New Challenge Proposal


Lets start the ball rolling shall we...? :)

Around these parts I'm known as the bad `Bareback Rider`! :devil:
I was evil, as I would get a prim and proper girl drunk on cider, :rolleyes:
my aim was always to get my cock so very, very deep inside her! :eek:
And thats why ladies run when they see the bad `Bareback Rider!` :nana:
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Man Ray said:
Lets start the ball rolling shall we...? :)

Around these parts I'm known as the `Bad Bareback Rider`! :devil:
I was evil as I would get a prim and proper girl drunk on cider, :rolleyes:
my aim was always to get my cock so very, very deep inside her! :eek:
And thats why ladies run when they see the `Bad Bareback Rider!` :nana:

But do they run to? or fro?
C'mon, lets post some silly stuff! hehe

Around these parts I'm known as the bad `Bareback Rider`!
I was evil, as I would get a prim and proper girl drunk on cider,
my aim was always to get my cock so very, very deep inside her!
And thats why ladies run when they see the bad `Bareback Rider!`

And thus would have continued the rapacious adventures of the Bareback Rider.
But then one day he met his match when he fell for the very delicious Delilah.
He wooed her and charmed her and tried to ply her with his suspect cider.
Delilah was no blushing maiden and so she said, “No, I’ll drink Tizer!”

This refusal to drink his cider stymied the plans of the Bareback Rider.
He gazed with such desperate lust upon the curvaceous charms of Delilah,
all he wanted was to take her to his bed to kiss, fondle, lick and ride her.
She just laughed, “You have more chance of fucking the German Kaiser!”

Then one day Delilah, in a very short dress, said to the Bareback Rider,
“To bed me Sir, you are going to have to become a lot more kinder,
and you will definitely stop making prim ladies drink lots of cider,
and your name will be Mr. B. Ryder instead of Bareback Rider!”

He looked at her in her wickedly short dress and oh, how he loved Delilah!
“To get my hands on your charms I will cease to be the Bareback Rider,
I will throw away all my cider and buy nothing but lemonade or Tizer
and I’ll get a job in a stuffy little office and be called Mr. B. Ryder!”

He settled down in a sleepy village and married the delightful Delilah,
but Delilah was ridiculously frigid and he became a frustrated Mr. Ryder!
Thus he spent the rest of his sad days drinking nothing but flat Tizer,
and so it ended the racy libidinous, scandalous life of the Bareback Rider.


Ps For all you colonials and other unfortunates who do not live on these sceptered Isles `Tizer` is a popular brand of soda and is so much nicer than your awful, yucky Dr. Pepper! :p
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BooMerengue said:
But do they run to? or fro?

Do they hang down low?
Do his balls swing free?

Sorry - couldn't resist.

Queasy Rider

Motion sickness picks its victims
at random gifting nausea
to one sibling while the others
laugh at the miserable bundle
bunched in the back seat.

A window cracked an inch
in frigid winter under protest
was my lifeline as I gulped
back dinner and cold air.
Sympathy was rare.

The new car an agony
so shiny so clean just waiting
to be sullied on the maiden
voyage and I obliged
ruining the caramel leatherette.

No one scolds only silent frowns
accompany the quick clean up
and cries of “Oh gross!”
from the unsympathetic sisters.
Humiliation complete I sleep.

Unfamiliar words float
free of explanation – hypochondria
subliminal and productive
imagination but I
just know it’s very real.

Time has cured me thankfully
but map reading must be brief
or my dubious gift slowly unwraps
making me seven once more
expecting unnecessarily guilt.
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Jazzy Rider

They cut rugs on Saturday
straight to the wood.
It's a hot sock hop, blare-blasted
when tenors wail till the sun pops
its red eye, sighs and commences
to dance.

The night is still young there
in the dim glassclink bloom.
Jazz lasts, sends the Brute
on a straight up mission,
a four-four dawn zoom.

Hey Miss Indigo!
Wake up Kittty Kat,
Hey Miss Marylou, come out
and strut your alley eyes.

