New to the Community... NW Wolf


guys...I had an email yesterday from wolf that he would introduce himself but had to work til this evening...he'll be back... blue
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm ignoring this thread from now on. :rolleyes:

Fool's in the bar having a drink. Maybe you'd care to join him.

I'll be there shortly. :D
bluerains said:
guys...I had an email yesterday from wolf that he would introduce himself but had to work til this evening...he'll be back... blue

He'd better! He needs to reclaim his thread from this shameless hijacking!


from past emails what a total tease he wondering...but..he seems so sweet...I think we need to nurse him along... :D he did send a pic...a cutie of an irishman...
and he is a bit naughty too...too much for an old lass like me to handle... :D :rose:
bluerains said:
from past emails what a total tease he wondering...but..he seems so sweet...I think we need to nurse him along... :D he did send a pic...a cutie of an irishman...
and he is a bit naughty too...too much for an old lass like me to handle... :D :rose:

The other day I received an anonymous message that said only:

Awwwwww hun ,
you are so young and you sound sooo nice ..
but... I am old lolol ah well -
good luck and enjoy whatever you choose to do​

Was that you? :D:p

am not that old...but...wasn't me..wolf just seems to be interested in toys not of my
experience...but,,am sure he will find some intersting conversation to stimulate his wolfish appetite... :D
Thank You... (Gentle Smile)

Thank you for the warm Welcome from all...(Gentle Smile)... As I learn more about this Forum... I see that this exceeds the "poem" concept... so thank you to those who also pointed that out... (Gentle Smile)

To Touch is Devine...
The Kiss is Subline...
Your Inner Warmth and Wettness is for the Moment Mine
To be Accepted and Loved by you is the desire of Mine...

NW Wolf... (Gentle Smile)...

(And you thought I could only get lost in the Northwest
champagne1982 said:
Eve has her wet things out on the line in the Secret Secrets thread...

I wonder if she hangs her sexy underwear out on the line to really freak out the neighbors.......Just pondering.
The_Fool said:
I wonder if she hangs her sexy underwear out on the line to really freak out the neighbors.......Just pondering.
Hanging them on a neighbor seems to get a better reaction.
Lauren Hynde said:

The other day I received an anonymous message that said only:

Awwwwww hun ,
you are so young and you sound sooo nice ..
but... I am old lolol ah well -
good luck and enjoy whatever you choose to do​

Was that you? :D:p

It was me.
Welcome ... Welcome ... Welcome ~!!!

Hi ya NW Wolf. I am pleased to meet you. I am also very sorry in being so late to the welcome party. I look forward to your writing ... ~

Also, Thank you for reading some of my work. I do believe I need to be punished for not welcoming you a lil faster like the others. Was quiet rude of me. Here, you read my poems. Wrote me a nice lil e-mail, and I had no clue who ya were. I do apologize my new Friend.

Welcome ... Happy Writing~ :D
welcome to hell, slut it's time to get a crackin'
mother fuck shit, bitch, I come a rappin'... YAY! :nana: "Matt Dam0n" :confused:
More from Before... A Journey with NW Wolf...

Thank you for all the delightful response and return pen including the wonderful sagas so wonderfully presented… (A Gracious Bow… and Gentle Smile to all…)

I trust you will enjoy the next day in the life of Lynn…

“More from Before”… The Journey to beyond Rightfulness and Wrongfulness… (Gentle Smile)

You awaken with a Jolt, Alone in your bed
This trip to the Forest must have been a dream
You wonder for a moment if you were dead

Your mouth feels and tastes strange
What a dream it seemed, what is this taste
Where was this strange and different Forested Place

As you regain your senses of the world around you
Once again in your bed, this is a familiar space

You remember for a fleeting moment, how safe
And how free you felt in this other time and space

A meadow so light and warm, a forest so magic
A stream so pure, a breeze so alive that it danced
Teasing your cheek and caressing your breasts

You are always amazed Sara Lynn at how quickly dreams come and go.
You have always been special,
Always in touch with the here and now
And somewhere out there always in the Know

But in this moment it the alarm has just gone off and time to get ready for work.
A different Journey to that forest of concrete and steel
Ragged noises, strange smells, and the disorder you loathe to feel

But before you get up Pretty Lady just one more stretch, a gentle twist of your neck from left to right, a gentle movement front to back, all of a sudden memories flood, Wow… what a night

