Naughty Poetry Challenge


As of a drunken 2:11 am on the 18th of September, here's the list I have for the folks actually committed to the challenge, some of whom have already submitted pieces.

champagne (ipso facto)
The Fool
Unbridled Passion
Sapphire O

anyone else who wants in, just say so. This means you, Sara Crewe.

Random deadline for all submissions is October 1st.

Due to my lack of sanity, I have not really been actively recruiting newbies on the Lit Board to judge the poetry, but I have landed on a Brilliant Plan B. I have already been showing a few random pieces in this thread to People I Know. None of them claim to be poets in any way. I have asked them which pieces make them the most HAWT, which make a strong impression. It seems to be an effective judging mechanism so far. I invite others to do the same; print out the poems, take them to the local bar or wherever, and ask for similar judgment. I'll be interested in your survey results.

I have, unfortunately, landed on an interesting agenda here. If poetry is to be brought Back to Life, Back to The People, this may be one way to do it. Skillful poetry speaks to its audience, and all the craft in the world won't do a writer any good if there is no link to the audience. I'm making the audience for this challenge the Regular People, the ones we claim to want back.

I may yet recruit some newbies. Depends on my level of sanity. I'm not promising anything.

this has been The Show So Far.

A Modest Proposal

unpredictablebijou said:

As of a drunken 2:11 am on the 18th of September, here's the list I have for the folks actually committed to the challenge, some of whom have already submitted pieces.

champagne (ipso facto)
The Fool
Unbridled Passion
Sapphire O

anyone else who wants in, just say so. This means you, Sara Crewe.

Random deadline for all submissions is October 1st.

Due to my lack of sanity, I have not really been actively recruiting newbies on the Lit Board to judge the poetry, but I have landed on a Brilliant Plan B. I have already been showing a few random pieces in this thread to People I Know. None of them claim to be poets in any way. I have asked them which pieces make them the most HAWT, which make a strong impression. It seems to be an effective judging mechanism so far. I invite others to do the same; print out the poems, take them to the local bar or wherever, and ask for similar judgment. I'll be interested in your survey results.

I have, unfortunately, landed on an interesting agenda here. If poetry is to be brought Back to Life, Back to The People, this may be one way to do it. Skillful poetry speaks to its audience, and all the craft in the world won't do a writer any good if there is no link to the audience. I'm making the audience for this challenge the Regular People, the ones we claim to want back.

I may yet recruit some newbies. Depends on my level of sanity. I'm not promising anything.

this has been The Show So Far.


let me offer one amendment to this suggestion, which I like. It is this: you, in your local bar — which seems to be a colourful place full of interesting people — read all of the poems submitted and ask the audience to vote by cheers on their favourite three. You report back to us.

That will even give you an interesting open mike night!
Eluard said:
let me offer one amendment to this suggestion, which I like. It is this: you, in your local bar — which seems to be a colourful place full of interesting people — read all of the poems submitted and ask the audience to vote by cheers on their favourite three. You report back to us.

That will even give you an interesting open mike night!

If I can get drunk, pool-playin, feed-cap-wearin' redneck salt-of-the-earth types to sit still for more than three things referred to as poems, I'll deserve more than cheers. I'll have earned sainthood. But I've had some luck opening conversations and showing a few pieces here and there to various folks sitting at the bar looking bored. It's a rather random, extremely unscientific survey, but the fact that the pieces are all about kinky sex does help open some doors...

keep up the good work, all...

unpredictablebijou said:
If I can get drunk, pool-playin, feed-cap-wearin' redneck salt-of-the-earth types to sit still for more than three things referred to as poems, I'll deserve more than cheers. I'll have earned sainthood. But I've had some luck opening conversations and showing a few pieces here and there to various folks sitting at the bar looking bored. It's a rather random, extremely unscientific survey, but the fact that the pieces are all about kinky sex does help open some doors...

keep up the good work, all...

When you read This Kink, I'd like the final "fuck me" to be a throaty and truly hungry invitation.
champagne1982 said:
When you read This Kink, I'd like the final "fuck me" to be a throaty and truly hungry invitation.

...which may, in that crowd, result in the ruination of one of the pool tables.

But I'll do my best.

could be fun

unpredictablebijou said:
...which may, in that crowd, result in the ruination of one of the pool tables.

But I'll do my best.

could be fun

At least your pool table is still nice enough to be considered ruinable...

And your best, brave heart, is all we can ask for. :heart:
I wonder how many more poems I can do between now and the end of the month? I wonder how many of them won't suck? Suck.... :nana:

He presses until she gags,
then releases
to let her catch her breath.
Tears are not of consequence
other than lubricant.
Hair makes a fine handle
as he chuckles his desire.
Perhaps, if she begs,
he will whip her twice as much
and let her sleep on his floor.
The_Fool said:
I wonder how many more poems I can do between now and the end of the month? I wonder how many of them won't suck? Suck.... :nana:

He presses until she gags,
then releases
to let her catch her breath.
Tears are not of consequence
other than lubricant.
Hair makes a fine handle
as he chuckles his desire.
Perhaps, if she begs,
he will whip her twice as much
and let her sleep on his floor.
Slap my mouth with that
your heavy weight across my lips
your pre-fuck lube lain down in strips
against my cheeks as rivulets
of salted tears, sweated fears
wash away the fiery ache
as you stake your territory
again and again
slap my mouth with that.
champagne1982 said:
Slap my mouth with that
your heavy weight across my lips
your pre-fuck lube lain down in strips
against my cheeks as rivulets
of salted tears, sweated fears
wash away the fiery ache
as you stake your territory
again and again
slap my mouth with that.

