Nifty vs. Literotica rivalry?

From my experience there are a lot of erotic sites but none cums close to Literotica

I have been off the net for a while and when I got back on I decided to check out other good free sites to see if anything had changed since I last read and wrote via Literotica.

Still pretty much the same.

Other free and pay erotic story sites have either mostly badly ritten (See what I mean it bothers ya don't it.) stories or just a few in each category or a few free ones to tease you into going to a pay site.

Niftty is fine for what it does but no bout a doubt it, Literotica is the best site for all things erotic as far as I can cipher.


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Damn you remind me of an ex-wife I finally managed to get away from. Damn I wish you hadn't reminded me of that bitch.

Now why are you dragging me into this? And my sister is actually quite attractive-cause she's foster sister and has no family resemblance to me:rolleyes:

Anyway not sure why you're pulling me in. Asstr is a cesspool Now that is my opinion and it apparently is shared by many, but others have their own as well.

If you go there be careful of where you tread. There is some normal erotica over there but also underage(and I mean way underage) children being raped and gang raped in stories over there

If you can write or read that and become aroused you are either a sex offender or well on your way to being one.

Because trust me if you book mark those stories then you my friend have kiddie porn on your PC.

So you can keep "nifty" I'll stay where its a little safer.