No good reason

Scary things don't hide in the closet or in the toilet. They hide in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. I hate going in there and always get what I need as fast as possible. There are crawly monsters under the sink, i tell ya.
only_more_so said:
Actually that isn't really so weird. I sat in on this talk about Feng Shui at a home show and the woman said it was bad to have an uncovered mirror in the bed room. The reason was actually very logical and not so mystical as some of the other things. Anyway, the reason was that when you see a reflection in the dark, instinctively you think it is another person rather than yourself. So it triggers a fight or flight reflex.

I don't mind mirrors anywhere else, really. Except on rare occasions, sometimes mirrors in dark empty living rooms weird me out. But bedrooms aren't so bad.

I have a friend who once rented an apartment, and felt that the bedroom was too small. Obviously there was nothing he could do about the actual size, so he got about a dozen of those 4-foot rectangular mirrors you hang on the backs of doors, and put them all over his walls. With the closet doors being mirrored, it gave three of the four walls in his room mirrors. There were also mirrors in the bathroom, small ones dangling as lightcatchers in the window, and lying flat on tables.

90% of the time, I actually loved being in that room. The other 10% of the time, it was when I was positive something in a mirror behind me was staring at me.

Getting the two of us together tended to dig up weird things like that. He attracted them, I'm just more like a big battery. (Don't ask. You either get it or you don't. ;) )
bobsgirl said:
Scary things don't hide in the closet or in the toilet. They hide in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. I hate going in there and always get what I need as fast as possible. There are crawly monsters under the sink, i tell ya.
well there is no cabinet under my kitchen sink.
Munachi said:
actually, it is the toilet you gotta be scared of. if the lid is open, things can crawl out and eat you at night.

I have a fear that a snake is going to come up in the toilet bowl and attack me. I have to flick the light on and have a look before I go to the bathroom at night.
Munachi said:
actually, it is the toilet you gotta be scared of. if the lid is open, things can crawl out and eat you at night.
Back in the early 70's, when my parents were first married, they rented a house along the Ohio River. One night, after they had gone to bed, my mom kept thinking that she heard a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. She got up and turned on the bathroom light and there sat a soaking wet rat on the toilet seat. :eek:

I think it would have been rather comical to see my pregnant mother do a flying leap onto my fast-asleep dad. It would have been even funnier to watch my dad, wearing only his underwear, chase after the rat with a broom. :D

To this day, my mom will not go to bed until the toilet lid is down and the bathroom door is closed.
My father is terrified of bats. He can deal with just about anything, but bats give him the heebie jeebies.

What makes him a dad, though, is the fact that he'd still deal with 'em when we got them in our attic years ago. That's my dad. :)
Eilan said:
Back in the early 70's, when my parents were first married, they rented a house along the Ohio River. One night, after they had gone to bed, my mom kept thinking that she heard a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. She got up and turned on the bathroom light and there sat a soaking wet rat on the toilet seat. :eek:

I think it would have been rather comical to see my pregnant mother do a flying leap onto my fast-asleep dad. It would have been even funnier to watch my dad, wearing only his underwear, chase after the rat with a broom. :D

To this day, my mom will not go to bed until the toilet lid is down and the bathroom door is closed.
wow. i like rats, i had a few of them as pets. but that rat i wouldn't have liked. all the more reason to keep the toilet lid down. even more so since my bathroom door doesn't close.
Eilan said:
Back in the early 70's, when my parents were first married, they rented a house along the Ohio River. One night, after they had gone to bed, my mom kept thinking that she heard a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. She got up and turned on the bathroom light and there sat a soaking wet rat on the toilet seat. :eek:

Holy shit! I'd do a heck of a lot more than :eek:!
ladyadonia30 said:
old men in hats in vehicle = slooooooooooooow drivers

A Buick in front of me is also a slow driver, especially turning a corner.

Another car-related thing I believe:

I cannot drive behind a truck with cars hoisted on them. I have this irrational fear that the chains will break and the cars will unload onto my hood & windshield.
bobsgirl said:
I tend to make the assumption that Republicans and fundamentalist Christians live humorless lives, and it always shocks me when I find out they actually like to have fun. They laugh, too! Amazing, isn't it? :rolleyes:

But then when you hear what they are actually laughing about you know you were right all along.

Did you hear the one about the Roman Catholic Mexican got shot down near the border for dropping a gallon of clorox on Father Ignacio?

They shot him when he tried to escape, they had him in prison an a charge of Bleach of the Priest!
I'm scared of the dark (for a good reason) but, feel comforted and even moderately 'safe' if I am on the phone with someone. Weird, hmmm? :rolleyes:

I try not to give myself too high of expectations (in general). That way, if I exceed them, I'm happy and if not ~ no matter.

I can't leave windows or doors open ~ and very close to this, I lock myself in my bedroom at night. I hate having the doors open into the rest of the house.

I also like to leave lights on when I know I will be getting home late. I hate coming home to a dark house and have yet to teach my dog how to turn on the lights. ;)
Eilan said:
Skinny, wiry guys abuse their partners.

My prayer is that one day abusers, rapists, stalkers and the like are all on the wrong end of a baseball bat.
I admit I am on the superstitious side. When I travel, especially by air, I make it a point to wear exactly the same thing while en route as I do on the return trip. Even down to the same earrings and same necklace. I have no idea why, but I feel like it preserves my good karma. :rolleyes:
loud women in bars = self-centered bitches not worth the time.

sorry, I know it's not fair, but I won't even look at them
wrathofkublakhan said:
loud women in bars = self-centered bitches not worth the time.

sorry, I know it's not fair, but I won't even look at them

I feel the same way about body-builders. I'm not in the least interested.