New Year's Eve

I wouldn't go out of the house after dark on New Years's
Eve. The drunk drivers are too much danger.
Type a story into your computer instead.
Vincent E said:
Oooh, and the one with little Billy Mumy turning the people into Jacks-in-the-Boxes and sending them out to the cornfield. That one always gives me the willies.

I remember that episode, but frankly Billy Mumy gave me the willies - more accurately, the billies - even when he wasn't in anything scary. I was such a fan of Dr. Smith on Lost In Space, and completely on his side. Every time he was confronted by a monstrous alien, he'd shove Billy Mumy in front of him and shriek,

"Take the boy!! Take the boy, and spare my life...puhleeeeze!"
Mhari, if you do drink a whole bottle of Champagne by yourself be sure it's really good and drink enough water to match. I did that not too long ago, not by myself but I drank Champagne from about 4pm to midnight at a party, good stuff, and I had no headache or hangover the next day, merely felt drunk still.

Have fun (and if you can't have fun, take someone else's fun, ha ha).

Happy new year!

paz, Perdita :heart:
Muchas gracias for the advice, Perdita. :rose: I try to drink a lot of water at least after the imbibing. As for the good stuff...well, I fear Korbel is about as good as I can afford. *sigh* Maybe someday I'll find me a nice fella who'll buy me the good stuff! *grin*


Happy New Year to all!

(and to all a good night?)

edited belatedly because I realized to my horror that I spelled "muchas" wrongly. *sigh* After all those years of Spanish, too! I blame my exhaustion and the cheap wine I was consuming! Though I'm still not sure if I've got it right now...Bleah
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Mhari said:
Mucho gracias for the advice, Perdita. :rose: I try to drink a lot of water at least after the imbibing. As for the good stuff...well, I fear Korbel is about as good as I can afford. *sigh* Maybe someday I'll find me a nice fella who'll buy me the good stuff! *grin*


Happy New Year to all!

(and to all a good night?)

*sigh* And I just poured up cheap stuff...
Mhari said:
... I fear Korbel is about as good as I can afford. *sigh* Maybe someday I'll find me a nice fella who'll buy me the good stuff!
O, nevermind nice fellas. If you send me your address I'll send you ten bucks cash to add to your Korbel (yuk) kitty (or more, I'm guessing K's is about $15?) I mean it. You need to drink the 'real' thing, and I would love to help.

the good stuff

goodgawdalmighty, Foolish one. You'll scare Mhari out of her wits. The good stuff I had was I'd guess $30 bucks a bottle. My older son nearly bought me a $100 bottle of Champagne for xmas, then he came upon a financial crisis. I told him, and meant it, that it was the thought that counts. I would have hated him spending his very hard earned bucks on that (as much as I would love to have tasted it :) ). He bought me some fine Irish tea instead, and I was happy for it.

This year's headliner: Strom Thurmond's Illegimate Children's Marching Band

This is it, ladies and gentlemen: Dec. 26, the day of the only parade on the planet that I will attend on purpose.

The King Mango Strut in Coconut Grove, only a 20-minute walk from ma crib (oops; I've been spending too much time with the Shizzolator) is the anti-parade. Originally created to take the saccharine taste out of the mouths of Miamians sick to death of the Orange Bowl parade and the even sweeter and less competent Junior Orange Bowl parade, the King Mango Strut is produced by a committee of locals with nothing better to do than hang out at the Taurus Lounge and come up with evil, politician-prodding parade themes.

I first attended the King Mango Strut by accident, since I often walk the pup into the Grove to read the paper (me) and sip a double latte (the dog) and the Strut is the only permitted parade in the city that doesn't bar dogs from the event - In fact, there's often a float dedicated to pooches, and they toss milkbones to the crowd.

My dog has insisted on going back every year. She marks the days on the calendar.

That first year's most topical parade entry was the Marching Lorena Bobbits, who performed a prescision scissors-snap and tossed Vienna sausages to the crowd.

The dogs loved that one even more than the milkbone-tossing float.

Usually, though, the parade sticks to skewering our local politicians. There's enough material there that we rarely have to look past our own city limits for parade material. The Banana Republic float was a hit two years ago, with a lookalike for Mayor Carollo throwing tea cannisters at the crowd. This followed the Mayor's recent arrest for beaning his wife on the noggin with a tea cannister.

I love Miami.

Wish you could all join me here at noon tomorrow. And damn, I wish the Taurus Lounge hadn't been closed to make way for condos. I don't know where the planning committee has been meeting, but I applaud their efforts.

I'll bring sausages, or whatever, when I return to Lit tomorrow after the parade to end all parades.

Here's a nice picture of the Strut's spokesmango:


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We shall spend New Year's Eve in Sintra, much loved by Lord Byron, at the home of one of Portugals most famous artists with other artists, some young, some past their 'living prime' but still producing work that speaks of their lifetime and lives to come.

If we are lucky we will return to Lisboa with the dawn and sleep off the night festivities safe in the knowledge that we survived another year.

Wills said:
We shall spend New Year's Eve in Sintra, much loved by Lord Byron, at the home of one of Portugals most famous artists with other artists, some young, some past their 'living prime' but still producing work that speaks of their lifetime and lives to come.

If we are lucky we will return to Lisboa with the dawn and sleep off the night festivities safe in the knowledge that we survived another year.


