Nipple stories

Hi everyone. I'm Jay Richards--many of you know my stories. They have been read, 2,455,400 times on Literotica. I'm sure other authors have been read twice that many. But the point is, you know me.
I'm thinking of writing a story about nipple love, nipple orgasms etc. I would like to hear your experiences, especially men. We know that we love to lick and suck our wives nipples, but do you like your nipples licked, sucked, bitten? Does your wife or lover or boyfriend know that? Do they do it for you?
Can you cum from nipple love?
Do you, men & women, do you play with your own nipples?
Have you ever licked your cum from her nipples?
Did you ever put your pre-cum on your own nipples for a lubricant?

I will write a story for you that you won't forget.
You'll have wet dreams.

Please tell me
Great thread šŸ‘šŸ‘
I was like that and loved my nipples to be sucked, pinched, twisted and nibbled. They were ( and still are) long and I was barely an A cup. Got small C Cup implants but nipples still very very sensitive and I can cum with nipple play.
I find itā€™s very sensual and erotic to bring a woman to climax by only teasing and playing with her nipples šŸ”„
Once had 2 of hubby's friends sucking my nipples while he fucked me. It was wonderfull
Ohhh thatā€™s so nice to readā€¦ I enjoy playing a game of ā€œ and ā€œ as in
Q what would you enjoy ?
Your friends sucking my nipples
ā€œ andā€ ā€¦.. love it when my partner wants to keep adding ā€¦. ā€œAndā€ ā€œandā€ ā€œ and ā€œ..
Hi, Jay. Happy to help a fellow writer.

My experience has been mostly with women who have big breasts. I can report that many of the women I have been with do not have a great deal of sensitivity in their nipples. I think it varies a lot by individual and a woman can develop more sensitivity.

I recall my hottest college gf had 36d breasts and very large, thick nipples. I loved how they looks and never missed an opportunity to lick and suck and enjoy them. She seemed to enjoy that attention, but not to the extent you might think.

The big with the biggest breasts that I dated had aureole and nipples that were 'barely there'. I used to lick and suck on those big beauties, but she never seemed to be as aroused as by attention to her pussy. She enjoyed tittyfucking, so her breasts were more sensitive.

Over the last several years my wife has begun to enjoy breast/nipple play a lot more. I told her of my desire to breastfeed and she indulges my fantasy and has gotten into it to the point where she can come from breast/nipple sucking and play.
Hi, Jay. Happy to help a fellow writer.

My experience has been mostly with women who have big breasts. I can report that many of the women I have been with do not have a great deal of sensitivity in their nipples. I think it varies a lot by individual and a woman can develop more sensitivity.

I recall my hottest college gf had 36d breasts and very large, thick nipples. I loved how they looks and never missed an opportunity to lick and suck and enjoy them. She seemed to enjoy that attention, but not to the extent you might think.

The big with the biggest breasts that I dated had aureole and nipples that were 'barely there'. I used to lick and suck on those big beauties, but she never seemed to be as aroused as by attention to her pussy. She enjoyed tittyfucking, so her breasts were more sensitive.

Over the last several years my wife has begun to enjoy breast/nipple play a lot more. I told her of my desire to breastfeed and she indulges my fantasy and has gotten into it to the point where she can come from breast/nipple sucking and play.
Thanks SM&. Good to hear from you.
Thanks SM&. Good to hear from you.
My favorite night was when my wife was feeling very open sexually, which was RARE. She was feeling my balls and teasing my hard cock. She strayed down below my balls and traced my asshole with her fingernail. I moaned, and she did it again. I didn't have the nerve to ask for anything more. I turned to face her, and as she leaned back on the headboard, I ate her out until she wanted my cock. But first, I let her watch as I stroked my cock across her hard nipples, leaving a drop of precum there. She moaned out loud when I licked the precum off. We fucked hard, and after I came inside her, I was too afraid to lick the cum out of her. But she knew I was different that night than ever before.
Hi, so this happened today. My wife went to a gathering with a friend this morning. I was to take our car and meet her at 3 pm. At 2, I showered and dried off in the guest bathroom. I hadn't brought in any clothes or underwear. When I dried, I walked nude to our bedroom. While I was standing there gathering underwear and socks, the air conditioner came on. The sudden coolness heightened my nakedness. Soon, my nipples began to harden, my cock pudged up. I stared at the clock, "Don't do it," I thought to myself, but my practiced fingertips found their way to my now hard nipples. "I'll just give a squeeze, a pinch, I thought. But it was too exquisite. My nipples turned to stones, and they were hot-wired to my stiffening cock. "Oh, goddamn," I cried as I stroked my cock with one hand and flicked my nipples with the other.
Hi, so this happened today. My wife went to a gathering with a friend this morning. I was to take our car and meet her at 3 pm. At 2, I showered and dried off in the guest bathroom. I hadn't brought in any clothes or underwear. When I dried, I walked nude to our bedroom. While I was standing there gathering underwear and socks, the air conditioner came on. The sudden coolness heightened my nakedness. Soon, my nipples began to harden, my cock pudged up. I stared at the clock, "Don't do it," I thought to myself, but my practiced fingertips found their way to my now hard nipples. "I'll just give a squeeze, a pinch, I thought. But it was too exquisite. My nipples turned to stones, and they were hot-wired to my stiffening cock. "Oh, goddamn," I cried as I stroked my cock with one hand and flicked my nipples with the other.
The same thing happens to me. I can resist.