Night and Day (Closed)

So she didn't work at his place... where did he know her from, other than the apartment complex. But from where... damn it. He just shook his head in thought. He looked over at her. "Oh? What kind of games do you like, I designed a game. It is what I am working on, its a VR game. Hack and slash, blow em up. You know. I like dungeons and dragons and cyberpunk as well." He went off rambling on. "Anime and Hentai..." He blushed as he said that. "Ohh, I mean, you know, the art work and all..." He looked at the uber driver and saw him hold back a chuckle. "Ah, customer service, I did that for a while, I worked my way up in Sharp gaming, you can do the same. Where ever you work." He did notice her large roll of cash. And as he got out of the car and waited for her. "Jeez, what do you do, work for commission?" He smiled and shook his head. "Oh, its ok Miss Veronika, you don't have to bother with me, I will be ok. I am just going to get back to work, maybe look up a Bruce Lee fighting gym, or learn a few cheat codes, so I can go find your ex and beat the shit out of him... you know, be Goku or Superman." He chuckled again looking at her. "Jeez, I am thirsty... I don't know why. Can I treat you to a smoothie? I know a great place." He looked to her and smiled. "I mean, I do owe you for caring for me, I dont want to be a waste of time to you. So let me treat you to a smoothie." He looked so cute asking.
While she did play games and knew what anime and hentai was, she hadn't been exposed to much of either of those things. He seemed really exuberant tonight though, not stopping his train of thought in time for her to jump on the tracks so she politely nodded as he continued rambling. It amused her when he commented that she could work her way up her company like he had in his; As she was the top-requested girl, she could safely assume that she had already climbed up the totem pole. Or the stripper pole, more like.

The woman merely chuckled when he commented on her cash wad, nodding along when he continued to talk. When he posed his last question, she thought for a moment before looking conflicted, "I would love to get a smoothie, but you just came back from the hospital. I feel like staying home and resting might be a better idea. We could order smoothies though."
Wyatt could only smile, she really did care. "I appreciate your concern, but I am okay. I can go and get them for you, and drop it off at your place. I got work to catch up on... has it really only been a few hours... wow. It feels like an eternity. What kind of smoothie do you like?" Than he put his hand to his head and cringed a bit. His head still hurt, from both the punch and from his head being crushed into her door. He looked at his phone and saw it was dead still. He looked to her and than to his dead phone. He did not know what to do here. He did not want to come off as some kind of kid, but she was right, he should rest. But he was a bit hard headed...
“I like the sort of smoothie where the injured guy gets some rest,” she answered with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms. “Come on, let’s get you into your apartment, I’ll order the smoothies, and we can chat while you rest up. Otherwise, I’m going to have no choice but to drag you back to your place by your ear, Wyatt.” She said his name so easily, as though she had already said it many times before.
He sighed, but in his head, he liked it, hearing her in charge was quite a turn on. He smiled and nodded. "Ohh, but what if I wanted to get dragged by my ear to my apartment, which you do not have the key to." He gave her attitude, a small bit, playful attitude. It was nice hearing his name come from her, but why did it sound so familiar? He looked to her and just wondered as he started to head into the apartment to the elevator. With every step he took he felt pain bounce in his head. He just sighed as he looked to Veronika, taking in her beautiful form. She was a real hot neighbor.
"Well, then I'd have to drag you into my apartment," she answered playfully, though once they got into the elevator her eyes widened and she looked at him. "Wait... do you have the key to your apartment?" When they left, she wasn't sure he was planning on leaving the place, so it was quite possible that he had neglected to put his keys in his pocket.
When she mentioned his keys. He smacked his forehead and he grimaced in pain. "Shit... ouch... fuck I forgot that I left my keys in my apartment... I guess I will have to call the apartment manager and get let into my place, cause my car keys are in there as well... damn..." He than thought, he had his keys, in case he needed to look like he was going to throw a punch, but wish his keys in his hands. To intimidate, but we all saw how that went down... he wondered what happened to them. Hopefully no one broke into his place. He looked to her as he hit the floor they lived on and waited to go up.


He let her out of the elevator first and walked to his place, no keys on the floor. Shit. He looked down the hall and had a worried look on his face as he was behind her... and her heart shaped ass... grin
"Guess you're spending the night at my place," she shrugged. "Call the manager in the morning- they're out of town from what I've heard and they'll be really annoyed if they have to do any managerial duties today." Veronika took her keys out of her bag and unlocked the door, gesturing at him to follow her.

