My name is TBK, and I'm a jacker

Eilan said:
Is "none of the above" an appropriate answer? :D

Maybe I should have said, which cock would you rather have wake you up in the morning. I hate it when I'm misunderstood. :cool:
TBKahuna123 said:
I hate it when I'm misunderstood. :cool:
That's okay. I hate misunderstanding. :cool:

In that case, I'll pick cute and cuddly.
Scalywag said:
Oh man, another thread about cock size. When is it ever gonna stop. Why not try something new, like testicle size. Or cum velocity.

LMFAO...I can picture it now, Eilan and I getting together with a couple of speed guns raided from the cop shop, trying to get a velocity rating on a cum shot!

"I got 17 mph on that last one 'bout you?" :D
Well so long as she doesn't nickname her breasts the "Speed Bumps". And what would you nickname the "Speed Trap"? :p
Scalywag said:
why did I buy it? :eek:

Well you see, breasts have a hypnotic effect. Why else woudl men do most of the stupid shit we do on a regular basis in vain attempts to impress women?
quoll said:
Natural progression I think, most conversations wander all over the place, you should see some of bisexplicit's posts, we don't call here bijack the magnificent for nothing.
I think if you have made a genuine attempt to answer the question that was posed, then you should be entitled to have a little wander after that.

*nods* I often completley ignore the subject and post whatever I feel like. Sometimes, it doesn't even make sense.

So, don't think you're anywhere close to my bijacking skills, mister.
bisexplicit said:
*nods* I often completley ignore the subject and post whatever I feel like. Sometimes, it doesn't even make sense.

So, don't think you're anywhere close to my bijacking skills, mister.
There is no doubt you are the master/mistress at bijacking, why sometimes I have no idea what you are talking about. :confused:

Don't you just hate it when you don't see your typos until someone quotes you.
bisexplicit said:
*nods* I often completley ignore the subject and post whatever I feel like. Sometimes, it doesn't even make sense.

So, don't think you're anywhere close to my bijacking skills, mister.

I'd never presume to claim the illustrious title from the mistress of the 'jack.

Sorry it took so long to respond. Like I said about hypnotics, your Av threw me a bit. ;)