My own little rant: The Lady's Book of Ettiquite

You actually took the time out of your life to write such a long-winded totally idiotic post?

What the fuck were you hoping to achieve?
But I do have the door held for me often. It's very nice.

I do wish people would use the words, 'please', 'thank you', and 'excuse me' more often.

I hate when someone walks in front of you while walking some place, cuts you off or just walks by stands in front of you in the middle of some place busy and doesn't say 'excuse me'. Or people who cannot pull themselves out of the flow of traffic in the mall or somplace public and talk elsewhere rather than holding up people wishing to go by.

And it is quite ill mannered to yell at a family member or child in a public place. Cursing, or yelling or discussing one's problems or disciplining a child for all to see is just plain rude.
Cursing or swearing, whatever is so automatic, I don't realize I'm swearing. I would not yell at or to family out in public (stores and such). I agree about discipling the child in public (big no-no), but I would like to add DON'T discipline your child in other people's houses even if they're relatives. That really pisses me off. Treat your child with respect and maybe they will do the same.
Eating_Scarlett said:
You actually took the time out of your life to write such a long-winded totally idiotic post?

What the fuck were you hoping to achieve?
And here is a text book case of ill mannered and rude. :D
LadyG said:
Someone, who shall remain nameless cough*bluespoke*cough makes fun of me all the time for my "excuse me"'s and "thank you's". he he he

The please's and thank you's are always appreciated by the recipient. No matter who they are.

Thank you for being the way you are. ;)

It's greatly appreciated. :rose:
Okay, I just HAVE to say one thing.

When you enter a shop - a retail or otherwise, you have no reason or right to be ignorant or ignore the person serving you. I'm bloody well sick of the snoody bitches/bastards who come in and can't be bothered to acknowledge my staff's polite greetings. Gives me the desire to kick them out on their high and mighty posteriors! I say, keep in mind that though the job might seem lowly, it does not mean the individual is....and any honest job is a worthwhile job, so extend a little courtesy and graciousness to those who serve you.
Riles said:
Okay, I just HAVE to say one thing.

When you enter a shop - a retail or otherwise, you have no reason or right to be ignorant or ignore the person serving you. I'm bloody well sick of the snoody bitches/bastards who come in and can't be bothered to acknowledge my staff's polite greetings. Gives me the desire to kick them out on their high and mighty posteriors! I say, keep in mind that though the job might seem lowly, it does not mean the individual is....and any honest job is a worthwhile job, so extend a little courtesy and graciousness to those who serve you.
I agree! Well said! I see it alot where I work, too!
I so hate rude customers. There's no excuse for it and they remember :D
Riles said:
Okay, I just HAVE to say one thing.

When you enter a shop - a retail or otherwise, you have no reason or right to be ignorant or ignore the person serving you. I'm bloody well sick of the snoody bitches/bastards who come in and can't be bothered to acknowledge my staff's polite greetings. Gives me the desire to kick them out on their high and mighty posteriors! I say, keep in mind that though the job might seem lowly, it does not mean the individual is....and any honest job is a worthwhile job, so extend a little courtesy and graciousness to those who serve you.

PREACH it, my brotha!

Courtesy and etiquette mean nothing to those so lacking in grace that they cannot return a friendly hello. As I said before, etiquette is all about mutual respect, and those arrogant asses too good to return a kind word wouldn't know the meaning of the word respect. (Except when they decide they're not recieving enough of it, whether they earn it or not.)
This is a great statement (and it sucks when people think they're above someone else/get to treat them like crap.) I know very, very, well that I wouldn't last more than a day in retail or any other service industry, so I be sure to be extra nice to everyone I deal with in those industries. I'm sure they see more than enough jerks per day.

I think this is more than just etiquette and more along the lines of human kindess and manners. (Both of which seem to be lacking, in general.)

Riles said:
Okay, I just HAVE to say one thing.

When you enter a shop - a retail or otherwise, you have no reason or right to be ignorant or ignore the person serving you. I'm bloody well sick of the snoody bitches/bastards who come in and can't be bothered to acknowledge my staff's polite greetings. Gives me the desire to kick them out on their high and mighty posteriors! I say, keep in mind that though the job might seem lowly, it does not mean the individual is....and any honest job is a worthwhile job, so extend a little courtesy and graciousness to those who serve you.
Just remember that etiquette also varies from culture to culture before you go deeming how cultured or refined a person is by the etiquette they demonstrate.
VermilionSkye said:
<snip> disciplining a child for all to see is just plain rude.

fuck the rudeness - if my kids need discipline, i'm going to do it wherever and whenever it's needed.

IMO, there's not enough discipline these days, and the end result is out of control kids (which is way more rude if you ask me!)
Riles said:
Okay, I just HAVE to say one thing.

When you enter a shop - a retail or otherwise, you have no reason or right to be ignorant or ignore the person serving you. I'm bloody well sick of the snoody bitches/bastards who come in and can't be bothered to acknowledge my staff's polite greetings. Gives me the desire to kick them out on their high and mighty posteriors! I say, keep in mind that though the job might seem lowly, it does not mean the individual is....and any honest job is a worthwhile job, so extend a little courtesy and graciousness to those who serve you.

heh - that's one thing positive about my job... everyone is so nice to me!
(might have something to do with me being in control of a bloody great IV needle!)
Why do folks think writing a thank you note has gone out of fashion? Etiquette and manners seem to have become so rare that appropriate and proper behaviors look extraordinary. Good manners should not stand out, it should be the norm.
warrior queen said:
fuck the rudeness - if my kids need discipline, i'm going to do it wherever and whenever it's needed.

IMO, there's not enough discipline these days, and the end result is out of control kids (which is way more rude if you ask me!)

Cathleen said:
Why do folks think writing a thank you note has gone out of fashion? Etiquette and manners seem to have become so rare that appropriate and proper behaviors look extraordinary. Good manners should not stand out, it should be the norm.

I was going to mention thank you notes too! I still send them after every b-day and gift sent to me, on paper, by hand.
Moonlust said:
I was going to mention thank you notes too! I still send them after every b-day and gift sent to me, on paper, by hand.
I do too. It's rude not to acknowledge someones gift or helping hand. I don't know why or when they hit the endangered list. It's too bad.
Moonlust said:
I was going to mention thank you notes too! I still send them after every b-day and gift sent to me, on paper, by hand.

i've updated slightly - instead of handwritten notes, i now send a photo or digi-email pic to the giver, showing the gift being used by the recipient.
Warrior Queen:

As far as I'm concerned "more power to ya in disciplining your kids, wherevr & whenever they need it. But just be careful about the discipline outside. I've known people to call the cops or the state for people that abuse their children.

All they were doing was discipling their children. In Massachusetts, you can only spank your kids on the butt, no where else. Its crazy, but true.
Having good manners and showing kindness to others shows so very much about one's character. You have taken the time to learn proper social skills and can put someone else's needs ahead of your own.
rabbitclit said:
Warrior Queen:

As far as I'm concerned "more power to ya in disciplining your kids, wherevr & whenever they need it. But just be careful about the discipline outside. I've known people to call the cops or the state for people that abuse their children.

All they were doing was discipling their children. In Massachusetts, you can only spank your kids on the butt, no where else. Its crazy, but true.

i never spank my children - don't have to.
i'm a firm disciple of the 'embarrassment factor' and now that my kids are old enough to find me embarrassing to be around, it works twice as well!

warrior queen said:
i never spank my children - don't have to.
i'm a firm disciple of the 'embarrassment factor' and now that my kids are old enough to find me embarrassing to be around, it works twice as well!


You know "THE LOOK", don't you? My mother had it. Made us kids say, "Uh, oh."
Holly Delight said:
You know "THE LOOK", don't you? My mother had it. Made us kids say, "Uh, oh."

lol - my oldest says i'm a witch, because even if he's nowhere near me, i still know when he's doing wrong!
Eating_Scarlett said:
You actually took the time out of your life to write such a long-winded totally idiotic post?

What the fuck were you hoping to achieve?

Post of the day in an eTTiquiTTe thread..... :)