Nasty girl
needing rescue
from your wicked ways.
Let me guide you
on your way to salvation.
Salvation through humiliation.
Use and abuse
clarify your desire
to please me.
And you are mine
to tease
and sunder
while you ride
or I press you under.
unpredictablebijou said:
Okay that is hawt.

Either you two need to get a room or I do. I think it's the latter.


The sunporch was their special room.

Living in a bubble
where all could watch.
Just a way to entertain
the stars, the moon
and anyone
else that might glide by.
Almost as entertaining
was the body prints
left by sweat
on clear glass.
At least until they bought
more windex.
The_Fool said:
Nasty girl
needing rescue
from your wicked ways.
Let me guide you
on your way to salvation.
Salvation through humiliation.
Use and abuse
clarify your desire
to please me.
And you are mine
to tease
and sunder
while you ride
or I press you under.
Nasty man
you provide
the weight of penance
to press the wanton lifting
of my knees up to my chest.
Modesty through exposition.
Serve in service
I only want the best
to please you.
Such a dirty little slut
to arouse
and pleasure
in my dark sin
upon your retribution.
The_Fool said:
The sunporch was their special room.

Living in a bubble
where all could watch.
Just a way to entertain
the stars, the moon
and anyone
else that might glide by.
Almost as entertaining
was the body prints
left by sweat
on clear glass.
At least until they bought
more windex.

I feel the glitter of the glass
beneath the cloth
as massaged circles
erase the streaks
that mar the view
of nipples flattened
inside circles of steam
heat rising from
lusting bodies watching
the world share
in our pleasure.
I think we need a new
Volcanic core, melted.
Simmering juices
justified in a simple drive
to work, then home. Play.
Come here, my pet. Perhaps a slow
ride shall get your juices
flowing. Lips, nips, bite. Bite,

nipping caresses, tag
you. One end drops
to another on top,
tied and tried. Your showing,
is but a blessing
to behold. Held within, milking
begins. Up, then down. Take
what is mine. We have time, to ride
the torrents of temptation. Taking
what I what. Giving pleasures
demand. On your knees. Suckle,
every drop. Don't stop. Till I
command. Hand to hair, groping

you up. Lick, taste. Take, my offering
of hard loving, as temperatures rise. Defy,
me not. Slurp my crop. Your cock
has flopped, I shall begin a new reign
of rod and cuffs. Corrupt
and tease. Nipples tweaked. Pinching
out, every emotion. Every notion
I demand. Lick me
bottom to top. Pay, play particular
attention to this extension,
from my midriff of pink, soft, silk. Your honey
overflows. Awaiting
your growth. Shall I tease, taste
or suck? Take you,
as mine. First behind ,then we begin
again. Nipples pinched. Tasty cock
submerged. Not a sound
to be heard. Slow moans erupt
as we groan out pleasures, free
hand. Heartily instigated
as actions are fornicated.
Come my pet. Enjoy my growing
of your gelding, sweltering

Update: I have begun printing up all the submissions so far, including the lovely "dialogue" piece going on, and will take hard copies to the bar this coming friday for a testing session.

Should be a hoot.

There's still plenty of time to put stuff in, and as I said, anyone else who wishes to do similar random, non-rational testing is most welcome to offer their results here.


She purred and poured rich cream
down his nape.
Rivers of white silk rolled down his chest,
flowed over his abdomen,
slid over his sex,
dripped into the tin bowl
resting on the kitchen floor.

She knelt before him,
streamed sugar over his hardness,
spilling it into the bowl,
collecting what remained
on her tongue
swirling over bare flesh.

The melted butter brought a gasp
a twitch
a sigh
as she tongued the warm
slick concoction from his cock.

With flicks and friction
she urged him on,
stroked him to satisfaction --
his seed a white stain
upon the butter cream bowl.

She smiled
and whisked the recipe,
thickening the creamy white frosting,
smeared it on the waiting cake
prepared to celebrate
the merger
for the partners
who planned to fire her
in the morning.
Sapphire_O said:

She purred and poured rich cream
down his nape.
Rivers of white silk rolled down his chest,
flowed over his abdomen,
slid over his sex,
dripped into the tin bowl
resting on the kitchen floor.

She knelt before him,
streamed sugar over his hardness,
spilling it into the bowl,
collecting what remained
on her tongue
swirling over bare flesh.

The melted butter brought a gasp
a twitch
a sigh
as she tongued the warm
slick concoction from his cock.

With flicks and friction
she urged him on,
stroked him to satisfaction --
his seed a white stain
upon the butter cream bowl.

