
dr_mabeuse said:
Why has it become so unremittingly nasty over here?

It's like No Exit or that experiment where they crowded all the rats together in one cage until they started eating each other. The board's always had some argument and disagreement, but I've never seen such vituperation and pure spite as I see now. It's like a bunch of cats tied in a sack.

Actually all kidding aside I think you're right and my theory is:
To many personal attacks are going on. If I have an opinion on a thread instead of attacking the aforementioned opinion a poster will personally attack me and or my moral code. Which of course leads to defensiveness. Not to mention some purposely and others ignorantly misinterpret what has been said skewing it in a way that usually results in petty aurgument.
Mabeuse, if you think the threads are too self-centered (here in the Author's hangout - never, no one here has a big ego), why don't you start some on the topics you would like to discuss?

I also think G's thread has it value therapeutically. I evidently am too new to be able to leap as many threads in a single evening as some, but I think the language and wit are wonderful on the site. It keeps me thinking and laughing. Do I take it seriously? Only when something is seriously good.
Re: Re: Nasty

destinie21 said:
Actually all kidding aside I think you're right and my theory is:
To many personal attacks are going on. If I have an opinion on a thread instead of attacking the aforementioned opinion a poster will personally attack me and or my moral code. Which of course leads to defensiveness. Not to mention some purposely and others ignorantly misinterpret what has been said skewing it in a way that usually results in petty aurgument.

Here's my take on things, as someone pretty new around here. The AH closely reflects the interactions that go on between a group of friends, or associates, in the real world. I think underlying all of the petty arguments and one-upmanship that does go on there is a lot of respect. The AH is a collection of intelligent, witty people, all of whom have a larger than average egos. This is a good thing, we all ooze confidence, and have our own opinions. Admittedly some shout louder than others. In general the unspoken rules are adhered to: Play fair and I'll be fair, be nice and I'll be nice, but cross me and you'll face my wrath.

We are all healthy, if a little argumentative, individuals. We are not sheep, or nodding donekys. This is a good place to hangout, and absolutely nobody has done or said anything to me to make me think any less of them. The one exception is The Fool, what a twat that guy is!? He knows, and I hope you all do too, I'm just kidding. :p
Gauche's 'cleeks' thread is pure genius, in my eyes.

Lou :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Nasty

Tatelou said:
Gauche's 'cleeks' thread is pure genius, in my eyes.
And what eyes they are :heart:

But jayzussfook, Loulou, Gauche is gauche enough already!

purrs, Purrditta :kiss:
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Are you bemoaning a lack of serious discussion, or an overtone of meanness?

Because I've recently been involved in some "discussions" on serious topics that were fairly vicious.

I think that Gauche is brilliant in setting up a little rubber room where we can go all 70's therapeutic Free-to-be, You-and-mean on each other, with the understanding of no permanent trauma.

I don't know. It just seems to me that the whole board is suffering from an acute case of ADD.

It reminds me a lot of the way kids get when they've been out of school too long: fractious, noisy, self-centered and cranky; bored with no interests outside what they're talking about right here, which is usually themselves and each other.

At first I thought it must just be me, so I don't come around here much anymore, on the basic tenets that if you don't like it, leave, and that the tone of the board is always changing. I stop by occasionally to see what's going on, and it's the same old stuff though. If anything, it seems to be getting worse.

I've started a few threads here, but it does get tiresome to be sniped at and flipped off or used as fodder for someone else's ego cannon. You know, it's like you're trying to have a discussion in the front seat, but the kids are jumping up and down and fighting and screaming in the back seat, and that makes it hard.

It just used to seem more democratic over here. Arguments used to be less personal. There were always incivilities and there was always banter, but on the whole it was a place where people weren't afraid to state an opinion of disagree without fear of being attacked or mocked.

I know of a few people who are fed up with things over here and who have just stopped posting or gone elsewhere. From the non response this thread has elicited, I'd say that I must be pretty much alone in my feelings though, so the hell with it.

It used to be a democracy, now it's an ochlocracy of the loud.

(There. I've waited about fifteen years to use that word. You'll have to look kit up.)

Originally posted by dr_mabeuse I don't know. It just seems to me that the whole board is suffering from an acute case of ADD.
From the non response this thread has elicited, I'd say that I must be pretty much alone in my feelings though, so the hell with it.
Dear Dr M,
I believe that I speak for the majority here when I state that my spirit is shattered because we fail to meet your standards.
MathGirl said:
Dear Dr M,
I believe that I speak for the majority here when I state that my spirit is shattered because we fail to meet your standards.
Maths: I trust your spirit will renew itself within the usual quarter hour. PM me though if it goes to a half.

in consolation, Perdita :rose:
Yeah, but its a very intersting mob.

You don't think we're being nasty here do you?

