'Nilla people are 'deviant'!

You know, when you put the word 'boring' in quotation marks, it is like saying 'supposedly, or so-called boring'...it is a trick I learned in English class when I was 12.
I had to chuckle at your inflammitory, and leading thread title. I can't really agree there, but I suspect you where merely overstating to bait in our resident nay sayer.
Vanillas aren't the deviants, and you know it. We may be, but the assumption is that this is a bad thing. I deviate from the sexual norms because I've been there, and gave the tee shirt to goodwill. Vanilla is for people who aren't creative enough to experiment. Pitiable, and dull, maybe, but not deviant.
I don't have anything against the norms, I just don't want to fuck them. They seem to have the same opinion of me, so we have a concensus. We keep our relationships platonic, and everyone's happy. It is possible for the conservatives, and liberals to peacibly co exist so long as we stop trying to save each other. I gave up the crusade long ago, now I'm just waiting for the rest of society to catch up. Not real hopefull, though.
Re: Re: 'Nilla people are 'deviant'!

FungiUg said:
My own experience is people can be fucked up, irrespective of whether they are "kinksters" or "vanilla". I always expected BDSM people to be more open-minded, but sadly this is not always the case. However, from my experience with the gay scenes, the same applies there.

I think being "fucked up" is irrespective of your sexual proclivity.

hear, hear. Preference is just that ... preference. Doesn't make either side bad or good. It strikes me as funny when i see how people view nilla or kink. One or the other isn't necessarily better ... they just appeal to different types.

If you like your nilla ... so be it and float warm and happy in your routine. If you like your kink ... revel in what spins you from one extreme to the other.
Miss T

//How I enjoy sex is how I enjoy sex.
As long as I enjoy it, who is anyone to make smart remarks or judge?//

All of us who paid the $29.95/mo for viewing the 24/7 webcam you agreed to install.
Pure said:
Miss T

//How I enjoy sex is how I enjoy sex.
As long as I enjoy it, who is anyone to make smart remarks or judge?//

All of us who paid the $29.95/mo for viewing the 24/7 webcam you agreed to install.

But, darlin,

Your check bounced!

lancemanyon said:
If love and sex are connected, it is never boring.
Big wrong there. Just because you love someone dosn'et mean that suddenly their an amazing sex god... me and my boyfriend have a loving relationship, ut even we acknowlage that sex can become a sort of routine. The occasional restraning and whipping add a little spice. When sex does get boring i love him no less. Just like any other flaw in people you love them with it and you deal with it.. we have found our ways to deal with it and it keeps us content and happy. I'm not so far into the bsdm lifestyle that i can have my love and have a dom at the same time. A sub/dom relationship wether sexual or not involves a very deep and trustraing relationship and if i want to have that type of relationship with anyone i want it to be with the one i love (personal preference, i think it's great for all of you who find your own enjoyment in other ways). Maybe if it didn't take so much effort and time we'd persue the bsdm lifestyle more, but compaired tot he time we have... it's reserved for special play sessions and those nights where you don't have to wake up early in the morning.
everyone needs some spice. Can't have plain potatos every day.
Never underestimate the sheeple's boredom tolerance. They just want their cowgirl killers, and queen of beers (Marlborough, and Budweiser light respectively). I just leave them alone, they don't have much of anything for me.
Re: Re: 'Nilla people are 'deviant'!

FungiUg said:
My own experience is people can be fucked up, irrespective of whether they are "kinksters" or "vanilla". I always expected BDSM people to be more open-minded, but sadly this is not always the case. However, from my experience with the gay scenes, the same applies there.

I think being "fucked up" is irrespective of your sexual proclivity.

BDSM people are the same as any other group. THe bell curve still holds. There is the upper and lower fringe groups, then there are the middle of the bell which is usually the broadest group.

We (BDSMers) are no more or no less accepting of others. It all depends on the prejudices and preferences we all bring to the party.

People is people.
MissTaken said:
Vanilla is not boring to those who love it.

Are there those who may find over the comng years that they would like more kink in thier sundaes?


but , even within BDSM, what I find exciting might be completely boring to any one of you.

Again...our sexuality is individualized and intimate and ....



I guess I am 'nilla, but I am not boring....lol....I am pretty open minded, it's all about conversation between partners....There's things she loves that I don't and vice versa....Intimacy is what you make it....I'd do way more things than I ever thought I would, for her if she asked....As I know she would for me....;)
Re: Re: Re: 'Nilla people are 'deviant'!

Ebonyfire said:
BDSM people are the same as any other group. THe bell curve still holds. There is the upper and lower fringe groups, then there are the middle of the bell which is usually the broadest group.

We (BDSMers) are no more or no less accepting of others. It all depends on the prejudices and preferences we all bring to the party.

People is people.
Amen to that, Eb.

And to whomever suggested sex with love is never dull:

That may be my most succinct post ever. :D

Re: Re: Re: 'Nilla people are 'deviant'!

Ebonyfire said:
BDSM people are the same as any other group. THe bell curve still holds. There is the upper and lower fringe groups, then there are the middle of the bell which is usually the broadest group.

Oh dear, my middle is rather shaped like a bell curve too!
I don't know if I can accept the bell curve theory, but I agree with the core assesment that BDSMers are people. In any group of people there are good ones, and assholes.
The problem with the bell curve analogy is it's too symetrical. You can't make a group, or individual act that uniformly without external stimulus, or cramming them into a box. Bodging us individuals into demographics benefits noone.