The inside of her apartment was nice and cozy, the furniture looking as though it was either fairly new or well cared for. There were several plants around, and the walls were a light pink.

When Wyatt heard her order/request. He looked to her and than to his door. Than to his dead phone. Drat... he could not even sleep in his car, he had to find his keys, who ever took them. But when she opened her door, he looked inside and saw what a lovely arrangement she had of her place. It look so welcoming and warm. "Umm, are you sure? I can go and get a hotel, it is really ok." He took a step back and did not know what to think of this. He looked as if he was going to run away from her.
"Oh come on," she took his hand and led him into the apartment, closing and locking the door behind them. "It's just for a night, and I doubt you would do anything sketchy. If anything, you should be the one who's scared- I've been told by family members that I talk in my sleep and say weird shit like, 'give me the slab or suffer my curse'."
Her hand was so soft, yet she was so strong as he was pulled into her place. He cleared his throat and looked at her. "umm..." He nodded. "Of course I would not do anything sketchy. And what curse?" He looked around her apartment and was not freaked out by what she said. "Where am I going to sleep?" He looked to the couch and than her bedroom. He knew it would be the couch, but he had to ask right? He could only steal glances at her. She was so beautiful. He cleared his throat again and moved to the other side of the room. He was getting a bit turned on from the thoughts in his head... jeez
“You can sleep in my room,” she answered, setting her purse down on a coffee table. “I can’t have you sleeping on the couch with a head injury, so I’ll take the couch instead, Though you’re going to have to let me change the sheets and tidy up first.”

She couldn’t let him see the lube and dildo she had sitting on her bedside table, after all. That and her large closet of stripper costumes and wigs. It was unclear if things would get weird if he found out she was Nova.
Her bedroom... with her in the same bed with him... oh wait... she would take the couch... He shook his head and he immediately and went and laid on the couch with a smile on his face. "I mean, you can join me if you want, you got a large couch. So tell me about yourself Miss Veronika" He has always wondered about her. Especially what kind of lingerie she wore... did she sleep in the nude or just bra and panties... was she a thong girl? All the questions made his head hurt... damn his perviness
Ah, so he was trying to change the subject was he? She’d have to find some way to convince him to take the bed at some point, but for now she’d answer his question.

Veronika sat down in a nearby chair and leaned back to settle into it comfortably. “I mean… what’s there to tell? I moved in here about two years ago, I work the night shift, I like to stay in shape, and I have a fondness for soft textures. What else did you want to know?”
He was mentally taking this all down. Gym, long nights, fitness. She did look damn good, she really did take good care of herself. She had such a fine physique, she looked as if she took great pride in herself. But what did she mean "soft texture". Was that a sex thing? Did she just like soft things? " what do you mean? Soft texture? And of course I want to know more, here I am, listening to your every word, at your mercy.". He smiled at her.
That got a grin out of her as she let out a mirthful exhale through her nose. "All right then... The texture thing is just something I can find comforting or sexy, depending on what it is. Like silk is sexy, but fuzzy things are comforting. Anyway, what else... hm..." She thought for a moment before shrugging again. "I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, I love baking, and I actually have a scar right under my jaw from wrestling a knife from my drunk mom one time."

Veronika lifted her chin slightly so he could see the long, pale scar there. It wasn't particularly noticeable if it wasn't pointed out, so she assumed he hadn't seen it when he had been around her as Nova. Most people didn't pay close enough attention to see it before she mentioned it.
Alright, cats not dogs, silk is sexy, fuzzy is comforting. Mental notes taken. He was nodding as she spoke. He loved hearing her voice as she told him about herself. She was such an interesting person.

But when she spoke about the scar and showed him, he looked and hardly noticed it. "I am sorry you had to go through that. My brother died from alcohol poisoning. Now I am an only child." He paused for a moment and his eyes looked down. "Anyways, you are such an interesting person Miss Veronicka. Can I charge my phone?" He could not take his eyes off of her, she was such a beautiful girl.
She stared at him for a moment, a bit mortified by what he had just said. The woman had to blink several times and look away in shock before she nodded and gestured at the opposite wall, "yeah, the uh, the charger is over there."

Jesus Christ, that was a heavy topic to drop into the conversation. What was she supposed to say when being told that his brother literally died, likely not too long ago. Should she say she's sorry for his loss, or should she brush by the topic? She didn't want to seem insensitive, nor did she want to sweep it under the rug.

