Name your strengths and weaknesses as a writer

I sometimes forget im supposed to be writing erotica, and get tied up in the plot.
Also I simply can't edit my own work. As soon as I start to try, I get so wrapped up in the story, I forget what I'm supposed to be doing
Alright, here we go. Brace yourselves. This might be long.


Now, this is hard for me; not because there aren't positives, but because I feel like listing positives is a form of bragging. I don't like bragging because I have always felt I should approach writing with humility. There is always going to be someone who is better. There is always going to be room for improvement. I don't want my ego getting in the way of my work.

But I'll do it anyway.

+ I have been told in comment feedback that my characters feel like "real people." Since we are writing porn here above all else, characters can fall into a pratfall of being little more than givers and receivers, connector A sliding into slot B, or slot B rubbing against slot B. My characters can be human. They have strengths, weaknesses, fears, doubts, and problems. After that, they get into bed with each other.
+ I write good sex scenes. Long, detailed sex scenes. I describe the physical and visual sensations of cocks sliding into pussies or tongues spreading open swollen cunt lips. Then I change it up in even intervals with the five senses: seeing her hair fanned out on the pillow; hearing the sound of his balls slapping her ass; the feel of her warm breasts against his chest; the taste of her juices; the intoxicating smell of her vagina.

And I make sure those scenes are AT MINIMUM 1,000 words. 3,000 is ideal.


- I am a perfectionist, in the worst possible ways. I cannot tell you how many times I have hit the ground running with a story, slamming out paragraphs until I have three double-spaced pages. I would be so excited about it and have so much faith in it. Then I'd open it up again a day later, and all that excitement just poofed out like a big, bad fart. "What the hell is this? This isn't going to work. Who are these people? They aren't people, they're archetypes! No one's going to believe they're going to sleep together for reason x!"

Beyond that, whenever I have a "good" idea and I start hammering it out, I want it to be done right away. I want it to magically appear before me and be done. Worse, I want the first draft to be brilliant. Son of a bitch, it's not brilliant enough!

And because it isn't brilliant, it doesn't get done!

- I have a very hard time coming up with ideas. This applies to both erotica and not-erotica. I struggle so hard to envision even the simplest literary plot where a character does a thing, fucks a thing, or learns a thing. I will run through mental lists of all kinds. Seven deadly sins? Holidays? Um. Shit, jobs? Is he a realtor? What do realtors even DO anyway?

I have grammar, spelling and mechanics down. Mostly. I can write sex. Sure. But I can't relax.
I'm told I write good descriptive pieces and I enjoy them when they happen. Not every story demands descriptions and I'm comfortable writing dialogue to develop the plot.
I'm also told my writing flows well and has a light touch. I'm always conscious of the rhythm of a sentence so maybe that helps?
My characterisations are pretty solid and real.
I write for me.

Repeating words.
I'm almost cured of head swapping.
Avoiding writing sex like I do the dentist. The more sex scenes I've written the more difficult it is becoming.
Pretty bad at titles and choosing categories.
I sometimes get bogged down in plot development. Other times my fingers can't keep up with the flow.