Nerdy BBW's

Ah yeah, I see what you're saying. They are a little more sensitive to the actions of women sometimes. I was really surprised by the number of times I got hit on at comic con.

Oh my yes, I never get hit on cause I dress like a bum at conventions, but a friend of mine always looks amazing. She had a guy run up behind her at MAGFest and stuff a hand written letter into the lowered hood of her jacket inviting her to a room party.

No clue who he was, but my my that was bold!
Oh my yes, I never get hit on cause I dress like a bum at conventions, but a friend of mine always looks amazing. She had a guy run up behind her at MAGFest and stuff a hand written letter into the lowered hood of her jacket inviting her to a room party.

No clue who he was, but my my that was bold!

I wore jeans and a t-shirt one day, and then cosplayed the other two and the difference was dramatic. (I'm really giving all the credit to the corset & push up bra.)

I can't imagine what it's like for some of the conventionally attractive women who show up in not a lot of clothes. I am tired just thinking about it.
I wore jeans and a t-shirt one day, and then cosplayed the other two and the difference was dramatic. (I'm really giving all the credit to the corset & push up bra.)

I can't imagine what it's like for some of the conventionally attractive women who show up in not a lot of clothes. I am tired just thinking about it.

Yeah, I know a girl who wears short dresses and minimum four inch heels while she walks around the convention. She has an entourage.
My experience has been the "nerdy guys" love the fact that you like the same things they do. They love not having to explain every little reference they drop. And if you can nail the cos play even better!
Ohhhhh theatre. Put a bunch of horny college kids in a tight theatre and make them get naked together doing "artsy" shows like Equus. Yup, I have plenty of stories from my theatre days, ha ha.

I think this needs its own, separate thread.
I love seeing the nerdy bbw girls at comicon. I love not only that they own their costumes but often they are the sexiest. I'd love to find a group of cosplayers to make my friends ...
Great thread. Not nerdy enough to post in here, but like those who can.