for days at a time sometimes. I love to read forums and spend a lot of time on the computer, but have to be careful about triggering headaches. I used to read your posts, but now I find myself skipping over them for a number of reasons...the biggest one being the new additions to the sig. The large, bright graphics and flashing colours give me an instant headache.

Another is your style of CAPPING a lot of words to emphasize them, and putting spaces (or not putting spaces) and comma's in inappropriate places in your sentances. It's really hard to read your posts and understand your points when the flow is broken up like that or there are not many paragraphs. I can't just read, I have to really *focus*. And in my case, it gives me a headache...

So now I often just skip over them, even though I find some of your thoughts fun and outgoing to read.

It's in no way an insult to you, but sometimes the choices we make DO affect others in various ways, ones we are not always aware of. I won't ask you to change anything about your posting style or your signature because I have no right to do so, but I thought I'd share another view to it since the subject came up.

Hope you don't take offense, and good luck in your relationship :)