Names for female sex organs

You've all inspired my new AV with your responses to this thread!

Thanks a bundle :D :Kiss:
3 sources

Here's 3 source books for you to check out for the words you want, English Lady:

Wicked Words by Hugh Rawson
Sexy Origins and Intimate Things by Charles Panati
Slang by Jonathon Green

Hope they help;

Jordon Lynn

English Lady said:
You've all inspired my new AV with your responses to this thread!
Thanks a bundle :D :Kiss:

Is that a black clad pink velvet sausage wallet?
*gives Mathgirl a gold star*

Yes it is a black clad pink velvet sausage wallet!!!!!

JordonLynn..thanks for the info :D

just leagal..."talking to the wookie?" oh lord.. I know my characters "down -there" bits do NOT look like a wookie!

Countmackula...yes pork sword works well too! :D

chicklet.. eek, it just shows that eating and surfing literotica can be a dangerous passtime!