Just trying to measure the thickness.
*shrugs* It happens. Another General Board Junior only with less usual suspects. The Playground. The BDSM forum. The Author's Hangout. Natural evolution is to chit chat in another forum because "we don't like the climate of the GB". The AH is a small clique. They are happy that way. This is fine.

You can start any thread regarding most any topic within the spectrum of writing or authorship in the SDC.
As a mother of four.....


ahem, that was rather ad hominem.

but, since you bring kudzu up, i will say that it serves a wonderful function in controlling erosion. the trick is if you want to survive its choking coverage, you have to grow faster than it.

i think there is a moral in there.

*dusting everyone with GRACIOUSNESS powder*

:rose: b
rhinoguy said:
Dear Mathgirl,I sure hope you have yet ANOTHER personality, hidden below the crusty sacrastic shell.
Dear Nosey,
I'm actually a very sweet person. I even like Dr M, believe it or not. Our opinions do not always match, our personalities are not very compatible, and we both are quite opinionated. We seem to bring out the barbs in each other, but that's not all bad.

Dear Dr M,
Kudzu? I don't think so. We can't be gotten rid of that easily.
Ps. Nutria, perhaps. We're warm and cuddly.

[SF] 08-13-2003 09:32 PM: No, really, the people are invariably nice and helpful, and there's a lot to see here. dr_mabeuse

[AH] 08-21-2003 08:16 PM: The board's always had some argument and disagreement, but I've never seen such vituperation and pure spite as I see now. dr_mabeuse

[AH] 08-22-2003 02:54 PM: If everyone is happy with the way things are here, then just ignore my complaint. dr_mabeuse

[AH] 08-23-2003 10:38 AM: I don't know. It just seems to me that the whole board is suffering from an acute case of ADD. dr_mabeuse

[AH] 08-23-2003 12:16 PM: Math Girl and Perdita: Literotica's very own kudzu. dr_mabeuse

Perhaps our “Doctor of Mystical Experiences” should try to regulate those mood swings? :confused:
dr_mabeuse said:
Math Girl and Perdita: Literotica's very own kudzu

The original intent of the "cleeks" was for exactly this kind of comment.

Did I dissipate the "summer tension" I thought I saw surfacing on the AH? I think so.

Did some people release any of their pent up pressures there? I think so.

Did anyone make new friends there? Probably.

Was it fun? Made me larf.

Did those who felt the thread would be filled with The clique or felt themselves above banality turn up to join in, even though it was specified (albeit subtly) that all were welcome, even invited? Looks like a no there.

Did I manipulate/inveigle a group of friends and some less cliquless people into an orgy of unbridled silliness? Yes.

Were there casualties? Yes.

Does this post personify that which Mabeous vilifies (self self self)? Yeah that too. But you know me...

I'm Gauche

P.S I was really surprised that you didn't look in there Muffie
Re: As a mother of four.....

bridgetkeeney said:
*dusting everyone with GRACIOUSNESS powder*
Briquita, you're too much of a good thing almost.

buckets of love, Perdita :heart:

Quas: I just didn't want to waste time w/a search, glad you wasted yours. Perd
Rhino: I had no idea your cup was small, hope it's at least half full.


I thought I'd also give my own answers to your questions. I doubt anyone is really interested, but I don't care, as this is probably very self-serving of myself.

Did I dissipate the "summer tension" I thought I saw surfacing on the AH? You sure did.

Did some people release any of their pent up pressures there? Too right. My hubby loves the 'cleeks' thread, it gave him the week off.

Did anyone make new friends there? Certainly. I not only made some new friends in there, but also cemented some which were already developing. The Fool and I, we're as thick as thieves now.:D

Was it fun? I haven't had that much fun since my dog threw up in the sea, and Adam (my hubby) tried to quickly catch the pieces before they got washed away. Honestly, it was side splittingly funny, but I guess you had to be there.

Did those who felt the thread would be filled with The clique or felt themselves above banality turn up to join in, even though it was specified (albeit subtly) that all were welcome, even invited? I don't think they did. I won't even begin to speculate as to why not.

Did I manipulate/inveigle a group of friends and some less cliquless people into an orgy of unbridled silliness? Yes, and silliness is a very good thing.

Were there casualties? I don't think there were. Speaking as one who got pretty nasty, and had some bad stuff directed at, I in no way feel like a casualty; I feel all the better for it.

Does this post personify that which Mabeous vilifies (self self self)? Of course it did. :rolleyes:

Gauche, you are a very cheeky monkey for not only quoting me in your sig line, but for also adapting that quote to make yourself out to be brilliant. I salute you sir. :p

Lou-lou :rose:

Okay, now I feel bad.

MG, I apologize for what I said.

Perdita, I apologize to you as well.

And coming from someone as close to God as I am, that apology means something.

(Kidding! I was just kidding with that last part.)

But I mean it. My apologies were sincere. I really don't want to make trouble. So to MG and Perdita, to one and all, I apologize.