That taste again… there it is seemingly deep in your throat and yet on your lips…
You run your tongue lightly across your lips…salty yet sweet
Mmm… a surge… a tingle in your belly… and a twinge deep between your hips

Stretching, turning, arching your back… smiling, wondering if as you did this would you excite a man… (Gentle Smile)

Slowly you lift your belly… your legs open slightly once again stretching…
Wondering if your lover would find you fetching…

Gently you reach up and slowly caress the sides of your breast moving the palms of your hands gently forward pretending that your lover was there to share the warm soft curves that lead to your sensitive nipples now stirring alive from the anticipation of your feather light touch… a touch that you are so familiar with…

For a moment you touch these tender delights… mm... A gentle twist… a gentle pull… light touches and strokes… wetting your fingers with a gentle lick from your tongue… mmm there is that taste again… the memories of last nights dream drift like a gentle breeze as you tenderly fondle your breasts…

Could it be, you were really there, if you had been
What would he have done next… would you care…
You are tired of being alone… your love and Passion you would gladly share…

Would he have guided your hands already on your breasts down to your soft belly… Starting… stopping… moving slowly… his hands on yours controlling your movements… down… Slowly…
Holding you still…tracing his fingers in between yours, you are so soft… so warm… his touch is electric… slowly letting fires build from the embers that quietly smolder in your belly… the heat spreading upward… to your soft breasts… downward to your core of your being…the fire builds…

You have longed for the coals of this fire to be fanned… the embers have glowed for so long… desire just below the surface… you have hidden this desire for so long… the fire is building Pretty Lady…

Dreams once again drift slowly… and persistently… totally occupying your mind… overflowing to your emotional self… gently awakening a new level of sensuousness… the fire builds… no longer embers smoldering… flames of desire flick at your Essence… demanding attention…

He leans forward… lowering his lips to your breasts… licking in a slow circle closer and closer to your right nipple… not quite… almost… lifting his head he repeats the journey on your left breasts… closer to your nipple… then a gentle bite… a gentle pull with his teeth… raking your nipple with his tongue as he pulls so gently… holding your hands still in place against your belly…

Now to the right breast… licking… circling… a gentle bite a raspy lick a firm pull and a gentle bite… your nipples are so firm… so hot… he pulls slightly higher… leans closer so that the sensitive nipples touch the warmth of his chest… kissing up the right side of your neck… a kiss… a lick… a gentle bite… exploring your warmth… feeling your shy blush with his tongue…

To your ear… around just a little behind your ear to that most sensitive place… kissing… licking… back along your neck… up to your soft lips… a gentle kiss… a tender slow lick across your lips… you part your lips just ever so slightly… your tongues touch… fanning the flames of passion inside you ever so brightly…

Deep searching kisses… Exploring each other… tasting each other… you feel hardness against your hands and belly as he explores you with his hard cock… a trail of pre cum… trailing along your belly… it could be liquid fire it is so hot against your flesh…

He pulls back his kiss… a light kiss on your forehead… then down to your neck again… slowly… down between your breasts… tasting the beads of sweat building between your breasts… in these sensitive place warm wet kisses… down… So slowly… down…

He pauses of just a moment… touching his pre cum with his tongue… mixing it with the sweat from between your breasts… moving slowly and deliberately he extends his tongue to paint this mixture of delights gently across your lips… kissing back down to your belly…

Moving your hands now to your side… holding your hands still… kissing down… searching the softness of your belly with his tongue…your hips lifting… begging him to find that special place that will release the roaring fires now raging between your legs… his journey seems to have taken forever…

He can smell your desire… he can feel your wetness against his chest…he can feel the strain in your legs as you try to gain leverage and pull him closer… he feels the twisting of your wrists… struggling to be free to drive him to your burning pussy…

He lowers his kisses… to between your legs… first licking the inside of your right leg… Just below your pussy lips… then licking the inside of your left leg just below your pussy lips… so softly… gentle bites… here and there… kisses… licks…

Then with his tongue he is touching the outside lips of your pussy for just a moment, again with his tongue… now the other side… a gentle bite… a lick… another… another… no matter which way you move to claim your prize he moves just a little in the other direction…

He can hear your whispers… your growls… “Lick me… Lick my Pussy… Eat me… Please”… your breasts now heave from your ragged breathing… More growls… more whispers… Begging… Demanding… Begging… you twist and turn… blatantly offering your prize to him… Begging for him to put out the fires of desire for at least the moment…

