Nonsense Poetry

Ooooooooooh can I test them all out individually? We could be in for a long night hope the bar and kitchen are well stocked
I'm not at all sure you want me in charge of the entertainment. You know how I am...







And let me suggest a little pagan tradition to add. We do a "handfasting" in which your hands are bound together with a cord, with the blessing, "what the gods have blessed and you have promised, let no one break" or words to that effect.

Then you have to stay tied together until DAWN or until YOU CONSUMMATE, whichever comes first.

Highly recommend it. We'll put a little bower back in the walk-in for you.


giggles all around.....
Ange, your wedding is turning into the must-see event of the season. you should charge admission (i'll take a 30% cut off the top):cattail:
giggles all around.....
Ange, your wedding is turning into the must-see event of the season. you should charge admission (i'll take a 30% cut off the top):cattail:

I can get all the performers to volunteer their time for this worthy cause, so that'll take the expense down a bit.

I've got Circque du Soleil on the line. They want to know if there are regulations about pyrotechnics in performances in your county.

And some other performers on line 3 want to know about local obscenity laws.

giggles all around.....
Ange, your wedding is turning into the must-see event of the season. you should charge admission (i'll take a 30% cut off the top):cattail:

Our wedding, jazz girl! lol.

I'm not at all sure you want me in charge of the entertainment. You know how I am...







And let me suggest a little pagan tradition to add. We do a "handfasting" in which your hands are bound together with a cord, with the blessing, "what the gods have blessed and you have promised, let no one break" or words to that effect.

Then you have to stay tied together until DAWN or until YOU CONSUMMATE, whichever comes first.

Highly recommend it. We'll put a little bower back in the walk-in for you.


This is precisely why I want you in charge. We may not make the New York Times society page, but the Enquirer will love us!
Hey all, I've got the entertainment. I went to a wedding back in 1977 (Larry King's wedding number ...uh...six...maybe five...uh...I forget...), and this was the wedding band.
I don't know if they still do weddings, but they certainly rocked the house that night...


See if you recognize the nineteen-year-old girl singer on the right...
Hey all, I've got the entertainment. I went to a wedding back in 1977 (Larry King's wedding number ...uh...six...maybe five...uh...I forget...), and this was the wedding band.
I don't know if they still do weddings, but they certainly rocked the house that night...


See if you recognize the nineteen-year-old girl singer on the right...

I know. ;)
Wasn't she cute...year out of high school, in love with the drummer (that's Emilio she has her arms around), and so...full of eagerness for the future? Turned out okay, huh?

Very cute and amazingly talented. I saw an old video of MSM recently and I was marvelling at that voice of hers. She was singing to this jazzy salsa music and just wailing.

Now I could show you this gorgeous youngster and ask who she is, but darnit we're both old, so we get em all!

I can get all the performers to volunteer their time for this worthy cause, so that'll take the expense down a bit.

I've got Circque du Soleil on the line. They want to know if there are regulations about pyrotechnics in performances in your county.

And some other performers on line 3 want to know about local obscenity laws.

no obsecenity laws in rhymeville....let the circus begin

Our wedding, jazz girl! lol.

oh, quickly i forget:eek:
Hey all, I've got the entertainment. I went to a wedding back in 1977 (Larry King's wedding number ...uh...six...maybe five...uh...I forget...), and this was the wedding band.
I don't know if they still do weddings, but they certainly rocked the house that night...


See if you recognize the nineteen-year-old girl singer on the right...

is that Ms. Gloria?
You know, sometimes I just can't tell when you're being serious.

That either says something about you, or something about me, or something about the black hole in the middle of the universe.
Think it says something about both of you cos I know who the original Gloria is but not about the playboy one
I play in my shoes
reminiscing the rain
jamming to the music
avoiding what I've started
my heart swells
as I express
and secretly hope I impress
I want to so
I am still for the moment
letting my world spin around me
I am ok
I am ok
what a good feeling
one heel tied up my leg
fade of the base
tune of the familiar
ride to come
rhythm stuck in my bones
wont leave once its found
in the silliness
and love of life
need a shower
and better speakers
I have, in the spirit of the May Challenge, edited this piece. I made one very large error. Edits are in bold.

Homage to T.S. Eliot
Excerpt from Canto 6, Part 9

Amo, amas, amat, a mess 1
How long? Gongula?
La plume 2 de ma Tante
est sur la pont D'Avignon3
and surely the sturm und drang of this
soft October night
will bring Fosse4 to risposta.

In the restroom the women come and go
discussing articles from Cosmo.

What are you saying? What saying? What? 5
Sweeney's rolled his trousers up above his knees
and lies etherized upon a table
like a peach. 6

1. Ecclesiastical invokation for St. Marinara, patron of children with disorderly rooms.
2. In this case, a plume. Not a pen.
3. This bridge, unlike that in London, is not for sale.
4. Bob
5. I mean it. What.
6. A nice one, I mean. Ripe, juicy, not that shipped-in unripe mealy crap that passes for fresh fruit at my local Piggly Wiggly, where the stockboys come and go in a wasteland of Ipod goth music. My grandmother had a peach tree and we could go out in the summer and just take one off the tree and eat it. Of course, this was in Mississippi where the rednecks come and go, and you could get sweet corn in season at a roadside stand manned by a podgy, red-faced farm wife in a babushka, fanning herself with the latest copy of Better Homes and Gorgons. You just don't see produce like that anymore. Oy vey! C'est dommage!
In higher realms of solitude
beyond the rolling hills,
live members of small stature
and otters with blue bills.
Upon imaginary knolls
play pipers to the flute
all gathered for reunion
who specified the route.
So sing around sweet maidens
and dance the tight quadrille
till moonlight scents the hillside
and none around are still.
There comes in every lifetime
a charmed and tilting role
to walk upon the rainbow
and thus to fulfil your goal.
I have, in the spirit of the May Challenge, edited this piece. I made one very large error. Edits are in bold.

Homage to T.S. Eliot
Excerpt from Canto 6, Part 9

Amo, amas, amat, a mess 1
How long? Gongula?
La plume 2 de ma Tante
est sur la pont D'Avignon3
and surely the sturm und drang of this
soft October night
will bring Fosse4 to risposta.

In the restroom the women come and go
discussing articles from Cosmo.

What are you saying? What saying? What? 5
Sweeney's rolled his trousers up above his knees
and lies etherized upon a table
like a peach. 6

1. Ecclesiastical invokation for St. Marinara, patron of children with disorderly rooms.
2. In this case, a plume. Not a pen.
3. This bridge, unlike that in London, is not for sale.
4. Bob
5. I mean it. What.
6. A nice one, I mean. Ripe, juicy, not that shipped-in unripe mealy crap that passes for fresh fruit at my local Piggly Wiggly, where the stockboys come and go in a wasteland of Ipod goth music. My grandmother had a peach tree and we could go out in the summer and just take one off the tree and eat it. Of course, this was in Mississippi where the rednecks come and go, and you could get sweet corn in season at a roadside stand manned by a podgy, red-faced farm wife in a babushka, fanning herself with the latest copy of Better Homes and Gorgons. You just don't see produce like that anymore. Oy vey! C'est dommage!

Love it!— a nonsense edit!