Admit it: You'd kill to trade places with me and attend the King Mango Strut...I'm on my way out the door, to get prime cafe space before the anti-parade begins at 2pm. Yes! The Strom Thurmond's Illegimate Children's Marching Band!
Vincent E said:
New Year's Eve is the greatest. That is when the Sci-Fi channel has the annual Twilight Zone marathon. There was a local station that used to have a Three Stooges marathon, but the network did away with that. nothing says New Year like a six-pack, a box of Chinese food, and Burgess Meredith breaking his glasses on the steps of the library in a post apocalyptic America.

What about Jack Klugman as a jazz trumpeter making a deal with the devil? Or Agnes Moorehead as a mountain woman invaded by tiny astronauts?

They used to have W.C. Fields marathons here all night, but for some reason they stopped. God, that was a great way to start the new year though. He made drinking seem like the sensible choice.

Boxlicker101 said:
Hey, Og, are you sure of that? Wouldn't the temperature be about 10 degrees F. in London at midnight on Dec. 31? Although it sounds like a really, really fun time at midsummer, in the winter it would be just too cold.

London never gets to 10 degrees F. We start moaning about how cold it is when it gets to 30 degrees F. The water was cold but not freezing. That is why I had the towels in the limousine. I found the offer of a warm towel to a cold wet girl was an irresistible pick-up line on New Year's Eve.

Locally some people went swimming in the North Sea on December 26th to raise money for charity. Air temperature about 45 degrees F., sea temperature about 40 degrees with an on shore wind Force 8. It could have been much colder.

Some more people will be swimming on New Year's Day - not for charity - but just because it is a local tradition. I shall watch them from my balcony while sipping a single malt. In London they swim in the Serpentine. Some years they have to break the ice first. Even World War II didn't stop them.

shereads said:
Admit it: You'd kill to trade places with me and attend the King Mango Strut...I'm on my way out the door, to get prime cafe space before the anti-parade begins at 2pm. Yes! The Strom Thurmond's Illegimate Children's Marching Band!

Of course... if you were to invite me round...

Re: the good stuff

perdita said:
goodgawdalmighty, Foolish one. You'll scare Mhari out of her wits. The good stuff I had was I'd guess $30 bucks a bottle. My older son nearly bought me a $100 bottle of Champagne for xmas, then he came upon a financial crisis. I told him, and meant it, that it was the thought that counts. I would have hated him spending his very hard earned bucks on that (as much as I would love to have tasted it :) ). He bought me some fine Irish tea instead, and I was happy for it.



There is some really good Moet & Chandon that runs about $30. Dom Perignon is the primo stuff. That link was for some really fine vintage champagne. I did run across some 1959 Dom on the web that was about $1500 a bottle, though.

perdita said:
O, nevermind nice fellas. If you send me your address I'll send you ten bucks cash to add to your Korbel (yuk) kitty (or more, I'm guessing K's is about $15?) I mean it. You need to drink the 'real' thing, and I would love to help.
*hugs Perdita* While I appreciate the offer muchly, I don't think I can take you up on it. I have a Thing about taking money, even from my family. Though I've done far too much of that this year, by necessity. :(

Take the money and buy yourself an extra bottle of the good stuff! (Or extra half-bottle...hmm..) Or one for your son...or something...

oggbashan said:
That is why I had the towels in the limousine. I found the offer of a warm towel to a cold wet girl was an irresistible pick-up line on New Year's Eve.

::shivering, my arms crossed over my breasts, I'm not quite able to hide the sharp, pink nipples that are all but leaping into the strange gentleman's limousine in their attempt to escape from the icy confines of my transparently wet cotton tank top::

"Oh please, Mister British Man With Hot Accent, can't I step into your limousine just for a moment? I'm ever so cold, and I promise to lick up any water that drips from my nipples onto the leather upholstery...A towel? Why, yes! That would be nice."


For some of us it,(New Year's Eve) ceased to be all that exciting once we have kids. At least on my and my wife's part it has. We don't have anyone to babysit so we have stayed home the last four years and enjoyed each other:D. I think last year we were both asleep before 11:00pm, if memory serves correct I was still trying to figure out how to put together something for my daughter from Christmas lol.

It's not that I don't like the whole new year idea, it's just ok so I'll be one year older and so on and so forth. This year will be spent adding final touches to all the survivor stories I have written and submitting at the last minute to win the contest. That is my greatest New Year's hope and thing to look forward to, being crowned the Survivor winner. LOL. Ok I need to get out more.

Thanks sorry for the ramble, MV
Re: Re: the good stuff

The_Fool said:
Dom Perignon is the primo stuff. That link was for some really fine vintage champagne.

That's different from Cold Duck, right?

Re: Re: Re: the good stuff

shereads said:
That's different from Cold Duck, right?

What the...? Hey, don't make fun of Cold Duck!! It's a family tradition! For Christmas, anyway.

Besides, it and Andre champagne are about the only things that fit my budget! :rolleyes:
Who's making fun?

Locally, there's a trend toward selling little Coca-Cola sized bottles of bubbly meant to be sucked up through a straw.

I'm thirsty.
Re: Re: Re: the good stuff

shereads said:
That's different from Cold Duck, right?


Just a little. ALthough M & C does have a pink champagne now...:D

oggbashan said:
T'aint like it used to be. [. . .] The way to go was with Champagne chilled in the fountains [. . .]Og
OH! The poor thing! I sincerely hope you had a warm blanket for the girl!