My own little rant: The Lady's Book of Ettiquite

ourladyofthehighways said:
Ladies: Popular culture has taken "less is more" in an entirely different direction for girls. Bare middrifs, shoulders, and backs are not appropriate in many formal occasions. I don't want to see another backless shirt at a funeral. Not the place for skin; keep that for the club. For a more formal night out, a revealing dress is acceptable, but it must be done with care. Choose one feature to reveal and leave the rest for the imagination. Letting it "all hang out" is far from attractive, it's skanky. Better to have a classy, revealing dress that screams "Va Va Voom!" than a skimpy, see-through thing that sighs, "get a room."

5. Public displays of affection. There is nothing so annoying as hearing the sucking noises of a couple swapping spit, particularly if you aren't part of said couple. However, there are some affective displays that are acceptable. Hand-holding, hugging, and closed-mouth kisses are perfectly proper and unoffensive in almost all casual settings. What's more, scolding or publicly harassing couples whether their PDA's are proper or not is just as rude as an inappropriate PDA. Two wrongs don't make a right; see rule one.

6. The door rule. The idea of opening a door for a woman may be a bit outdated, but it's still appreciated. Sorry ladies, but a gentleman who opens a door for you does so out of RESPECT, not a mysogenist streak. Get over it. However, ladies, this is a new age. Regardless of your gender, if someone with arms full walks through a door behind you, hold the door for him/her. Trust me, they'll appreciate it. Oh, and by the way, no matter what the gender or reason someone holds a door for another person, ALWAYS say thank you.

Maybe at a funeral one should not wear a backless dress or a strapless one, but for all other occasions, I see nothing wrong with them. Bare midriffs one should just use common sense, a very formal office party no, a night dancing sure.

Maybe it’s me but I have no problem seeing couples make out, that’s all I have to say.

I open the door for the person behind me if I reach the door first. I do not make an effort to open the door. If a girl reaches the door first and I am right behind her, I am not going to open the door for her she can open it herself.

As for disciplining kids in public I am all for it.
Useless Etiquette

A lady never fornicates in public or with the lights on. :rolleyes:
Of course the ultimate disgrace is to wear white shoes with black nylons. :D
ourladyofthehighways said:
6. The door rule. The idea of opening a door for a woman may be a bit outdated, but it's still appreciated. Sorry ladies, but a gentleman who opens a door for you does so out of RESPECT, not a mysogenist streak. Get over it. However, ladies, this is a new age. Regardless of your gender, if someone with arms full walks through a door behind you, hold the door for him/her. Trust me, they'll appreciate it. Oh, and by the way, no matter what the gender or reason someone holds a door for another person, ALWAYS say thank you.

I'd like to add to this, people, you see the person holding the door for you? Is there someone behind you? Well, could you please then hold the door for them, ie. the next person? Cos otherwise I end up looking like an idiot for holding the door open for everyone going in and out of the building because no one will hold it for the next person... and before you know it I've got so pissed off I've slammed the door knocking over an elderly person in the process who then collapses on someone in a wheelchair who then in turn rolls out into the road and nearly gets hit by a truck driver who manages to swerve around them... into a school... which then explodes. The moral of this story? HOLD THE GOD DAMN DOOR!

p.s. I am yet to go to a wedding where I haven't worn jeans...
alphanav1 said:
Maybe it’s me but I have no problem seeing couples make out, that’s all I have to say.

I on the other hand do... but only because of envy... bah! Unless its two blokes making out, not envious of that, so gay guys... go for it!