Oh fuck, what does it matter, anyway?

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the earthy power of feminine deism(?) had to be overturned, trampled down, and subdued by male-power orientated religions - original sin, my arse :rolleyes: propaganda's a powerful tool.

still, at the end of the clichéd day, i'm not religiously inclined to any side and matriarchal is as bad as patriarchal weighted society.
the earthy power of feminine deism(?) had to be overturned, trampled down, and subdued by male-power orientated religions - original sin, my arse :rolleyes: propaganda's a powerful tool.

still, at the end of the clichéd day, i'm not religiously inclined to any side and matriarchal is as bad as patriarchal weighted society.

Unfortunately enlightenment has taken time
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I still dislike - no, really hate - it. Using it in a joking way doesn't cut it for me. It is disrespectful and objectionable, often used for shock value. Try bandying nigger around "in a joking way" and see what happens.

All those words going way back in history are minted to hurt. It's up to individuals to curb it. Free speech can be totally free with no need for abusive words.
I still dislike - no, really hate - it. Using it in a joking way doesn't cut it for me. It is disrespectful and objectionable, often used for shock value. Try bandying nigger around "in a joking way" and see what happens.

All those words going way back in history are minted to hurt.
It's up to individuals to curb it. Free speech can be totally free with no need for abusive words.

the article (and there are many historical articles to be found online) cites that the 'c-word' was a celebratory, wonderful word for honouring and reverence. its meaning has been subverted over the years for political purposes, manipulated to the extent that it is now so commonly viewed as obscene.
the article (and there are many historical articles to be found online) cites that the 'c-word' was a celebratory, wonderful word for honouring and reverence. its meaning has been subverted over the years for political purposes, manipulated to the extent that it is now so commonly viewed as obscene.

OK - I edited my post incorrectly. Why are you suddenly using c-word instead of cunt? Surely not to offend my principles. :D

Too right it's been subverted. If you've ever had that word screamed at you in public you might dislike it as much as I.
OK - I edited my post incorrectly. Why are you suddenly using c-word instead of cunt? Surely not to offend my principles. :D

Too right it's been subverted. If you've ever had that word screamed at you in public you might dislike it as much as I.

actually, yes. you stated clearly enough how it makes you feel, and since i was replying to you i chose not to deliberately offend you with its use.

i've had far worse things happen than that. and yes, if i'd have had it screamed at me with ugly intent in public (private was bad enough by someone i loved), i would have found it as ugly as any other word used to humiliate and squash a person.
actually, yes. you stated clearly enough how it makes you feel, and since i was replying to you i chose not to deliberately offend you with its use.

i've had far worse things happen than that. and yes, if i'd have had it screamed at me with ugly intent in public (private was bad enough by someone i loved), i would have found it as ugly as any other word used to humiliate and squash a person.

I got it aimed at me just the other day on Facebook (hence my ghazal) I know I am older than a lot of you so that makes me old fashioned but I was brought up that women who use that sort of language are common and for all I was born working class we were never common.
I still dislike - no, really hate - it. Using it in a joking way doesn't cut it for me. It is disrespectful and objectionable, often used for shock value. Try bandying nigger around "in a joking way" and see what happens.

All those words going way back in history are minted to hurt. It's up to individuals to curb it. Free speech can be totally free with no need for abusive words.
actually it is becoming a joke word (a word meaning inverted, yes with the -er) a nothing, heavily age determined though. Whigger (as in music) contains a hefty dose of contempt, i.e. white boys not quite doing rap.

Keep in mind, English has always been a bastardized language, and for fanciful reasons "the kings or queens english" was developed under the progeny of the syphilis king, (ah the old C of E). And at later time the King's "english" was German. So much for sanctimonious cows.
(Henry the VIII offends me)
but WTF do I know
I is an Other.
I got it aimed at me just the other day on Facebook (hence my ghazal) I know I am older than a lot of you so that makes me old fashioned but I was brought up that women who use that sort of language are common and for all I was born working class we were never common.

One will not find a word which generates more diverse opinions among women. Sometimes it is highly offensive and a turnoff, sometimes the offense is highly exciting.

