New Story, rejected

hiya again

ah but!!

i can't agree with you 100pc km honey, not on the publishers and their preferences, most of what you say is true, but pubishers are looking for earnings they don't give a toss about anything else.

you real authors seem to forget how important you are in the equasion, without the writer there would be no publisher, no need.

without the publisher there would be no reader, they'd have nothing to read.

the writer is the first and most important link in the chain and has a responsibility to write something interesting that will attract the publisher to think readers will be interested.

crap writers are two a penny, and most of them are word perfect, and grammar perfect, and they can spell, but they aint getting published as long as they have a hole in their ass, cos their story or whatever is very well written but boring badly thought out shit.

good saleable writers are more rare, and if a publisher sees a story he/she knows to be a winner and might earn a few quid, he/she doesn't care if it's written on 200 fag packets without a comma or full stop in evidence. there's a backroom staff of highly trained proof readers and editors to take care of that business. (don't tell me i'm wrong, i worked for oxford university press for 5 years, you should see the state of the stuff uni professors send in as manuscripts for consideration, i used to have to type it out to make a little sense, yes type!!).

literotica is a totally different kettle of fish, the bosses here insist on near perfect spelling and grammar, as well as perfect layout, they do this not out of any consideration for the content of the story, (that is painfully obvious reading some of it) but to make it a bit easier to read on a computer screen.

i for one would rather read an interesting story with the odd comma missing than some perfectly laid out load of boring crap, but then i'm just an ordinary everyday housewife, what do i know.

just another two pennyworth. why the fuck am i in sensible mood tonight, must get over to personals.
Re: hiya again

LorriLove said:
why the fuck am i in sensible mood tonight, must get over to personals.
Ah, but you're rather sexy even when sensible, Lorr-love.

Perdita (who agrees with you on everything) :kiss:
Re: Re: hiya again

perdita said:
Ah, but you're rather sexy even when sensible, Lorr-love.

Perdita (who agrees with you on everything) :kiss:

lo perdy hun, how are you:rose: gosh sensible and sexy, never thought i could be both:D must go talk about plato in bed later and see if it works:devil: :D he's bound to stick something in my mouth to shut me up

lorri xxxxxxxxx:devil: