Nonsense Poetry

Just a thought...
When vivid poets fight
What is the result?
Too's get berated,
Flowers get trashed unseemly,
Witches brew cauldrons like giraffes;
Giraffes? What stately beasts they be
Except in summer, when sweat dampens
Their erectile necks.
But do erectile necks sway gently,
And laugh as asses fall off,
Get picked up, stroked,
And then returned to rightful owners
Who don't necessarily care?
And to what end?
The end is the beginning
Of a fight among poets.

P.S. I love the flower.
It reminds me of sex
And a purple giraffe.

I did kinda wonder who was fighting though
I did kinda wonder who was fighting though

It has to be remembered that this is a nonsense poetry thread. And it also contains nonsense arguments, nonsense counter arguments, nonsense huffs, nonsense attempts at peacemaking the nonsense arguments, some (not all, just a few mixed in) nonsense compliments, and a few nonsense refusals of compliments. In short it is nonsense. Keep that in mind and you won't go far wrong. :catroar: (And that is a nonsense emoticon)
There's a bit of nonsense in the baiting of the bees...

Flirt with my petals
open and willing to accept
that hot probiscus deep
into the well. Hold my anther
erect and stroke the stamen
just as you drop my neighbour's
pollen on my pestel floor.
Nectar gushes your reward
and a secret deposit
of golden bee food settled
on your back.
There's a bit of nonsense in the baiting of the bees...

Flirt with my petals
open and willing to accept
that hot probiscus deep
into the well. Hold my anther
erect and stroke the stamen
just as you drop my neighbour's
pollen on my pestel floor.
Nectar gushes your reward
and a secret deposit
of golden bee food settled
on your back.

This is pretty close to porn, methinks.
I was just saying earlier today (or yesterday), there's nothin quite as hot as an orchid steaming it out with a bug :p
I was just saying earlier today (or yesterday), there's nothin quite as hot as an orchid steaming it out with a bug :p

The purple giraffe
with the spotted hide
wished on a bugday
that wishes implied
a heart more strong
than the noonday sun,
a bissel time, a little fun,
a bursting bud
of prairie pride,
that goes with the flow,
that rides on the surf
of a pen. A surfing giraffe
will glide to her friends
so easily
and with scholarly wit
ask for nothing
more than to sit
in the glow of the words.
What's stronger than hearts?
I asked her one day.
The home in the heart
is the quiet ray
of wisdom.
More than nonsense in the heart of this one ...
The purple giraffe
with the spotted hide
wished on a bugday
that wishes implied
a heart more strong
than the noonday sun,
a bissel time, a little fun,
a bursting bud
of prairie pride,
that goes with the flow,
that rides on the surf
of a pen. A surfing giraffe
will glide to her friends
so easily
and with scholarly wit
ask for nothing
more than to sit
in the glow of the words.
What's stronger than hearts?
I asked her one day.
The home in the heart
is the quiet ray
of wisdom.
Rap a little heart beat
the colour of wine and rose
blood into a chalice
as deep as history that resonates
round giraffe and ghetto
for where find the heart
the hearth warms like smile
and glad tears
bitters only belong
in pubs where songs
don't lament and wakes
rollick in memory of Jurassic
fossils and many purple beers.
hickory dickory
bugle boy bop
Charlie and Dizzy
on a Trane they did hop
and did the boogie woogie
all the way down to Birdland
where they saw Miles feeding Skylarks from his hands
he was fattening them up for his Bitches Brew
what to do with the feathers, he had no clue
so he stitched them together and made pretty fans
for the showgirls to use when they danced for the band
along came the Duke with songbook in hand
and he was invited to join the Caravan
they eased on down the road to the Roc Boys party
in the land of brooks, where they played and hips swayed
the speakers blazed La Di Da Di
as the Ruler rap tapped across the pond
to b-ball courts a la Bronx
surfing waves that flow, like rivers Run
surrounding the isle of Shaolin monks
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hickory dickory
bugle boy bop
Charlie and Dizzy
on a Trane they did hop
and did the boogie woogie
all the way down to Birdland
where they saw Miles feeding Skylarks from his hands
he was fattening them up for his Bitches Brew
what to do with the feathers, he had no clue
so he stitched them together and made pretty fans
for the showgirls to use when they danced for the band
along came the Duke with songbook in hand
and he was invited to join the Caravan
they eased on down the road to the Roc Boys party
in the land of brooks, where they played and hips swayed
the speakers blazed La Di Da Di
as the Ruler rap tapped across the pond
to b-ball courts a la Bronx
surfing waves that flow, like rivers Run
surrounding the isle of Shaolin monks

Will you marry me?
Now that would be an interesting wedding. Very danceable, I'd bet. :)

The most interesting part would be explaining it to eagleyez ("Yes darling I love you completely, but she writes jazz poetry!").

If she had Lester Young in that poem I'd probably be on the next flight to NYC. :D

Now that would be an interesting wedding. Very danceable, I'd bet. :)
can you imagine....that would be the party the neighbors couldn't stop talking about!

The most interesting part would be explaining it to eagleyez ("Yes darling I love you completely, but she writes jazz poetry!").

If she had Lester Young in that poem I'd probably be on the next flight to NYC. :D


lolz :D.....not quite ready to add wanton home wrecker to my repertoire. ok, i'll keep wanton....but the home wrecker part goes. but you can have the poem as a wedding present when you and e-dub (short for e double...snazzy moniker, right?) decide to crush the glass.

reception's at the bistro. i'll be the dj. i bet we could get cheffy to cater.
and can't cook for your own wedding, so get that gleam out of your eyes! :rose::cattail:
The hi-jacked giraffe wears a paisley waistcoat
while his lady sings the blue
lacing through the branches them notes
so high and pretty like
it nigh on breaks the heart in two.
The crocodile cries tears of remorse
and he mouths the words
to an old sea shanty
his pappy taught him before he was born.