There is no easy way to predict the reaction and no easy way to repair the damage when one gets it wrong. It's one thing to say it in passion, but to say it in anger is very dangerous. This is especially true when crossing social or cultural lines. People may share the same language and skin color, but what truly marks the boundaries between groups is the words they use and the meaning attached.
One of my sister in laws is married to an Irishman who has very colourful language so she's heard it all before, but she's never heard me swear. One time she stuck her nose into my business and upset me so much I was hyperventilating. She shall we say found out I knew the words although I rarely use them and she was completely shocked that I aimed them at her with so much vehemence that she staggered backwards as if I'd hit her. As they say it's all in the delivery.
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Third grade???? How is that possible. I remember when she was a zygote. No, I remember when she was an idea. A love poem making things happen.

That's the way it works. You wake up every morning and one day the guy on the radio says "Robert Plant is 65, today." Damn, how did that happen?

Happy birthday, Bob.
One will not find a word which generates more diverse opinions among women. Sometimes it is highly offensive and a turnoff, sometimes the offense is highly exciting.

There is no easy way to predict the reaction and no easy way to repair the damage when one gets it wrong. It's one thing to say it in passion, but to say it in anger is very dangerous. This is especially true when crossing social or cultural lines. People may share the same language and skin color, but what truly marks the boundaries between groups is the words they use and the meaning attached.

In my entire life, I have used the word twice. It is reserved for the most heinous females I have ever had the displeasure to meet. One was a woman who betrayed my friendship in an unforgivable manner... the other was my mother. I can't imagine using the term in print. It's just too inflammatory.
I don't think anyone should use the name, no matter how slang or outside the accepted societal norm to use the term, in a defamatory way... If you call someone a cunt that should have no meaning beyond calling them say, a vagina. However, modify it with a nasty adjective such as ... syphilitic or warty then that would be a sort of insult, but I think it's the disease more than the anatomy its attached to that carries the weight there.

It would be worse to call a person a waste of flesh than it would be to call them a prick.
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Queen Kunti was a young , unmarried princess when she got a boon: she could invoke any Male God she wanted & by a " so called Divine Transcendental " process the guy had to appear & Miraculously she would have an instant Male baby from Him !?! Don't get me wrong , the younger generational skeptics snigger & say Sex is the only way Queen Kunti got her sons from handsome , hunky , Powerful Gods .
What happened was just to validate whether the boon was real or a fake Princess Kunti invoked Surya the dishy Sun God who immediately gave her a heroic , handsome baby : she was yet unmarried , if U guyz remember , so she just floated him in a river in a weed basket a la Baby Moses in the Old Testament . Her poor innocent bastard son was named Karna & brought up by a childless Charioter & his wife : so far so good . But to complicate matters Kunti was married to a King who was cursed if he had sex he woukd die : so Royal Hubby gave Kingly sanction for a series of Divine Cuckoldings !?! So dishy , hunky Male God after Male God was invoked to produce Yudhishtir , Bhima & Arjuna ( their fathers were Yama , God of Death , Vayu , God of Wind & Hunkiest , Adulterous of all Indra , King of Gods respectively)
Later to Kunti's eternal sorrow by a series of circumstances her eldest born met with & fought against
Her three legitimate sons in Battlefield Kurukshetra !?! Here again to help her legitimate sons she went with Master Manipulator Lord Krishna to Karna & revealed she was his mother & so he should not kill his half-brothers !?! He was an Eternal Rival of lord Arjuna ever since they had vied for the hand of fair Princess Draupadi & promised his faithless , opportunistic mother that he would not touch a hair of Yudhishthir's or Bheema's head but he would surely try to kill Arjuna , his old rival & woyld ave succeeeded too but for the Divine Manipulations of Lord Krushna who acted as Chauffer/ Charioter -cum- Bodyguard of His friend-cum-cousin Arjuna & saved him from sure death @ Karna's hands !
@ the end of the War when Emperor Yudhishtir came to know of his mother's perfidy & his/ their relationship with Karna it is said he never looked @ her or spoke to her again !. Since Kunti had sex -er- Divine Transcendental procedure with 4 Males other than her Hubby she is suppsed to be a lady of loose morals by the Brahmin Pundits : now readers please figure if tge impugned " C-word" has actually descended from Queen Mother Kunti whether it is an insult or compliment ????!!!
I'm of the opinion that the etymology of cunt is Latin-based as in cunnus which is the vernacular term for vulva out of the Italian peninsula.