My idea of the Perfect Dom...

Ghost's amaris said:


I am sorry you act as if the sigs are only seen here in the bdsm. No one says that you can only talk in the bdsm talk thread so the sig should be able to be what ever shows us as a person. Not everyone has every facet of there life as bdsm.

I am sorry there is nothing wrong with Dreams Sig.

Maybe there is jealousy maybe there isnt but I think people are picking on Dream more than they give themselves credit for.

She has tried to change and She tried to follow what your Thread was about and you just ignored her. She can only ask about her relationship do you expect others to ask questions about things that have no meaning to them. They ask about there relationship. You seem to take offense because you know them both and i am sorry that shouldnt make any question less valuable.

Sorry if this sounded disrespectful to anyone but i have been doing alot of reading and have seen nothing but disrespect towards others and they blame the one being disrespected for doing the disrespecting.

Ghost's amaris

With all do respect amaris,

You have just gotten here, and you do not know me and what I have had to put up with. So butt out.

Ebonyfire said:

With all do respect amaris,

You have just gotten here, and you do not know me and what I have had to put up with. So butt out. If it does not involve you, then please do not take sides.

MissTaken said:
That is good news from both of you, as long as it is what makes you happy.

Now, I feel a need to remind you both.

Nobody IS perfect Doms, no perfect subs.

Communication, patience and communication are key in any BDSM relationship, any relationship at all, actually.

Keep those communication lines open.
Dont' play games.
And when it gets real tough, do what you need to do to get through the next day as long as it is done with respect and openess.

Sometimes, a prayer here or there works too.

You left one out......

"Safe, Sane, and Consensual...It's the Only Way, Folks!"
Ghost's amaris said:
I am sorry you act as if the sigs are only seen here in the bdsm. No one says that you can only talk in the bdsm talk thread so the sig should be able to be what ever shows us as a person. Not everyone has every facet of there life as bdsm.

In case you have forgotten, the name of this forum is the BDSM Forum, and sorry or not, page long, one not signatures line are excessive.

I am sorry there is nothing wrong with Dreams Sig.

You are entitled to your opinion.

Maybe there is jealousy maybe there isnt but I think people are picking on Dream more than they give themselves credit for.

Again that is your opinion. Now if you would enlighten me just what is anyone here supposed to be jealous of? And as for picking on Dream. Are you saying that we should allow one person to hijack every thread for her own personal agenda?

She has tried to change and She tried to follow what your Thread was about and you just ignored her.

Are you telling me that I do not have the right to ignore a person who is clearly not asknig me a coherent question and/or is asking me a question that has nothing to do with the topic of my thread?

She can only ask about her relationship do you expect others to ask questions about things that have no meaning to them. They ask about there relationship. You seem to take offense because you know them both and i am sorry that shouldnt make any question less valuable.

I believe you are under trying to read my mind. You not know what I am doing or trying to do. If you want to know, ask me. Do not insult me or my intelligence by lecturing me about my thoughts.

Sorry if this sounded disrespectful to anyone but i have been doing alot of reading and have seen nothing but disrespect towards others and they blame the one being disrespected for doing the disrespecting.

Do you have a person in mind? If you are talking about me, then
again your are entitled to your opinion, but please try to base your opinion on fact and not mindreading.

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Ebonyfire said:

With all do respect amaris,

You have just gotten here, and you do not know me and what I have had to put up with. So butt out.

please feel FRRE to post at ANY thread and ESPECIALLY mine as you like ,ty:D should Not be told (disrespectfully ,in my honest opinion) ,to "butt out' of ANYTHING ..:)

The only person that will ever stop me from posting is Ghost and that is the only person that will ever have any control over me.

Enough said.

Lets get back to the topic at hand.

Dream i am very sorry that i hijacked your thread for a little while but i felt that really needed to be said.
My Perfect Master

Dream I completely agree that I look for those things in my Master and find them.

I look for those qualities because they are a sign of a strong, well manored, caring, and Loving person. I look for those qualities because that is someone that I will be able to submit to and trust to have my best intrest at heart along with his and ours.

To me those are very important things. I would have never been able to submit to anyone that where not those things and more.

I have a list in my head of things I look for, but that isnt the only thing in the world I look for. Those are basic things that I would have looked for in anyone i would have wanted to spend any length of time with for I want those qualities and always have.

That is my opinion mine alone and I own it and I will post it.

Ghost's amaris
you are Not the First hijacker hun

and ya sure WONT be the last but ty for being RESPECTFUL enough as LANCE also was to apologize for it .. so what are some qualities a "near perfect" lol Dom should have people? fess up..
Again Ghost, no one told you not to post. Do not go there, please. I have NO interest in controlling femsubs.

However, I would appreciate it if you would not defame me or others in your zeal to protect Dream.

I have not done anything to you or to Dream as she well knows.


Ghost's amaris said:

The only person that will ever stop me from posting is Ghost and that is the only person that will ever have any control over me.

Enough said.

Lets get back to the topic at hand.

Dream i am very sorry that i hijacked your thread for a little while but i felt that really needed to be said.
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My Perfect Master

Let me leave this one last note.

My perfect Master is the Ghost and he is also for one major reason.

No he isnt perfect to the word but he is always string to be perfect there for he grows and I strive to be perfect there for I also grow.

To me when you strop aiming for the Perfect then where is there to go you end up loosing your growth.

I will say Ghost is perfect for me.

Ghost's amaris

You beat me to it.

I wanted to return to the thread to say

"The perfect Dom...

is the one that is right for me."

Well, I said it :D
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Re: My Perfect Master

ok to make up for my participation in the hijacking, I'll post my opinion on the topic too <g>

Striving for perfection to me, is aiming for the impossible.

No one is perfect.

I'd rather keep my goals sensible and achievable, rather than try to be something that I'll never be. I'd rather accept the goals I do achieve and be proud of them, without expecting myself to be 'perfect'. Anyone that I submit to would need to respect that, and expect the same of me. The only way I would lose my own growth is if I stop learning. How perfect I turn out is the least of my worries. I would want the same of my Dom too...if he has perfection in sight, then he can go look for a sub in the same fantasy dream world he is living in...cuz I won't be in that wonderland. If I am perfect FOR him (just as I am), or he is perfect FOR me (just as he is)...that's a whole nother ballgame. But if his goal is perfection...he can perfect the art of finding the door. :)

To me, the perfect Dominant for me is someone who accepts me as I am, and accepts me as who I grow to be. People are constantly changing and learning, and someone that is mature enough to accept those changes and not try to keep or manipulate their partner in some convienient little mold of perfection, is someone that I feel truely understands what growth and acceptance are all about....and both of those things are very important to me.

So to sum it up....what is the 'perfect' Dom for me? Someone who views the goal of perfection as a fault, rather than a virtue. I want to be as perfect in his eyes as he is in mine, just the way I am.

*edited for spelling*
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I never said that we didnt accept that it isnt obtainable, or that we dont accept and appreciate the goals we achieve. It is just that our ultimate goal is to be perfect. We want to be as perfect as we can be the day we move on to the next life and i am meaning the everafter.

Ghost's amaris
Ghost's amaris said:

I never said that we didnt accept that it isnt obtainable, or that we dont accept and appreciate the goals we achieve. It is just that our ultimate goal is to be perfect. We want to be as perfect as we can be the day we move on to the next life and i am meaning the everafter.

Ghost's amaris

um amaris...

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the thread as it was started and the question posed. If I had been replying to you or anything you said, I would have quoted you, as I always do when I am basing my replies on a specific post. If I don't quote anyone, then I am replying strictly on the idea that the topic presents, and am not interested in debating anyone else's opinions. :)
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serijules said:

If I don't quote anyone, then I am replying strictly on the idea that the topic presents, and am not interested in debating anyone else's opinions. :)

Good post Serijules. It appears we have a few defensive subs on the board lately and they cannot descern between personal statements and general ones. Thank you for making this point.

Ebonyfire said:
Again Ghost, no one told you not to post. Do not go there, please. I have NO interest in controlling femsubs.

However, I would appreciate it if you would not defame me or others in your zeal to protect Dream.

I have not done anything to you or to Dream as she well knows.


I speak for Myself and i'd like to say before my thread gets hijacked yet again ,lol that Master Artful Is my idea of a Perfect Dom cause He truly cares about My Heart and thats really ALL that matters to me GUESS YOU''LL get No more defensiveness from me and after all they always say , the best DEFENSE is a good Offense lol:D