My wife at college

College was the time for being a cheating girl. Those of us guys who thought our girl friends were keeping their pussies just for us were kidding themselves
This thread is making me jealous. I wish my wife had gone away to college. And got the full college experience from a number of men!
I thought she was a virgin when we got married. It was several years before I found out the truth when a visiting friend of hers talked too much. I was shocked, but turned on.
My wife had a close friend during what I call her “slutty phase”. During this short period of time, she cheated withnthree other men that I know of. This friend was kind of a tramp. And my wife went on “girls night out” with her. They had a falling out and haven’t spoken for years. I would love to speak with that friend. I’m sure she would love to spill exactly how many men my wife spread her legs for.