Naughty Poetry Challenge

unpredictablebijou said:
I would agree with you except that I'm not that attached to the whole integrity thing, really, at least not enough to legislate it. If someone is so desperate to be a judge in a contest like this that they'd bring in an alt to do so - I mean, it's a pretend, random, completely meaningless contest in which the prizes are thoroughly hypothetical and the results will probably be obvious regardless of what the judges actually say, - then, as I say, if some old fart wants to go to the trouble to pretend to be virginal (and don't we all dream, sometimes...) I'm inclined to let them.

Egads what a sentence. I don't have time to fix it, sorry. You're just going to have to get a little portrait of the dark carnival in my head. Sometimes it's like a water park designed by DeSade and Rauschenberg in here.

Up to you.

unpredictablebijou said:
Although soliciting judges from over there might bring a little action into this funky playground. It's been a little understimulating recently.

**sighs for Sara ***


makes me feel all gooey watching two two young girls fall in love like this, frolic in short nighties, enjoy their first kiss, and then — go on a killing spree through the McDonald's chains of the Saskatchewan region.
Eluard said:
makes me feel all gooey watching two two young girls fall in love like this, frolic in short nighties, enjoy their first kiss, and then — go on a killing spree through the McDonald's chains of the Saskatchewan region.
This is frightening... I'm on the Alberta side of that border, about a scant fifteen minutes' drive (one and a half hours during DST) annnd there happen to be 2 Mickie Dee's here. <shudder> one inside a walmart </cringe> Don't take an unregistered shotgun in there!!! The poor, poor shoppers...
champagne1982 said:
This is frightening... I'm on the Alberta side of that border, about a scant fifteen minutes' drive (one and a half hours during DST) annnd there happen to be 2 Mickie Dee's here. <shudder> one inside a walmart </cringe> Don't take an unregistered shotgun in there!!! The poor, poor shoppers...

You wanna just provide a map and leave a key under the flower pot?
unpredictablebijou said:
I would agree with you except that I'm not that attached to the whole integrity thing, really, at least not enough to legislate it. If someone is so desperate to be a judge in a contest like this that they'd bring in an alt to do so - I mean, it's a pretend, random, completely meaningless contest in which the prizes are thoroughly hypothetical and the results will probably be obvious regardless of what the judges actually say, - then, as I say, if some old fart wants to go to the trouble to pretend to be virginal (and don't we all dream, sometimes...) I'm inclined to let them.

Egads what a sentence. I don't have time to fix it, sorry. You're just going to have to get a little portrait of the dark carnival in my head. Sometimes it's like a water park designed by DeSade and Rauschenberg in here.

Although soliciting judges from over there might bring a little action into this funky playground. It's been a little understimulating recently.

**sighs for Sara ***

I saw a S against the clouds and came as fast as I could. Okay, so I stopped for a coffee along the way. Intention is nine tenths of the law errr I mean I'm possessed by a paved road. See? Not nearly enough caffeine.

I think, Mistah El, might need some therapy. I cannot see how we ended up in nighties in McDonalds with shotguns. It's like a Clue game gone wrong...
Sara Crewe said:
I think, Mistah El, might need some therapy. I cannot see how we ended up in nighties in McDonalds with shotguns. It's like a Clue game gone wrong...

Hey, I described you as "young girls" — that was nice enough.

And as for how you ended up there — well, those pillow fights have a way of getting out of hand.
Eluard said:
Hey, I described you as "young girls" — that was nice enough.

Yeah, you're just mr. diplomacy today, aren't you?

Hi Sara! Wanna rubber stamp some court appointments for me?

While i appreciate the portrait of the two of us, it's a great deal less subtle than the trouble we'd cause, I suspect. Walmart indeed. Don't those shoppers and beleaguered employees have enough misfortune already? Sara can have a nightie if she wants to, cause she's the Nymph and can have anything she wants, but it's hardly a practical garment for igloo-land, hm? I suspect the grrrl has more sense than that.

And there may be a spree, but i hardly think killing will be involved. Choose some other gerund, and if you say shopping i will hunt your sexist ass down and make you walk slowly through Sax 5th Avenue wearing unflattering lingerie.

And be nice to Tabula Rasta. If he wants to be invisible he's allowed. We can all pretend we don't see him. I'll even refer to him as a virgin if he likes.

Me, I'll be in leathers. Far more practical for what I have in mind.

I'll try the challenge, have not written any naughty stuff in a while, time to dust off the....umm.... dusty parts?

I need to follow Eve around for a few days, get inspired by her Wetland Adventures
Sara Crewe said:
I think, Mistah El, might need some therapy. I cannot see how we ended up in nighties in McDonalds with shotguns. It's like a Clue game gone wrong...

Yeah yeah, you try to get me into therapy, I try to kill you…yet again. Same old dance!
unpredictablebijou said:
And there may be a spree, but i hardly think killing will be involved. Choose some other gerund, and if you say shopping i will hunt your sexist ass down and make you walk slowly through Sax 5th Avenue wearing unflattering lingerie.

Alas, my sexist ass is already spoken for, by women less scary but in closer proximity.
Eluard said:
Alas, my sexist ass is already spoken for, by women less scary but in closer proximity.
Sadly, M. El you have let them see you sweat. Nymphoma such as ours can smell your fear. You'd best placate them with a healthy dose of man-panties and shaved balls.
Eluard said:
Alas, my sexist ass is already spoken for, by women less scary but in closer proximity.

Well, just so long as someone is punishing you. Doesn't have to be me. I'm not possessive like that.

off for a bit- headed to Denver on a procurement raid. Y'all have fun...

Went back and reread the rules. She doesn't just want naughty, she wants kinky....Fuck me... :rolleyes:
The_Fool said:
Went back and reread the rules. She doesn't just want naughty, she wants kinky....Fuck me... :rolleyes:
This Kink

is not in the back of my neck
nor the silken parting of my lips
but wear this clipped on aureoli
dangling into space below
my waiting flesh that trembles
a need for the lash
of tongue and strap to burn
your touch indelible
on my skin
fuck me.
champagne1982 said:
Sadly, M. El you have let them see you sweat. Nymphoma such as ours can smell your fear.

That's not fear, that's "teen spirit".
champagne1982 said:
This Kink

is not in the back of my neck
nor the silken parting of my lips
but wear this clipped on aureoli
dangling into space below
my waiting flesh that trembles
a need for the lash
of tongue and strap to burn
your touch indelible
on my skin
fuck me.

He is never sure why
but the words she uses
slant his view.
Twisted hair wrapped in fingers
offer a handle for his passion.
Nipples stretched suit his needs
for moans lost within his open mouth.
Thrown upon floor,
his belt an impromptu measure
of his approval.
All this
to satisfy occasional desire
for a gourmet meal.
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unpredictablebijou said:
And be nice to Tabula Rasta. If he wants to be invisible he's allowed. We can all pretend we don't see him. I'll even refer to him as a virgin if he likes.


The funny thing is that I am one of MeetieVeetie's alts as well. Proof: hey, Gravity's Rainbow is my favourite novel of all time too. It's a lot of fun inside his head.
Eluard said:
The funny thing is that I am one of MeetieVeetie's alts as well. Proof: hey, Gravity's Rainbow is my favourite novel of all time too. It's a lot of fun inside his head.
Gravity's Rainbow is not my favourite novel of all time. It's not even my favorite novel of all time. Jane Austen's Persuasion is.

Gravity's Rainbow is like second, or eighth, or ninety-fourth, or something.

P.S.: My head is a boring place where mostly I sit around having conversations with Bill Sharpe about whether I can retire yet. He always says no, the bastard.
ShyErraticTable said:
Gravity's Rainbow is not my favourite novel of all time. It's not even my favorite novel of all time. Jane Austen's Persuasion is.