Jazz is champagne bubbles,
night never dies.
Papa Joe is the wind,
brushes stardust on high-hats
to KC and back, rolls a prayer up
in rat-a-tatoos.

Come now jazzy rider
into the room where the Hawk
blows hard prebop, the Prez
backslides gloom.

Come out kitty kat, come away,
finger walk, call and respond,
tell all your good news.
PC Rider

yeah baby, you can take my hard
drive for a spin
you know just how to turn me on
and work the switch like a fucking pro

oh god how I purr
when you slide
those manicured wonders
into my heated core
on overdrive now

the buzz in my ears
almost drowning out the rush
of exhale
Please, T, wider!


Please, T, wider!
Please, T, you know the show
means so much more than the tell,
know the hell
poets go through straining
for inspiration that smiles, sly
feminine wiles that purse slippery
lips and ache for cunning tongue
free-wheeling verse. Curse
the grainy image, the ambivalent light
that snubs my eager rubs
on cheeky challenge grist, open wider Trist-
ess and move the muse within me.

Split my breast undressed with but a glimpse
of heaven-
sent honey-scented heaven. Pry my ribs
apart and watch my heart labor
in dim-lit heat of a poet’s hut, shut-eyed
lust for golden ore that dazzles, brilliant
metaphor. You hold it there, Tristesse,
so if you care for verse that surges
from my core and spills the urges
of a poet’s pen then please, T, wider!


I'm being very stubborn about this...Okay, that fucking muse of mine is being subborn. Or else he's drinking my Scotch again.....
The_Fool said:

I'm being very stubborn about this...Okay, that fucking muse of mine is being subborn. Or else he's drinking my Scotch again.....

I looked at your title and thought "that Fool's a clever fool."

Never mind, I did say right at the start that it is a No Pressure Challengejust for fun.
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Tristesse said:
I looked at your title and thought "that Fool's a clever fool."

Never mind, I did say right at the start that it is a No Pressure Challengejust for fun.

I came up with that one because I've got about fourteen books going at once right now....

I'll come up with something....I just need that appropriate risque thought.... :kiss:

Oh yeah, by the way.....nice ass..... :D
Hazy Rider

She flew
The clouds were high and bright
Down she floated
Through the haze
And as she sought
The meaning, perpendicular lines
Of violet scathingly
Cut through the thin blue wires
Of capricious light and
She dreamt of a night
When the haze would fill the empty pockets
Of her power
And give her life
Weary Rider

The dying sun
Paints the sky
North to South
End to End
Sweeping dramatic
Until darkness
Lights the stars

The horse moves
At a slow gait
His rider sways in time
To the steady rhythm
The gait picks up
With home in site
Thoughts of a warm stable
Feed and water
Riding dark to dark
And a heavy day of calving
Take their toll

Worn hands
Grip the pommel
Man and horse
Groan and sigh
As the rider
Swings down
From the saddle
A snort
And the thump of hooves
The only response
As the man slides
The saddle
Off the horse
unto the rail
A quick brush
A parting slap
And the man
Heads for the house

Worn coat on one hook
Stained hat on the other
A weathered face revealed
Beaten by sun, wind and time
The morning coffee
Not even a distant memory
The man sets down
To warmed over supper
And too strong coffee
That he would call
“Black as sin”
If he weren’t too tired
To say so

Too tired
To do much more
He cradles the cup
To the last dregs
Rinses it
Fixes the coffee pot
For tomorrow
And turns out the light
Tristesse said:
I propose a play on the words Easy Rider.

Prize - the pleasure you give others with your inventive and fantastic poem.

No judging, no competition. Just have fun.
I'm taking that pleasure straight to the bank.
flyguy69 said:
I'm taking that pleasure straight to the bank.

Nice sig line.

I remember it well--and understand now why you liked the line in my poem about the wayback machine. :D

Angeline said:
Nice sig line.

I remember it well--and understand now why you liked the line in my poem about the wayback machine. :D

Need a pet boy?
I think...

I think I speak for all who enjoyed your challenge that we are all glad to have rode you... :rolleyes: ..Ooops! Sorry, should've been `rode WITH you` on this amusing challenge! :nana: