New forum poll. To change or not to change. Please vote.

What do you want to do with the Author's Hangout?

  • Keep things the way they are.

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • Do the subforum idea.

    Votes: 12 41.4%

  • Total voters
I'm going to abstain.

The problem with change is that a lot of the time it's for it's own sake, and nothing changes faster than a thread in the Hangout.

I often regret posting a humourous aside into a serious thread and it being taken up as serious or a hi-jack.

I've been playing with an idea for a while now about how some of the hi-jacking could be avoided.

In an effort not to derail this thread I will state only that I have formed a Yahoo Group (I've spoken to Lauren about this) called "Litauthors". Membership is by invitation only.

The greatest advantage of a Group is that they have internal chatrooms.

Anyone interested in joining the Group should PM me and have a Yahoo address from where you can be invited.

KillerMuffin said:
Perhaps the best solution is to turn the SDC itself into the writing forum.
I could very easily agree with that.

The only relevant thing on the model I proposed was the existence of an alternative to the Hangout where we could discuss writing without risk of hijacking. The subforums organization was, like I posted, merely an attempt to improve the overall organization, not a requirement...

The SDC could easily be rationalized as being part of either a story feedback type of forum or a wider writing discussion forum, so it's better to do whatever disturbs the normal functions of the board the least.
Doesn'tthis smack of elitism?

gauchecritic said:

In an effort not to derail this thread I will state only that I have formed a Yahoo Group (I've spoken to Lauren about this) called "Litauthors". Membership is by invitation only.

The greatest advantage of a Group is that they have internal chatrooms.

Anyone interested in joining the Group should PM me and have a Yahoo address from where you can be invited.


I'm sorry I have never liked when people run off in something i'm involved in and form private lists. In my experience it leads to nothing but 'oh s/he is a member of blah and you know how they are' Or 'I wish I was a member of blah, I'll never be a member of blah' or 'Gee the serious people are mebers of blah, I'm not a member of blah I guess I'm not wanted here'

Seen it happen with too many things, fair warning from me.

Hurt feelings, infighting, and elitism, somehow I don't see that as a solution to anything.

Re: Doesn'tthis smack of elitism?

Alex756 said:
I'm sorry I have never liked when people run off in something i'm involved in and form private lists.

i agree with that.
I really really don't want to move off topic but the only reason I invented the Group was to redirect some of the frivolity of the serious threads into a 'real-time' situation (along with obvious drawbacks) where inane chatter can carry on regardless.

The privacy thing was entirely so that the Group wouldn't be available to Group Browsers looking for tittilation. I am ashamed to think that anyone would accuse me of fomenting elitism.

I may be clever, I may be arrogant and I am certainly Gauche but elitist? What am I? OGPU?:mad:

Flabberghastliness and Flummery

gauchecritic said:
I may be clever, I may be arrogant and I am certainly Gauche but elitist? What am I? OGPU? :mad:
I simply want say I share Gauche's angry smilie. I don't even think him arrogant, just a uniquely clever chap, a gentleman, and a good writer. I'll join your group, GC. Will PM you soon.

Purr :rose:
I've said it before, I'll say it again: I read much more than I post

MathGirl said:
Dear Croc,
This place has always been characterized by sort of a well meaning anarchy. I think that's one of its attractions.

That was suspose to be my point. Ridged rules will seriously change the feel of the hangout.
Gauchie's idea

It's not a bad idea, but I think I'll stick with my friends here.
Re: Sorting out threads

I just want to be wherever Chicklet is. That's all.

Oh, and I apologize for any threads I've corrupted in the past. It seemed amusing at the time, and I didn't think about the frustration it would cause. (This is genuine, not sarcastic.)

Since there's such resistance to the idea of changing this forum, I like the idea of changing the name of the SDC so it's more of a general writing forum. That forum doesn't get much activity as it is, and I think it would be a nice change. I'll post there. I may be the only one posting, but I think I have a lot to learn from myself. And if I hijack any of my own threads, I'll kick my sorry little ass.
KillerMuffin said:
Perhaps the best solution is to turn the SDC itself into the writing forum.

I concur with both Lauren and Sarah as this being a viable solution. I would visit the forum - I miss getting more involved with discussing stories and such as it is, and this would help guide me in that direction.
KillerMuffin said:
I must say I'm iffy on just sticking Story Ideas in there because the regulars there would take it just as kindly as you all are taking the idea of partitioning off the Hangout. ... You really shouldn't arbitrarily move a group of people without letting them have a say. ...
I agree, but for an entirely different reason. In the Story Ideas we get just that, and little else; certainly not enough else to warrant changing. I believe that ideas for stories warrant their own separate forum, which they have.

I think that leaves me voting Yes and No!!!
Gauche..i am sure you didn't mean anything but good to come from your idea,thing is hun that you're dealing with authors and you know how paranoid we get.Just look at the number of"someone always 1 bombs my story" threads that turn up in the hangout!

So knowing this we also know that a fair amount of people will see the lit authors yahoo group as some kind of big elitest shin dig and get all upset about it. No one is saying you are elitest just that the yahoo group could be perceived that way :)

Ok well i like the idea put forward of adding to the SDC to make it more of an"on writing" forum but are the story discussion persons going to like it?

It's the same old same old in the end really when it really comes down to it we don't want change because it might make things even worse so we'll stick with what we've got thanks even if we don't think its quite perfect.

I am with the people who found the hi-jacking of serious threads very annoying(i'm not getting at anyone i think it was just a case of a little light relief getting out of hand) and i stayed away from the authors hangout for a bit, because i wasn't willing to type a serious post with this one good hand to have it disappear in all the farce.

Now i am contributing again(look of the size of this post all done with my weak right hand folks!) because i do love this place and i want to see it thrive again.

We have got to do something people,there are many unhappy bunnies out there,its a case of working out what exactly. So lets kep throwing out ideas,lets keep trying to find the right balance but at the same time lets be open minded.

The hangout will change in someway after this,even if it stays the same.

We need to think about what is good for the hangout,literotica,ourselves and the new authors who want to come and spend time with us old timers:)

*goes to lie down in a darkened room now to recover*
Dear English Lady with the lovliest smile:

This is just to thank you for your good will and optimism (I need it!)

Your posts are especially appreciated knowing your condition. Hope it's getting better day by day.

affectionately, Perdita :rose:

p.s. to everyone: I'm still confused and ambivalent but only want the best for the majority AND the minority (which is why I'm confused and...)
Do whatever you want. I'll be curious to see what this place looks like when I get back from London...:eek:
RE: SDC being the "Author's Hangout"

I think that it would be nice to see more discussion going on in the SDC. That might be a good sollution to our problems here, as we could keep threads going on both serious and silly here.

The thing about the SDC right now, to me, is that it's very intimidating. I feel like I don't belong there cause I'm not as clever as some of the SDC regulars...I'm liking that KM started those threads about passive tone and dialogue...maybe if we did more of that around there it wouldn't be as intimidating?

But the problem with that is that we don't want to corrupt it's original purpose: sitting around in a circle and critiquing (ohgodpleasedon'tmakefunofmyspellingskills) each others work.