"I uh... hey, I'm sorry about your brother. I can't imagine losing a sibling like that..." Veronika wasn't sure where to go now in the conversation now that here was a damper on things, so she got up and started to make some coffee in the adjacent kitchen. It was close enough that she could still see and hear him easily.
He heard her tone of voice and from the stalling, he looked to her and shook his head. "Umm, its okay. I have gone to get help for it, my family is gone. So I went and sought help and found some good groups. I am fine now. But thank you for thoughts." He smiled as he went to plug his phone in. He looked back to her, she saw a smile on his face. She really did care. He slicked his white hair back and just looked to her and smiled.
She finished making coffee, bringing over two cups of coffee and some cream and sugar if he wanted some. Victoria put some cream and a little bit of sugar in her own before taking a sip. "That's good to hear then."

There were a few moments of silence before she asked, "sooo... When you're not at work, what do you usually do?" Of course she knew the answer to that, but she was curious as to what his answer would be.
When she brought the coffee over he smiled and took a cup and started to load it up with sugar and creame. He smiled as he did this as he took a sip. He then added more sugar. "oh, I just work on my game at home, if not that, than watching anime or playing games."

He couldn't tell her that he went to the be gentlemen's club. She might think poorly of him. He sipped his coffee and smiled. "what about you?"
Oh? So he wasn’t going to admit his nightly pastime. That was fair- it wasn’t something most people brought up without a bit of trust built up.

“Occasionally I’ll play games, but I haven’t really been keeping up with the latest ones. I usually hang out with some of my friends, or I watch shows. I have a couple friends who work at the Starlight Lounge, so usually we go to brunch or something in the afternoon since they like to sleep in. I work nights too, so it works out well.” All of this was true, though she tactfully left out that she too worked there.
Starlight Lounge? He looked to her, he wondered if one of her friends was Miss Nova? Wouldn't that be a coincidence. He wondered if she would be there tonight. He looked to Veronika and smiled. "Ooh the Starlight Loungue, I have been there, a couple of buddies took me there after work... good times, nice girls. Really had a good time..." He did not want to sound weried, so he drank his coffee. "I have to game, relaxes me and makes me want to make games that people will enjoy and make memories on. I watch a lot of movies and shows, anime and regular shows too" He just smiled at her. "Want to order some food? On me."
“I am feeling a bit peckish,” she agreed. “Yeah, let’s order something. What are you in the mood-“

It was at that moment that her cell phone rang. Veronika glanced at the caller ID and told him she had to take it before answering.


“Yeah, I’m okay, that asshole ran off after decking my neighbor.”

“It shouldn’t be a problem. They found him a couple blocks away and we have footage from the cameras, so he’s facing assault and harassment charges. The restraining order is going to go through easy now.”

“Well… I’m thinking not tonight, but tomorrow night? The new girl needs some spotlight too before I get back so I think that’ll work out.”

“Yeah… Yeah… Okay, cool. Thank you I’ve got to go since I have a guest, but I’ll get back to you on that. Okay, see you. Bye!”

Veronika ended the call and looked at him apologetically. “Sorry about that- it was a call from work I couldn’t ignore.”
Wyatt just smiled, he loved hearing her voice. It was so soothing, she was so straight forward and to the point, a bit of a turn on to him. When she spoke about her ex, he felt bad, a Lil guilty for being so weak. He should be able to defend himself, he was a man. He worked out, he had a good body, he thought, but it was all just for show. But her ex, saw right through him. His shoulders slumped a bit. His brother was the fighter, always fighting for his Lil brother, all Wyatt could do was play games. He looked to Veronika and thought, what if she was his girlfriend, and some douche came up trying to take her from him? Fuck... Wyatt stood up and walked to the door, but he stopped. "Damn it..." no keys, he than looked to the window and wondered if he could climb out onto the railing of the building to see if he left his window unlocked. He hated heights though... "shit..." He murmured under his breath. When he heard her speak about work, he shook his head and wondered what Miss Nova was up to, she was his dream girl, everything about her was what he wanted in a girl. But he knew she was only there for a tease... a few times he knew she went beyond the rules and got a handful of his package, he thought she liked what she felt, he hoped she did... but than the last time she did not even give him a dance...

His phone lit up and than letting him know charging was enough for turn on the phone. He walked over to it and turned it on, when the lock screen came up, it was a drawn picture of Miss Nova, only in Neko form, sexy Neko wearing a cop outfit. He smiled as he looked at it and unlocked his phone. "Oh, for food, I dunno, feel like sushi? I know a good place."

He just smiled at her. Why was she so familiar??