Nude male housecleaner

I would be all for hiring another man to do some nude housecleaning for my wife. I’ll retire to the spare room as he probably doesn’t want me around. Then he strips naked and gets to work. My wife enjoys the view of his naked body through out of house. Then it gets quiet for a bit. Then I start to hear moaning and orgasms from the bedroom.
I would like to make this a weekly thing. Or two-three times a month. Maybe on a dull weeknight evening.
I would take a guy up on an offer like that if I was certain he would be OK actually sticking to only cleaning and not expecting anything else to happen. Unfortunately that's pretty much impossible to verify in advance, and the risks if I'm wrong are just too great.

Nice idea though :)
You can eliminate that risk by inviting a friend or two so you feel safe. I think the cleaning male would appreciate bigger audience a lot. I would. Actually the more voyeur ladies there, the more "visible benefits" from me ;)