New Story Posted

Blushing Bashfully

Dear Friends

Thank you for your comments and support. It means a great deal. I will get round to replying to each of you in due course, bit busy just at the moment.

Part 2 is awaiting posting, expect it around mid week. Part 3 will be submitted tomorrow for New Year posting.

Thanks again. Your support makes it worth while.

Manipulation Part 2

Manipulation Part 2 is posted today.

Will catch up with everything later. Just home for few hours, refill the suitcase and off again.

Many thanks to those who have sent messages, will be replying over the next few days.

Re: Manipulation Part 2

Wills said:
Manipulation Part 2 is posted today.

Will catch up with everything later. Just home for few hours, refill the suitcase and off again.

Many thanks to those who have sent messages, will be replying over the next few days.


First off Happy Holidays to you Wills. I just want to congratulate you on a most excellent part 2 to your story. I posted my comments on your story. You should feel proud to have enticed this moron, I don't read many stories here. Let us skip this weekly crapola and just send me the other 3 chapters now. Then you can get back to the "Challenge Club", we need you back into the fold!

My Stories and Poetry
Re: Re: Manipulation Part 2

Dingus Guy said:
First off Happy Holidays to you Wills. I just want to congratulate you on a most excellent part 2 to your story. I posted my comments on your story. You should feel proud to have enticed this moron, I don't read many stories here. Let us skip this weekly crapola and just send me the other 3 chapters now. Then you can get back to the "Challenge Club", we need you back into the fold!

Hi DG,

Festive Greetings to you and yours.

Thanks for your support. Most of the feedback has said exactly the same... I'm afraid you just have to wait, anticipation is part of the pleasure!

Particularly pleased to have received one e-mail from a guy who described Anna as his first secretary and was 'disturbed' by the memories my story had awoken. Ah... the fun of writing.

First three votes all bombed the story so average is down for the moment until Laurel clears out the system presumably in the New Year, other than that delighted with votes and response.

Manipulation Part 3 should be released on 1st January.


PS New AV is 'palitas' jetty at Carrasqueira, see 'Spirit of Christmas' thread.
Wills said:
Finally Posted

New story finally up after two week wait.
Had 53 reads as of ten minutes ago and has already been publically trashed by Louise and Lisa the bi-twins. Is this a record?

I've left the public comment up - it's funny!

Will's :D

Click 'Will's Tales' link below.

Sorry to say this, but I find these post self agrandizing clap trap if not out right begging of us to "Please! Please! Read my new story and vote 5, and don't forget to give me some nice feedback to glote over." All this does is put a bullseye on the story for those here who down vote anything with an H attached to it. Sorry if I'm being a grinch, but it has indeed been a long day for me.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Hey Dirt, are you for real? I recall you annoyed me greatly with all your whining about your holiday contest entry, and then you posted that sappy xmas thing all over the threads here.

If there's anyone who owes it to us to self-promote it's Wills.

bugger you,

Perdita :mad:
My pleasure Wills

It was my pleasure to read it thus far, I very much enjoyed it. As for Dirt, I think a post telling someone they should read their story is harmless, and those who don't want to read it don't have to. I think someone who posts to insult another person is a waste of our time to read it. As it is said, if you don't have something good to say, shut the @#&% up. I can understand constructive criticism of a story and if someone asks for an honest opinion, then you tell them, but your post should be kept to yourself.
Hi DirtMan

I write for myself.
I write for my readers.
I write to entertain others.

I don't consider posting anecdotal feedback on AH as self promotion, it is sharing experiences with other writers.

To promote my stories I use the new stories thread on Story Feedback board, and, like you and many others, make a simple announcement here that a story has been posted.

By the way, I don't regard posting stories on Lit. as some form of competition where we are looking for high scores, we have no control over votes and all rely upon Laurel to correct blatant abuse of the voting system. You did not see me complaining here when the first three votes of Manipulation Part 2 were all 1's accompanied by mildly abusive feedback.

I am content to receive public, private and anonymous feedback commenting on the writing, that is where the value is judged and you make the assessment of the quality of your writing.

Don't be afraid of the 1 vote, it just means you are achieving something and pissing someone off, especially if you know what you are writing is good.

Hey, I appoligized before I posted, didn't I?

And at the end of the post as well. So kiss my FUCKING ASS! I said I was having a bad day, didn't I? Sheesh!