My Sensual Art (drawn from life) — Ramsey MacDonald

Your style is engaging and very expressive, and I particularly like the Mata-Hari and Grandma pieces. You have a skillful eye for forms, proportions, and perspective — not easy to do with the human figure. I would enjoy seeing more.
Really like the ones with the sword, especially the cleaning and sleeping with it. Makes me think of rest and relaxation after a long a difficult adventure.
That is a brilliant comment. I've not really thought of the paintings in that way before. Thank you so much.
This picture is called 'Good Morning'. It was done during a live session with a model called Free Spirit. She was in my home studio and we had done some quite strenuous poses. She used to be a ballet dancer and can do incredible stuff. While she relaxed she just sat on the floor and stretched like this. I asked her to hold it as a pose and drew this. Probably in about ten minutes.


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Love your work. I am a big fan of loose life drawing and the splash of color is very interesting. Your pose work is fun. I really need to up my game!
Kiera posed for me a while back. She is a stunt woman for TV and film and a sword expert. Hence the weapons in the pictures.
The presence of the sword in the image is very erotic and evokes a strong response at a deep level. The sword implies a powerful woman, one who takes what she wants and needs for her own pleasure. It also symbolises the erect cock and the primal desire of this powerful woman to succumb to her basic desires for pleasure. She is the woman I would most enjoy making love with.
Love your work. I am a big fan of loose life drawing and the splash of color is very interesting. Your pose work is fun. I really need to up my game!

I'll second that. How refreshing that someone new here isn't just another clickety-click merchant.