nUDe SLeePiNg!

naked sleep

Wife and I always sleep naked - company over or not - and we never close our door - guess you could say "we have an open door policy". ;)
rxh3012 said:
Wife and I always sleep naked - company over or not - and we never close our door - guess you could say "we have an open door policy". ;)

:eek: ;)

Like Lappdog, I've grown rather fond of not wearing clothes around the house (except in the winter). Housework in the nude is much easier, too. Scrubbing the bathroom seems less of a hassle for some reason. I guess it's knowing you have a nice clean tub to hop into as a reward for doing yucky chores. :)
I'm easily aroused which can be problem for me if I want a good night's sleep. I've only seen one other poster who claimed this as well. One little brush against the sheets and I'm wide awake. Also, as a guy, there is this gadget between my legs that tends to get stimulated when I roll over or move my legs. I love waking up nude.
Most nights naked, espically in summer. I will useually wear a tee shirt in winter.
DrHappy said:
I'm easily aroused which can be problem for me if I want a good night's sleep. I've only seen one other poster who claimed this as well. One little brush against the sheets and I'm wide awake. Also, as a guy, there is this gadget between my legs that tends to get stimulated when I roll over or move my legs. I love waking up nude.
Boy, are you high maintenance ;) Talk to my M: he has found the secret to sleeping through whatever during the night. Only when his 'gadget' wakes him at night incidently he might consider (I say might ;) ) giving up some sleep :D
My sexual psych teacher is always talking about sleeping nude! He reccomends it especially if a couple is arguing, because... how can you be mad at someone you're laying in a small space next to? He talks about how it generally creates closeness and intimacy.
I always sleep in the nude, my boyfriend either sleeps in underwear or nude.
If I didn't live in a dorm with a roommate who sleeps here most to all of the time I would definitely sleep naked. My ex actually recommended it as a way to stay warm, and as much as I hate to admit it, in my experience he's right. I do sleep naked when I am all by myself in my room or with someone who has seen me naked and enjoys it.
rosebud5446 said:
My sexual psych teacher is always talking about sleeping nude! He reccomends it especially if a couple is arguing, because... how can you be mad at someone you're laying in a small space next to? He talks about how it generally creates closeness and intimacy.
I always sleep in the nude, my boyfriend either sleeps in underwear or nude.
I don't know.... when I'm really mad M can sleep naked 2 inches away from me all he wants, but I won't feel very much like touching him at those moments. So I'm not sure if it helps. I do believe, however, in NOT "escaping" the bed(room) however serious the fight is (although I must admit I have done it on occasion :eek: ).
Everyone should sleep nude!

I didn't even know this was a big discussion topic. I've slept naked my whole life...I couldn't even imagine being comfortable with cloths on in bed.
I just recently got comfortable with sleeping nude. It is so much more comfortable to feel the cool soft sheets against your skin than having bunchy and heat trapping cloths on. I do agree, having the male equipment that I have, it dosen't take to much tossing and turning to get aroused. Now that I do sleep naked, I find that I'm spending more time naked around the house in general. I just feel so much more free.
I wear clothing all day long it's the one thing I don't want on while between the sheets. Besides nothing feels better then another persons skin next to mine. And of course there is that old saying of being so close "that you cannot tell where your skin ends and theirs begins" ..............
I'm a very big fan of sleeping nude. However, I have a hard time sleeping nude with someone else. It's kind of hard to sleep when you're cuddled up next to a sexy someone's naughty bits. :eek: At least, I have a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Asleep or not!
I do love sleeping in the nude, but it's a tough one with the kids.

It happens more in the summer, but i get so cold in the winter that i sleep with something on. My body also gets soooooo cold after sex that I do usually get up and put clothes on.

I usually wear a soft bra and socks to bed. The bra because i'm a 38E, I need the support and the socks because my feet get cold even if the rest of me is hot. :rolleyes:
I only sleep nude when I had someone sleeping with me... and even then he had to convince me to do it. I dunno... isn't it colder? and if you're top heavy, they go all over the place! :confused:
Usually just one pair at a time. If it's cold enough for two pairs of socks, I'm wearing pants and a t-shirt too.
I sleep in the undies... you know those titie whities...
There is too much activity in the household to sleep nude...though I enjoy it.
On the other hand, I like to have something on just incase I have to jump out of bed and fight a burgler or run from a fire or any other emergency like that.

Hey Honeybee80 I love your AV. If that is YOU, you are very attractive. Would love to see more pics.
Thanks.. it is me. I would post more, but photobucket is pretty strict and I don't know of another pic hosting site that allows nudity. If you want to suggest one.. I'll post more. :) I'll tell you though... I don't do any close up pics of the naughty bits or sexual activities. Just not my style. :cool:
Thats cool!
To be honest... I am not into all those "biological" like pics.

Breasts and full body are nice.

Anyway, nice to meet you.
sparc101 said:
Thats cool!
To be honest... I am not into all those "biological" like pics.

Breasts and full body are nice.

Anyway, nice to meet you.

I'd also like to see more, HoneyBee.
I love sleeping nude. Even though there's nobody to impress. *snorts*
At the moment i tend to sleep in my boxers, just cause its more practicle. However i do enjoy sleeping naked either alone or with a partner. If i have a partner i will definately sleep naked, nothing like the feeling of cuddling up to your loved one when your both completely naked.