Non-author here...

So you're the one who transformed my "Lyrics" thread over on the GB! I should have known.

Cleo32 said:
"Can't we all just.....get along?"

What an unusual concept. Naw, it would never work.
Damn! I thought I had an ally there for a while.
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Yeah, just look at what they did to the president!

Oh, where are those Marsians when you need them?
Hiya Cleo, welcome to the AH :) Enjoy your stay. :rose:

Oh yeah, feel free to let ya hair down and write a story for Lit, I have a feeling you have at least one in you. ;)
Hey Cleo, love the 'Queen of DeNile' line. Feel free to say as much as you want on this board; we're pretty tolerant. I mean look at Svenskaflicka: if she can get in then our standards must be low :D.

/me ducks flying Harry Potter book.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Hey Cleo, love the 'Queen of DeNile' line. Feel free to say as much as you want on this board; we're pretty tolerant. I mean look at Svenskaflicka: if she can get in then our standards must be low :D.The Earl

I'll take care of this, Svenska.

C'mon, Earl. Let's go outside. Just you and me.

Oh, I can tell already: this is going to be fun.

Thank you wildsweetone. However, no stories will be forthcoming from me. Reading is the pleasure, writing is pure annoyance for me. Hmmm - I wonder if I should have said that aloud... no matter, thanks for the welcome.

Thank you TheEarl. I won't comment *yet* on the standards, as I just got here. ;)

Have fun.
C'mon, Earl. Let's go outside. Just you and me.

Really? Thanks MathGirl. Kinky alleyway sex has always been a passion of mine. :D

The Earl

I just wasted a great joke on people who haven't seen the CoS-movie, nor read the book, and therefor have no idea what Knockturn Alley is, and why that's so funny in combination with my new title/AV...:rolleyes:
This just spoils the joke totally! But, allright...

Knockturn Alley is the street in London where all the Dark Arts supply shops are.
My title is DADA Teacher, and my location is Hogwarts. DADA means Defence Against Dark Arts.

Now, if someone who works against Dark Arts, takes you to Knockturn Alley, saying that she'll show you some Knockturn Alley sex...

...then you're pretty much screwed.
Cleo32 said:
Thank you wildsweetone. However, no stories will be forthcoming from me. Reading is the pleasure, writing is pure annoyance for me. Hmmm - I wonder if I should have said that aloud... no matter, thanks for the welcome.

Ah, a Reader ;) I look forward to hearing your comments throughout the AH on our various writing discussion threads. :)
Now, if someone who works against Dark Arts, takes you to Knockturn Alley, saying that she'll show you some Knockturn Alley sex...

...then you're pretty much screwed.

If you're taking me out into the alleyway, I should hope so.

The (very immature) Earl
Even though it's a Lit No-No to hit below the belt (unless you're into BDSM)...

TheEarl said:
If you're taking me out into the alleyway, I should hope so.

The (very immature) Earl

...aren't you up past your bedtime, young man?
Hairy P.

Svenskaflicka said:
Knockturn Alley is the street in London where all the Dark Arts supply shops are. My title is DADA Teacher, and my location is Hogwarts. DADA means Defence Against Dark Arts.

Dear Swede,
It that more of the Harry Potter stuff?
My previous bravado is fading quickly, and is being replaced by sheer terror.

I'm two or three posts from being scared away, just FYI.