New Year's Eve

And then I read the rest of the thread...

What the hell! ...... I'm a cheap date and vintage champagne, too. I can be dry of wit or brut-ish but never ask me to be sweet. If you want sweet bubbly wine, buy Cold Duck. :rolleyes:
Has anyone ever tired the new hangover-preventers?

Every so often one of these comes out on the market. Usually they're all the same: aspirin or acetominophen and activated charcoal.

And, let me impart this piece of ancient wisdom:

Whiskey on beer; never fear.
Beer on whiskey: very risky.

dr_mabeuse said:
Does anyone else think that New Year's Eve is the most disappointing holiday of the year? It seems like a big deal, you go out and spend a lot of money and get wasted, and midnight comes and lo and behold, you're still the same doofus you were a few minutes ago. Nothing's changed.
I completely agree and I have given up on trying to make it exciting. Every year we get together with friends and eat, drink, and play games, and I have to wonder whether the hubby will drink too much and act like a fool. Very exciting. :rolleyes:

Like SnP, if I am going to go out I would love to get dressed up and go dancing or something - but can't get anyone else to go.

Actually the best New Year's I had recently was 12/31/99 when we stayed in because hubby was sick and I was on the couch all day with my cats watching 2000 come in around the world - then hubby and I snuggled at midnight.
whispering_surrender said:
I don't know what I'm doing on New Year's yet.....probably go with tradition, rent a couple of movies, get wrapped up in said movies, not notice midnight, swear, go to bed.

Whisper :rose:
I don't believe this for a second - you'll be with raphy this year!
Well, it'll probably still make Perdita say "Yuck", but I went and sprang for something a little better than Korbel! Not really champange, but then, it doesn't bill itself as such. I got a Brut from one of the local wineries. I've had it before, and it's nice. (But then, my palate isn't exactly educated.)

So I shall have Brut, various tasty snacks, and 5 movies for New Year's! Along with some commiseration with a friend who thought she was gonna party but now isn't. She and I have alcohol-enhanced bitch sessions occasionally, so this will be another sort-of-girls'-night-out. :)
Oh, Mhari, how I wish I could join you. I haven't had a good "alcohol-enhanced bitch session" in a long time. (I'd bring my own bubbly of course ;) ).

Happy New Year, kid!

Perdita :heart:
I wish you could join us, too, Perdita!! Ah well...if I ever make it out to San Francisco to join my "fiance" for a long-promised Serious Sushi Session, I'll give ya a heads-up, and we can do it then! :)

And a very Happy New Year to you, too!

:rose: :rose:
At midnight I head off to work but at least I'm assured of no hangover in the morning.

Actually I hate the bar scene so I usually had or went to a small party with close friends.

BTW...anyone want to give me a New Year's kiss? I'm going to miss out tonight...:(
cookiejar said:

BTW...anyone want to give me a New Year's kiss? I'm going to miss out tonight...:(

Awww, we can't have that!!!

Cookie, that AV has the most appealing mouth. Here's mine (AV) in return.

Happy New (Noir?) Year, sweetie!

Perdita :kiss:
Icingsugar said:
home, alone and bored
Aw, Cakebloke, have a smooch (to the left here). If you want more company, show me your tits :p

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

New Year kisses for you all, cos I love ya!

I'm partying tonight, with my delicious hubby and lots and lots of booze. The girls are round my parents' fro the night. :D

Happy 2004, everyone!

Katie-Loulou :heart: :rose: :heart:

P.S. I'm rather pissed already. *hic*

P.P.S. Sodding thing wouldn't let me post more kisses than that!
Katie-Lou, so good to see you! I'm having a great new year's eve with my darlin niece, Liliana (she's 12) while her parents party.

Must get some real champers now and something fizzy for her.

Love you Louloumou,

Perdita :heart:
Awww, I love you, too, Perdita. :heart:

We were gonna hit the town, but quite honestly we couldn't be arsed. Stopping in at home with a man is a good way to see in the New Year, even if he is the hubby! :devil:

You have a great one and both of you drink lots of fizzy stuff.

Loulou :kiss: :heart: :kiss: