Now, I AM confused....

Re: Re: In response....

DreamingAngel said:
Thankyou both for taking the time out of your day to answer me.

DreamingAngel, I have VERY much enjoyed reading your posts to Lance and James, and their responses to them. These are the types of exchanges that I value highly,...thank you all. :)
Thankyou very much Artful.

I'm not here to preach as to what I see as "right" or "wrong", but to have conversations with people not unlike myself whom like to openly discuss sex and feel that I "fit".

I don't involve myself with anything that involves "putting people down", and I don't expect to be listened to and agreed with each time I say something. I am also a big believer of the "don't throw stones at glasshouses" saying, as each person's "kink" isn't for everyone. What I like as "normal" others would see as completely disgusting LOL.

As I stated earlier, if we all thought the same things about the lifestyles we lead, we'd be in for very boring conversation around here. I'm here to bounce ideas off others, to listen and to learn, and if I can, maybe add a little piece to the conversation along the way.

Thankyou Artful, I appreciate your kind words, and your time to respond to me.

DreamingAngel said:

I don't involve myself with anything that involves "putting people down", and I don't expect to be listened to and agreed with each time I say something.

Thankyou Artful, I appreciate your kind words, and your time to respond to me.

I am not as kind as I am truthful,...but I need tell you also,...because of your valuable insight,
...the WAY you express yourself in a clear NON- threatening manner, you have just been added to my
"Copy and Paste" list. Along with Shadows and MsWorthy, as well as a few other notables which I respect highly for their opinions. :)
Thankyou Artful ... I'm not sure what your "copy and paste" list is, but I'm very honoured to be a part of it.

I like the discussions I've become a part of so far, and I'm sure you'll see more of me ... not too sure if that's bad or good, but I can only ever be me :) but then I happen to like me.

Thankyou Artful.
I'm amazed that my simple little thread generated such good discussion! Thank you to all who contributed - I appreciate learning everyone's thoughts on this. It also helps me to understand where people stand and are coming from. And it seems as though we are all basically in the same boat on most things.

DreamingAngel, I don't think I've had the pleasure of "meeting" you yet. So, well, hello!
Excellent discussion!

Yes, a warm welcome Dreaming Angel.

I rather enjoyed reading your insights and repartee with Lance and Artful.

True Doms:

I question their down to the bone Domliness when they enter my mail box and expect immediate and what I percieve to be extraordinary measures of respect.

Then, the Dom who asks how I am doing and where I am is bound to always get a favorable response.


Everyone deserves and recieves respect upon introduction from me. I am one who thanks the cashier at the grocery store and tells her to have a nice day.
When I first meet with my son's teacher or principal, I refer to them by their title, Mr. or Mrs. ____, out of deference to them as well as to teach my children respect.

Here, I try to treat everyone with respect even though I may shorten their monikers after some level of relationship has begun. Oh! There was this one time that one of our valued posters caught me on a really bad day, but all was forgiven. :)

Respect on the boards and in real life means having an appreciation for the other person's existence, being courteous and given other individuals space to be just that, individuals.

So, in summation, I use the term Sir when I feel the word welling up in my gut. When I feel the need and desire to use the term Sir. It isn't always a matter of submission. I have Dom friends who notice that depending on the context and mood of the chat, i will slip into the textual protocal and use Sir.

"Sir" is a term of respect AND endearment from these finger tips and lips. As such, it isn't loosely waved about. I expect that some Doms would find a new friend casually using these terms to be superficial and perhaps a player?

I guess that was a question. *smirks*