Nude male housecleaner

I have a lady who cums to my place to clean every so often. We both only wear thongs. And the cleaning starts. There is a lot of grabbing and touching going on. Then the thongs get pushed aside and we lick each other clean and the sex between us takes over. House cleaned and both satisfied
I would take a guy up on an offer like that if I was certain he would be OK actually sticking to only cleaning and not expecting anything else to happen. Unfortunately that's pretty much impossible to verify in advance, and the risks if I'm wrong are just too great.

Nice idea though :)
You would have to not be there whilst I am cleaning 😂
I would take a guy up on an offer like that if I was certain he would be OK actually sticking to only cleaning and not expecting anything else to happen. Unfortunately that's pretty much impossible to verify in advance, and the risks if I'm wrong are just too great.

Nice idea though :)
I think the whole point of this is that there'd at least be the atmosphere of eroticism, with the woman(women) ogling/checking out the naked house cleaner.

This scenario seems nice as a fantasy, but too impractical to be done for real without all parties being disappointed.
Honestly, that would be a tough task, as being in the nude is so freeing yet arousing. I think I could come in, do the cleaning and then leave - it would be a fun session back at home though!
Although I would find it arousing and probably have to discretely masturbate in the bathroom or someplace while cleaning. I would not expect anything else unless she expressed interest and consent
I can imagine some guys being exhibitionist enough to enjoy just doing the cleaning naked with a fully clothed female watching and enjoying the show. The big challenge is managing the expectations of what comes after that..
Doing nude cleaning while visible aroused in front of clothed woman or women is very tempting and satisfying. It does not need to lead to something after that. Only if woman asks to, which would be only at her will. At least in my case.
I do a lot of housework and spend a lot of time naked. I am going to up my game and make it a point to combine the two and really put on a show for my wife. I won't be able to show other people but it might graduate to answering the door naked or close?? Exciting to think about even if it doesn't happen.
I am always naked at home and often answer the door naked. I love the looks. Some trying not to look and others just staring with their mouths open.
Not long story like OP, but...

My FWB and I switch - vanilla, dominant, submissive regularly. One time I was required to completely clean her apartment, do the washing and all the other chores fully naked. One of the most exciting RPs we played.
I have just finished cleaning my FWB's place again, this time wearing nothing but a remote-controlled butt plug for which she had the control...
Laughing because I am reading this after assembling an over the sink dish rack from Amazon while in the nude. 😄
I just cleaned my place today, but if some sexy man wants to come over and work in the nude, I could find something for him to do. I’d definitely make it worth his while. 😉
Here's one easy way to manage those expectations that's always worked with me. <blushes>

It nips male sexual entitlement and other classic symptoms of toxic masculinity right in the proverbial bud (or nub, as the case may be, lol.) 😊🔒🔑

Great pic. Makes me even more curious about chastity.
I love dressing sexy and vacuuming, There's nothing like the feel of smooth pantyhose under a nice tight skirt while vacuuming the carpet. It would be so exciting to dress and vacuum for a female while she watched me.