Nasty Feedback

It's nasty, awful comments like this that take the fun out of submitting stories to this site. ....

I notice you've posted stories to various categories over more than ten years, and many to the Loving Wives category more than a year and a half ago.

It seems that category has attracted some extremely negative readers who will rate stories with a 1 and some leave nasty comments.

If others replying to you here haven't made it clear enough, the LW category is to be avoided unless you deliberately want to receive those ratings and comments.

Post to the LW category only for your own amusement in watching the negative ratings/responses.
If you are going to write for any market at all -- even a free one like this website, you have to develop skin akin to a rhinoceros hide. That's a simple fact. As Honest Abe said, "you can't please all the people all of the time." A writer who hasn't dealt with and overcome rejection is not really much of a wordsmith. Keep writing and ignore the trolls -- UNLESS the vast majority of your feedback is negative -- then you probably should invest in a writing course or a style guide to become a better, more disciplined writer.
turn comments off.

problem solved - but you'll still receive email if they can be bothered to go that far.
I have never allowed comments so somebody has to go through the process of replying so that I get an email. When I first started posting stories I'd get stupid, half witted comments like this because I think these little weasels enjoy picking on people who don't have much backing. But now with 70 stories (and trying to finish several more) and 277 followers I just never get these kind of comments any more. These little low life hand jobbers sitting in the cubicle of a home office know that if you've got a lot of followers they look like the lone pathetic hacks making fun of your stories or writing ability. So they don't try their pathetic act.

So I'd say ignore them early on assured that they're little twerps with no life, they can't even enjoying reading the stories here.
I am currently writing an erotic story about a barrel of chopped-up cow parts. I hope I put it in the right category. I don't want to be called a moron.
Post to the LW category only for your own amusement in watching the negative ratings/responses.

That's what I do, I have an alternate identity that I use solely to post LW stories. Two down so far with a third 80% complete.
Every "Fuck this cuck shit" comment makes me laugh, I take a genuine delight in imagining the troll like little man-children wanking away in their mother's basement as they post their angry thoughts about all the women that will never touch their special places.
That's what I do, I have an alternate identity that I use solely to post LW stories. Two down so far with a third 80% complete.
Every "Fuck this cuck shit" comment makes me laugh, I take a genuine delight in imagining the troll like little man-children wanking away in their mother's basement as they post their angry thoughts about all the women that will never touch their special places.

I guess you don't see the irony of one little troll labouring away to disturb other little trolls! :rolleyes:
I have an issue with shit-for-brains morons hiding behind false IDs and trolling LW while protecting their other stories from the backlash they'd get otherwise.

Other writers take the shit you generate. And do it with their portfolio there for everyone to see. Only cowards hide from what they write.

From now on I'll link your portfolio in the comment section of those stories. Suggest all those little trolls living in basements go visit. Let you reap what you sow!

You want to be a writer? Have the guts to own what you write!
I have an issue with shit-for-brains morons hiding behind false IDs and trolling LW while protecting their other stories from the backlash they'd get otherwise.

Other writers take the shit you generate. And do it with their portfolio there for everyone to see. Only cowards hide from what they write.

From now on I'll link your portfolio in the comment section of those stories. Suggest all those little trolls living in basements go visit. Let you reap what you sow!

You want to be a writer? Have the guts to own what you write!

Female Trolls's something about people's behaviour that reveals the little flaws in their personalities.

"People with a propensity to seek excessive stimulation have often been found trolling. A psychoanalytic study suggests that people with antisocial, narcissistic behavior and sadistic personality disorder are more likely to perpetrate trolling behavior. These people derive pleasure and enjoyment from being intentionally cruel to others."
Its the difference between erotica and porn, erotic can be mental and emotional as much as physical, where as porn is just the physical act.

But I think even though this is LitEROTICA many stories here are pretty much porn in word form and that's what many readers have come to expect.

That first sentence would make a dandy opening for every story ;) I may have to steal that one :eek:
If others replying to you here haven't made it clear enough, the LW category is to be avoided unless you deliberately want to receive those ratings and comments.

Post to the LW category only for your own amusement in watching the negative ratings/responses.

I did that on a lark. Actually, since I wrote it as a letter from the lover to the husband, it got moved to the Letters category, but the title, "Dear Steve: I Just Fucked Your Wife" drew the usual crowd. I wrote the story in 2 hours and it's a topic that I don't really care about, so I don't consider a score of 3.1 to be so out of line. I'm not here to win some ratings contest. On the plus side, it got several Fav's and some new Followers. So all in all, a worthwhile experiment, though once is enough.

But to be serious for a moment, this is a negative reflection on the site and those who run it. I've written dozens of stories on other free sites and on pay sites. No other free site that I know of would tolerate such behavior. Anyone trashing a story that they paid $ 0.00 for would be told, very simply, "If you don't like a story, you don't have to read it. Now move along."

On a pay site, it's acceptable to trash a story, since you forked over your hard earned $s to read it. I get mostly very nice comments and 4 or 5 stars there, but I accept the occasional 1 as part of the game.

If you pay $200 to sit at Yankee Stadium and the players are being paid millions, it's acceptable to boo when they underperform. But if you boo at a Little League game, you're just an asshole,,,