Naughty Nipples - tug, tease, torment and ornament

Oh dear! I must be the only lit user in history to occasionally repost. 🙃 Could be. If you originally posted it, hope you don't mind.
I’ve got no problem at all with cross-posting, and it probably gets more specialized attention and appreciation here than in Shank’s Sneak thread where I originally posted it, so you’re forgiven. ;)
A little acknowledgement, as you’ve done with Dreamliner, is always welcome, but no ruffled feelings here.
I’ve got no problem at all with cross-posting, and it probably gets more specialized attention and appreciation here than in Shank’s Sneak thread where I originally posted it, so you’re forgiven. ;)
A little acknowledgement, as you’ve done with Dreamliner, is always welcome, but no ruffled feelings here.
I honestly can't recall where I found the image, but I doubt I found it on Shank's thread because I haven't visited that thread in ages.
I just love beautiful interesting images and that one appeals to both the sub and textile artist in me.
Please feel free to post images you find that fit this thread. 🙂