Nurturing New Poets

I liked everything you wrote, A. I just stayed away until the draft dust settled. lol

I don't think we really need a mod but it would be nice to be able to do the stickies. I thought if we used "The Poets" that would give, at least, seveal of the regulars a chance to do it, in case one of us wasn't around.

Once we are granted sticky power (if indeed we are) then we can just take your draft and post it as our welcome. You put a lot of work into it and I think it covered everything.
If most of the regular agree with it, I see no problem in having a moderator, especially if it's a shared responsibility as with The Poets.

I would certainly make things easier when there are challenges and interesting threads, as well as this welcome thread thing.

It's a good idea too, Eve. The oiled up men are on their way.
I just signed in as the poets and I'll send a PM to Laurel asking her about it. Like I said, we don't have many problems around here and we don't need mods, but it would allow us that one advantage. And I guess we could also delete the rare spam thread. I really don't know what else mods do.
How does one become a member of this hallowed group? I don't remember there being a group effort since I arrived.

It looks like an interesting challenge. Why did it die? Or did it?
Tristesse said:
How does one become a member of this hallowed group? I don't remember there being a group effort since I arrived.

It looks like an interesting challenge. Why did it die? Or did it?
Hallowed? lol I started The Poets a long time ago. I think the sig line needs updating. But anyone could join. We poets wrote a few poem together and used The Poets name to submit under.
There are many things that have come and gone over the years. I'm glad to see my same title challenge (originally sp's idea) is still going strong. :)
Anyway, I'll see if I, or someone, can resurrect The Poet challenge.
In the mean time, let me know if you (or any of you out there) has any problem with The Poets trying out for poetry forum mod. Laurel may not even approve of the idea. I'm not sure. But it's something I've wanted done around here for awhile, along with a welcome thread. And... since it wasn't getting done, and since I've been here for so darn long, I decided to just do it. Hope no toes are stepped on. I told Laurel that for now, I'd like Ange, Lauren and me to try this out since we've been here for so long and we'll be probably be around for some time to come. But if that doesn't suit anyone, just let Laurel know. Or PM me and call me a bold bitch. Please call me one! I love dirty talk. lol

Wicked Eve

Wicked Eve, youre a bold bitch, baby
taking control of the thread, oh yeah
why dontcha just smack me up, right now mama
(been waiting on them knockers all day)
I need some firm, some control in my life
oh Wicked one, you are such a fine, bold bitch, baby!!!!

but the thought of strong oily men might just sway
me the other way, from whence I came
oops!! you said PM and call you one..I am so NOT sorry :D

okay, I am,..okay, I dont know anymore!! :rose:

you are such a good sport eve, ever think about being a counselor for the mentally weird, like me?
I'd love to start a group effort.

I saw an idea in the story discussion forum that might be fun.

The signs of the zodiac.

It requires 12 poets to cover the whole list.

What do you think? Too ambitious?

it occurs to me this is the wrong thread for this post so I'll move it to the Poets Thread.
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Tristesse said:
I'd love to start a group effort.

I saw an idea in the story discussion forum that might be fun.

The signs of the zodiac.

It requires 12 poets to cover the whole list.

Aries ~ The Ram Mar.22 to April 20)

Taurus ~ The Bull (April 22to May 21)

Gemini ~ The Twins (May 22to June 21)

Cancer ~ The Crab ( June 22 to July 23)

Leo ~ The Lion (July 24 to August 23)

Virgo ~ The Virgin (Aug 24 to Sept 23)

Libra ~ The Scales (Sept 24 to Oct 23)

Scorpio ~ The Scorpion ( Oct 24 to Nov 22)

Sagittarius ~ The Archer (Nov 23 to Dec 22)

Capricorn ~ The Goat (Dec 23 to Jan 20)

Aquarius ~ The Water Carrier (Jan 21 to Feb 19)

Pisces ~ The Fishes ( Feb 20 to March 21)

What do you think? Too ambitious?
I like this. Would we each do a zodiac inspired stanza?
Great idea. Can I play?

Wait, didn't this discussion move? Why are we in this thread? ;)
Hey look. We've got a moderator now.
A moderator with an eleventeen ways split personality. Could get interresting. :)
You Bold Bitch

The Poets said:
Hallowed? lol I started The Poets a long time ago. I think the sig line needs updating. But anyone could join. We poets wrote a few poem together and used The Poets name to submit under.
There are many things that have come and gone over the years. I'm glad to see my same title challenge (originally sp's idea) is still going strong. :)
Anyway, I'll see if I, or someone, can resurrect The Poet challenge.
In the mean time, let me know if you (or any of you out there) has any problem with The Poets trying out for poetry forum mod. Laurel may not even approve of the idea. I'm not sure. But it's something I've wanted done around here for awhile, along with a welcome thread. And... since it wasn't getting done, and since I've been here for so darn long, I decided to just do it. Hope no toes are stepped on. I told Laurel that for now, I'd like Ange, Lauren and me to try this out since we've been here for so long and we'll be probably be around for some time to come. But if that doesn't suit anyone, just let Laurel know. Or PM me and call me a bold bitch. Please call me one! I love dirty talk. lol

Wicked Eve

You're doing this to torture me. You people will never let Rowdy Ted die. Never I tell you! It has been a year and a half since we wrote that debacle, and he keeps popping back up like well...never mind that, but he does.

Eve this is your fault. lol.

_Land? I know you're out there lurking and laughing. Stop it this instant!

:D :rose:
puppying newbie-ily (?)

Hello All-

I've decided to gamely do the newbie thing and stick my cold, eager puppy nose into everyone's crotch by posting my (unsolicited) opinions.

Phew! That said, allow me to (unnecessarily) announce that I'm new to your forum. I just happened to be cruising and perusing the bulletin board in time to catch both the discussion of starting a welcome sticky forum (syntax?) and the actual welcome sticky itself.

Being a good little puppy, (other than the cold nose thing, sorry!;) I read the "welcome" first. Please let me commend you all on creating a very user friendly and informative item. I have to admit that it was far more fun rereading the blanket welcome after reading all of the postings down here, as it's put a very human face on the folks within the forum! Besides, it lets me feel like an I've gotten an"insider" view, quite a pleasantly naughty sensation. (How voyuristic!)

ANYway...I've taken up enough time prattling on. Before signing off I'd like to comment on the idea about writing poems about items in the room for five consecutive days--this sounds like an interesting exercise. I plan to attempt it and I wonder if it's an "official" exercise for posting or simply an idea to try.

You all sound like you have lots of fun together. It's nice (and refreshing) to find an online gathering of writers who do.

Thank You For Your Patience and Forbearance;

Jennifer Eutsler, eager newbie puppy
Hi Juetsler, welcome aboard! (although that line does make me think of things like walking a plank, but I digress)

I'd suggest starting a new thread with the "write a poem a day on room items" idea that um...who did suggest that? smithpeter? Anyhoot, that's my sugestion if you want folks to check out your work. Though, whether you do it per day, or all at once afterwards is up to you.

in the mean while, have fun, poke around (parties back at my place :D)


(oh her head folks..ya know...the puppy analogy. shees, minds in the gutters :p)
