nh's big book of Dr. visits.

Thank you guys! I know I've been awful about keeping in touch. I've just been swamped. The quarter officially ended today though! Got my 4.0! Yay me! I have another appointment this month for yet another checkup to make sure the cancer is still gone. Oh, and I haven't smoked for almost 40 days. Things are for sure on an upswing!

Way to go. Rock on for the both of you.
Thank you guys! I know I've been awful about keeping in touch. I've just been swamped. The quarter officially ended today though! Got my 4.0! Yay me! I have another appointment this month for yet another checkup to make sure the cancer is still gone. Oh, and I haven't smoked for almost 40 days. Things are for sure on an upswing!

Super congrats on both the GPA and the not smoking! My husband and I quit this past June.
Thank you guys! I know I've been awful about keeping in touch. I've just been swamped. The quarter officially ended today though! Got my 4.0! Yay me! I have another appointment this month for yet another checkup to make sure the cancer is still gone. Oh, and I haven't smoked for almost 40 days. Things are for sure on an upswing!

OMG!!! I am so happy to hear this. ;) I hope you are well.. and i am so glad to see you are still cancer free and you quit smoking at a very hard time in your life I am so proud of you and I just LOVE you!!!!!!

I am about to return to work.. so watch out I need to come visit you
Yikes, it is obvious that my quick visits here of late have made me miss a lot. So sorry to read of all you have been going through, and I hope the news remains good for you from now on. I think it is great you felt comfortable to share here, as you just may have saved someone else's life by doing so. :rose:


Super congrats on both the GPA and the not smoking! My husband and I quit this past June.

OMG!!! I am so happy to hear this. ;) I hope you are well.. and i am so glad to see you are still cancer free and you quit smoking at a very hard time in your life I am so proud of you and I just LOVE you!!!!!!

I am about to return to work.. so watch out I need to come visit you

Thank you! cromsgirl, how did you and the hubby quit? It's great you are still smoke free!

Keki- Thank you chickie! Hope you're in my area soon! Love ya!
Yikes, it is obvious that my quick visits here of late have made me miss a lot. So sorry to read of all you have been going through, and I hope the news remains good for you from now on. I think it is great you felt comfortable to share here, as you just may have saved someone else's life by doing so. :rose:


Thank you cat. :rose: Things are a lot better now. The threat of the cancer returning is still looming overhead, as I still have the virus, however I've been just taking each day as it comes. It does me absolutely no good to sit around and fuss over it all the time. I take my meds, I eat right, etc..and am just moving on. Oh and still yell at every woman I know... PAP SMEARS.:)
Very, very, very happy to hear that things are working out for you.

Irony struck today when my daughter told me she has cancer and has been keeping it to herself for several weeks since having 54% of her cervix removed. A couple of days after the operation, she developed a lump the size of a pea which has developed in the few short weeks to the size of a golf ball. They have suggested operating on it now, or leaving it until January...she has opted for January as she is a single parent and self employed, trying to earn enough in the meantime to cover rent while she is recovering, unable to work. She has told me I am not to worry, nor am I allowed to jump a plane to be with her until she has a better idea of what she is dealing with, and whether she will survive. She also will not accept financial help from us or her brother at this point. I am trying to keep it together, but fear the numbing shock of it is what is keeping me sane right now.

Irony struck today when my daughter told me she has cancer and has been keeping it to herself for several weeks since having 54% of her cervix removed. A couple of days after the operation, she developed a lump the size of a pea which has developed in the few short weeks to the size of a golf ball. They have suggested operating on it now, or leaving it until January...she has opted for January as she is a single parent and self employed, trying to earn enough in the meantime to cover rent while she is recovering, unable to work. She has told me I am not to worry, nor am I allowed to jump a plane to be with her until she has a better idea of what she is dealing with, and whether she will survive. She also will not accept financial help from us or her brother at this point. I am trying to keep it together, but fear the numbing shock of it is what is keeping me sane right now.


*huge hugs* god I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter Cat. She sounds like a remarkable young woman in the practical way she is dealing with it.

I hope January brings good news. :rose:
*huge hugs* god I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter Cat. She sounds like a remarkable young woman in the practical way she is dealing with it.

I hope January brings good news. :rose:

Thanks. :rose: F has been a rock as usual, even though as so often happens with us, his family is also having dramas we have been giving a lot of our time and energy to and still need to. As painful as it all is, I figure I have to keep it together incase all does not go as I would prefer as my daughter is my granddaughter's whole world and she will be devastated without her. She is not aware of what is happening except she has picked up on her mother not being well and so has been trying to help out around the house, get her mother drinks and food when she thinks she is too tired to get them herself, and mentioning some of her concerns for her mother to my mother. I find myself just wishing January to come now so we have a more clear idea of what to expect.

*HUGS and HUGS* to you Catalina. I'm so sorry. Hopefully things will be looking up soon in January.


Irony struck today when my daughter told me she has cancer and has been keeping it to herself for several weeks since having 54% of her cervix removed. A couple of days after the operation, she developed a lump the size of a pea which has developed in the few short weeks to the size of a golf ball. They have suggested operating on it now, or leaving it until January...she has opted for January as she is a single parent and self employed, trying to earn enough in the meantime to cover rent while she is recovering, unable to work. She has told me I am not to worry, nor am I allowed to jump a plane to be with her until she has a better idea of what she is dealing with, and whether she will survive. She also will not accept financial help from us or her brother at this point. I am trying to keep it together, but fear the numbing shock of it is what is keeping me sane right now.


I'm very sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you. If she needs anyone to talk to please PM me and I'll let you know how she can contact me.:rose:
Thanks. :rose: F has been a rock as usual, even though as so often happens with us, his family is also having dramas we have been giving a lot of our time and energy to and still need to. As painful as it all is, I figure I have to keep it together incase all does not go as I would prefer as my daughter is my granddaughter's whole world and she will be devastated without her. She is not aware of what is happening except she has picked up on her mother not being well and so has been trying to help out around the house, get her mother drinks and food when she thinks she is too tired to get them herself, and mentioning some of her concerns for her mother to my mother. I find myself just wishing January to come now so we have a more clear idea of what to expect.


It sounds very stressful cat *hugs*, I am glad you have F for support :rose:

and yes, the not knowing is horrible. Hopefully the news will be good but as you say...at least when January comes, you will all know what you are dealing with.

Look after yourself too :rose:
Hugs to you Cat :rose:

I can only imagine how hard it is to be far and unable to be with her at the moment. I tried to put myself in your daughter's shoes and I can see why she'd rather not cause any commotion. But then I put myself in your shoes, as a mother, and it would be so hard not be able to do anything, not even helping financially. Will she accept it as a loan? (something that makes her life easier and makes you feel helpful).

Anyway, more hugs and sending good thought that January will bring good news.

I hope January brings good news, Catalina. :rose:

Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Very exciting news! I just had my first clear pap since the cancer! Doc says one more and I can be considered cured!

I've been smoke free since October 11!

And I'm still maintaining my 4.0 in school..just finished winter quarter, and have a week break before spring quarter.

My mind is also all over the place right now, so if this doesn't make a lick of sense forgive me.:eek:
Very exciting news! I just had my first clear pap since the cancer! Doc says one more and I can be considered cured Rah!

I've been smoke free since October 11! Rah!

And I'm still maintaining my 4.0 in school..just finished winter quarter, and have a week break before spring quarter. Rah!

My mind is also all over the place right now, so if this doesn't make a lick of sense forgive me.:eek:
Rah rah rah for our Nursie Nikki!