With a whisper he says to you… “Show me your special place Pretty Lady… touch it for me… hold it for me so I can lick it… kiss it… if I let your hands go… will you show me… will you dig your pretty long fingers into your pussy for me… wetting this special place”…

As soon as he has released your hands… your fingers plunge into your wet pussy… He pulls your right hand wet from your pussy to his lips… sucking on your fingers… licking them… sucking hard… cleaning your wetness from them… releasing your hand again... he says again, show me Pretty Lady… he has replaced your fingers that were digging deep in your pussy with is own… gently exploring your most private places…

As you show your most cherished prize to him… a gentle touch with his tongue to just the right spot… there… again… a lick… a kiss… a long lick up from the bottom of your pussy back to the special place… again between your pussy lips and your leg… frustration builds…

You wrap your legs around his neck… pulling him in close… your hands to the back of his head… guiding his lips to that special place… fingers digging into his neck… kisses… sucking… licking… sucking… you feel it building… your pussy flowing with your special juices…

There… Pretty Lady… There… Now… let the explosions of your senses over take you… let go… growl… hiss… move… do what quenches your raging fires… the blinding lights in your mind… the lightening bolts of your emotions… Cum for me Pretty Lady… Cum in my mouth… so I can taste your essence…

Gentle kisses to these special places continue the lightening bolts here and there… but the Thunderstorms of desire are moving slowly away… he kiss you softly along your belly…up to your lips… sharing your tastes with you… for just a moment…

You roll to your belly… arching your back to present your delightful ass… mmmm… nothing…

A quick look around the room… no one… where did he go… the puddle on the sheets says someone was there… what seems like a flash from the corner of your eye… nothing… But there is a presence… you feel so safe…

Reluctantly you shower dress and get ready for work… as you return to pick up your watch and jewelry… a flower… like the ones you saw in the meadow while dreaming… You smile… you feel the light brush of Wolf Energy against your leg… you will be safe today Pretty Lady…

There is a briskness to your step…things go right…traffic lights are just right… people smile and give way to you… it will be a Very Good Day Pretty Lady… (Gentle Smile)… a Very Good Day…

You May Always Travel Safely in Bright Light Surrounded by the Energy of Wolf… (Gentle Smile)
RhymeFairy said:
Welcome ... Welcome ... Welcome ~!!!

Hi ya NW Wolf. I am pleased to meet you. I am also very sorry in being so late to the welcome party. I look forward to your writing ... ~

Also, Thank you for reading some of my work. I do believe I need to be punished for not welcoming you a lil faster like the others. Was quiet rude of me. Here, you read my poems. Wrote me a nice lil e-mail, and I had no clue who ya were. I do apologize my new Friend.

Welcome ... Happy Writing~ :D

Hmmm... (Gentle Smile)...reading... reading... how nice.... (GASP)... The Punishment concept seems to
Thank you RhymeFairy... :rose:
what an

image paint...some gals out there may need a fan....and yet...I am still hooked on metaphoric visuals ..and this is getting more visual indeed...nwMaestro...
bluerains said:
image paint...some gals out there may need a fan....and yet...I am still hooked on metaphoric visuals ..and this is getting more visual indeed...nwMaestro...

(Gentle Smile)... A fan...maybe... A Cooling Adventure...MM Why put out a smoldering fire...(Gentle Smile)

One might want to keep the embers forever warm with the concept that "All Day is ForePlay"... :rose: NW Wolf...
NW Wolf said:
(Gentle Smile)... A fan...maybe... A Cooling Adventure...MM Why put out a smoldering fire...(Gentle Smile)

One might want to keep the embers forever warm with the concept that "All Day is ForePlay"... :rose: NW Wolf...

You need to burn those embers in short stories and you have a bit of porn bits..that a lot of folks would enjoy...polish that pen and write some good short stories for the story :eek:
RhymeFairy said:
What happened to NW?

He was here ... then gone.
Just curious ~


He pmed me a couple of weeks ago ~ nothing since then

I'm sure he's still around somewhere...

Wolf ? come out, come out where ever you are... :D
Thank You... (Gentle Smile)

Mmmm Thank you... There was the need to Wander amongst the Forest for a While... I see that most of you have generated such delightful work while I was out of touch... Very Nice... Talk to you again soon... :rose: NW Wolf