She smiled
and whisked the recipe,
thickening the creamy white frosting,
smeared it on the waiting cake
prepared to celebrate
the merger
for the partners
who planned to fire her
in the morning.

yowza. nicely done.

champagne1982 said:
Nasty man
you provide
the weight of penance
to press the wanton lifting
of my knees up to my chest.
Modesty through exposition.
Serve in service
I only want the best
to please you.
Such a dirty little slut
to arouse
and pleasure
in my dark sin
upon your retribution.

Eyes downcast,
she replies
she is in service,
when queried about her desire.

As if such an answer
would shift the question.
Or perhaps the answer
offered speaks truth.

Penance for her former chastity
comes in the form
of obscene contortions
and decadent acts.

Provides a service
to her dark gentleman
keeping his slut
in modest means

and minimal accommodation
of her modesty.
Blushing scarlet in her finery,
charms always on display.
champagne1982 said:

I feel the glitter of the glass
beneath the cloth
as massaged circles
erase the streaks
that mar the view
of nipples flattened
inside circles of steam
heat rising from
lusting bodies watching
the world share
in our pleasure.
I think we need a new

Breasts bounce out
of the apron
which she barely wears
while cleaning evidence
of past sins.
Not sure which
is her greater chore
dealing with my perversions,
or their aftermath.
RhymeFairy said:
Volcanic core, melted.
Simmering juices
justified in a simple drive
to work, then home. Play.
Come here, my pet. Perhaps a slow
ride shall get your juices
flowing. Lips, nips, bite. Bite,

nipping caresses, tag
you. One end drops
to another on top,
tied and tried. Your showing,
is but a blessing
to behold. Held within, milking
begins. Up, then down. Take
what is mine. We have time, to ride
the torrents of temptation. Taking
what I what. Giving pleasures
demand. On your knees. Suckle,
every drop. Don't stop. Till I
command. Hand to hair, groping

you up. Lick, taste. Take, my offering
of hard loving, as temperatures rise. Defy,
me not. Slurp my crop. Your cock
has flopped, I shall begin a new reign
of rod and cuffs. Corrupt
and tease. Nipples tweaked. Pinching
out, every emotion. Every notion
I demand. Lick me
bottom to top. Pay, play particular
attention to this extension,
from my midriff of pink, soft, silk. Your honey
overflows. Awaiting
your growth. Shall I tease, taste
or suck? Take you,
as mine. First behind ,then we begin
again. Nipples pinched. Tasty cock
submerged. Not a sound
to be heard. Slow moans erupt
as we groan out pleasures, free
hand. Heartily instigated
as actions are fornicated.
Come my pet. Enjoy my growing
of your gelding, sweltering


edited a bit :::::

Volcanic core, melted.
Simmering juices
justified in a simple drive
to work, then home. Play.
Come here, my pet. Perhaps a slow
ride shall get your juices
flowing. Lips, nips, bite. Bite,

nipping caresses, tag
you. One end drops
to another on top,
tied and tried. Your showing,
is but a blessing
to behold. Held within, milking

begins. Up, then down. Take
what is mine. We have time, to ride
the torrents of temptation. Taking
what I what. Giving pleasures
demand. On your knees. Suckle,
every drop. Don't stop. Till I
command. Hand to hair, groping

you up. Lick, taste. Take, my offering
of hard loving, as temperatures rise. Defy,
me not. Slurp my crop. Your cock
has flopped, I shall begin a new reign
of rod and cuffs. Corrupt
and tease. Nipples tweaked. Pinching

out, every emotion. Every notion
I demand. Lick me
bottom to top. Pay, play particular
attention to this extension,
from my midriff of pink, soft,
silk. Your honey
overflows. Awaiting
your growth. Shall I tease, taste
or suck? Take you,
as mine. First behind ,then we begin
again. Nipples pinched. Tasty cock
submerged. Not a sound
to be heard. Slow moans erupt
as we groan out pleasures free

hand. Heartily instigated
as actions are fornicated.
Come my pet. Enjoy my growing
of your gelding, sweltering
The_Fool said:
Breasts bounce out
of the apron...
I always hate it when people read my mind, Mr. Fool. You are now on probation. Do not expose my personal fantasies again, under pain of...


of... something bad. I'll like 1-bomb you or something. Make you drink Scoresby scotch. Bring up that sestina thingie, or something.

a tap of my tongue
brings a shuddering heaven
I, your creator


I have never been with you
when the sun,
in it's effort to match
the elegance
of your eyes on a pier, drooped,
leaving the sky a bewildered pink
that back lit your white wide brimmed
straw hat,
and seemed to make the whole world
as if reading my thoughts,

but I have seen it.
Tzara said:
I always hate it when people read my mind, Mr. Fool. You are now on probation. Do not expose my personal fantasies again, under pain of...


of... something bad. I'll like 1-bomb you or something. Make you drink Scoresby scotch. Bring up that sestina thingie, or something.

You know that Carrie is going to use you quite badly now. :D

Go ahead and one bomb me. What I have submitted could use a vote every once in a while. Even better, bash me on my Indelible thread. That can always use a few more posts.... :D

I would drink gallons of rotgut whiskey or whisky to avoid the S-word(s)... :p