Come away to the mist me boyos
come away have a drink with me
and we'll dance with them doe eyed mermaids
that we catch from the broiling sea.
a nite at the bistro

the lion and the witch pillaged the wardrobe
and donned fancy plumes in their hair
sheathed in boas and sequins frocks
and other fabulous glittery things
they set out to lure new conquests back to their lair
they pranced into the local juke joint
where a purple giraffe played perfect piano blues
all the men smoked cinnamon stick cigars
and were foggy from free flowin' booze
lion and witch paraded their charms
looking to hook some big fish
they found a gang of gents at the bar
anxious to sample the tasty new dish
the motley pair was wined and dined on house specialties
fab veal picatta, chicken wings that sing and shout
cheese pie and chocolate cake drunk on stout
a sack of bagels to go, for breakfast in the morn
sustenance for the boys, who would surely be well worn
disappearing with their new suitors to a private party room.....
lion and witch emerged hours later, shedding sequins, hair all askew
they fixed their faces, picked up their torn hems
and left with their boas....suitors on the other end
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can you imagine....that would be the party the neighbors couldn't stop talking about!

lolz :D.....not quite ready to add wanton home wrecker to my repertoire. ok, i'll keep wanton....but the home wrecker part goes. but you can have the poem as a wedding present when you and e-dub (short for e double...snazzy moniker, right?) decide to crush the glass.

reception's at the bistro. i'll be the dj. i bet we could get cheffy to cater.
and can't cook for your own wedding, so get that gleam out of your eyes! :rose::cattail:

I actually have a friend who cooked all the food for his wedding reception (well his then-fiance helped). He's a terrific cook, but I recall that cooking plus pre-wedding jitters was not a good combo.

No, Cheffy can cook (he'll come up with a rockin menu). Dora will be our official wedding planner, and e-dub (love it! he cracked up when I told him you called him that) can spin the platters (yes, I'm old--forget the i-pods!) and dance with the brides. He leans heavily toward Miles (Sketches of Spain is his fave; I guess that's slow dancing lol) and The Mahavishnu Orchestra (weird dancing), but I'll force Basie and Duke on him (won't be difficult though his fave Duke is Anatomy of a Murder--not exactly wedding music). Whaddaya say we make our wedding dance Take the A Train?

Bijou is in charge of entertainment. :D

Oh. This is a fantasy. Woops.

(PS No chupa at the real wedding, just maybe a beach and a long honeymoon) :)
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can you imagine....that would be the party the neighbors couldn't stop talking about!

lolz :D.....not quite ready to add wanton home wrecker to my repertoire. ok, i'll keep wanton....but the home wrecker part goes. but you can have the poem as a wedding present when you and e-dub (short for e double...snazzy moniker, right?) decide to crush the glass.

reception's at the bistro. i'll be the dj. i bet we could get cheffy to cater.
and can't cook for your own wedding, so get that gleam out of your eyes! :rose::cattail:

Wow!!! Is he really gonna crush the glass? Ange, please, PLEASE don't let them put a stinkin' light bulb in the napkin, make 'em use a real wine glass, and really, the one you drink out of! I'll tell you all a story about that later.

I actually have a friend who cooked all the food for his wedding reception (well his then-fiance helped). He's a terrific cook, but I recall that cooking plus pre-wedding jitters was not a good combo.

No, Cheffy can cook (he'll come up with a rockin menu). Dora will be our official wedding planner, and e-dub (love it! he cracked up when I told him you called him that) can spin the platters (yes, I'm old--forget the i-pods!) and dance with the brides. He leans heavily toward Miles (Sketches of Spain is his fave; I guess that's slow dancing lol) and The Mahavishnu Orchestra (weird dancing), but I'll force Basie and Duke on him (won't be difficult though his fave Duke is Anatomy of a Murder--not exactly wedding music). Whaddaya say we make our wedding dance Take the A Train?

Bijou is in charge of entertainment. :D

Oh. This is a fantasy. Woops.

(PS No chupa at the real wedding, just maybe a beach and a long honeymoon) :)

And I'm working up an incredible entree', a tenderloin of Wagyu beef (look it up) & escargot topped with a potato-lace pancake over creamed baby spinach and a red wine reduction. This is one of the most incredible entree's I have ever had the good fortune to eat. Details later!
Wow!!! Is he really gonna crush the glass? Ange, please, PLEASE don't let them put a stinkin' light bulb in the napkin, make 'em use a real wine glass, and really, the one you drink out of! I'll tell you all a story about that later.

And I'm working up an incredible entree', a tenderloin of Wagyu beef (look it up) & escargot topped with a potato-lace pancake over creamed baby spinach and a red wine reduction. This is one of the most incredible entree's I have ever had the good fortune to eat. Details later!

Burn, baby, burn. :)
I'm not at all sure you want me in charge of the entertainment. You know how I am...







And let me suggest a little pagan tradition to add. We do a "handfasting" in which your hands are bound together with a cord, with the blessing, "what the gods have blessed and you have promised, let no one break" or words to that effect.

Then you have to stay tied together until DAWN or until YOU CONSUMMATE, whichever comes first.

Highly recommend it. We'll put a little bower back in the walk-in for you.

Who is the lion then? when I started reading it I thought it was about Aslan lol

ha ha :D i didn't actually have anybody in mind for the role of lion. it could be anyone....or a literal lion. what's more ridiculous than a lion in a sequins dress?ahhh.....the beauty of nonsense and poetry. line by line the characters just started popping up. i go where the voices take me. but you, UYS, are definitely the honorary witch. i love that icon in your sig line.

p.s. all other characters have been call for the role of lion. UYS will be acting as cast director.