Older, missed or neglected poems

Here is one of my favorite poems from the wonderful smithpeter.

Spending Time Near Her Face

On the porch during storms
in late afternoon
with electricity inspires poems
for mathematics and ants.
All those lines and symbols in order
of chaos. Marching.

Waking next to your pucker
is more stirring.
You look sweet and sour.
There must be a bug in your nose.
The cure for that twitch is soft kiss of cheeks
and smoothing night ruffled hair.
My breakfast of sliced pears with sorbet and candle
does not dim from streaming morn.
We share licorice end to end.

You don a pair of smiles, dimples
and all the trimmings.
Good morning my lover's, lovely face.


smithpeter died suddenly in 2004. It was a terrible loss for many of the poets here. It was for me: he was a dear friend of mine. If I may be so gauche as to post one of my own poems, this is one I wrote for him about a year after he died.

Sergeant Bunny's Last Stand

A trenchcoat-wearing bunny
listens intently for clues
in the waves of jazz chuckled
by nutty squirrels who also
tend gardens. They grow
the sweetest red peppers.
When you bite into one, blues
spill all over your mouth,

which is why the bunny suspects foul play.

He asks the Radon Daughters,
who sing fine as Supremes,
Where Did Our Love Go?

Whatever happened to the man in the red canoe?

That man wrote every song
the squirrels ever played.
He wasn't the politest stallion
in the stable, but awful handy
to have around, and when he danced
he could knock the Earth
from its axis. However briefly.

The bunny would rather
interrogate Liz with her long legs,
black sheath, and cowboy boots.
She only came for the second set,
but as she entered the woods,
she saw him paddling upsteam
with Mona Spice, the kitchen sink,
and one slender dogwood twig
dreaming in a Bud Light can.

Every butterfly in the forest
surrounded that canoe,
fireflies glowed its path
into the end of twilight,
and cicadas sang along
with daughters and squirrels.

Somewhere around that bend
Mingus is laughing, knocking back
brandy and milk, and Rashaan sees
the reeds and whistles he plays
in thick Van Gogh layers.

That's where he went, Liz says,
pointing past five little stars,

and the bunny writes down
every word and twitches over
to the squirrels playing
love songs on saxophones.


RIP Douglas. I still miss you.
Angeline, both those poems are beautiful and thank you for posting them. It is not at all gauche to post such a lovely heartfelt tribute--and reading smithpeter's poem I can understand why you wrote it. It too is a gorgeous love poem. :rose:
Angeline, both those poems are beautiful and thank you for posting them. It is not at all gauche to post such a lovely heartfelt tribute--and reading smithpeter's poem I can understand why you wrote it. It too is a gorgeous love poem. :rose:

Thank you, dear man. I'd encourage anyone unfamiliar with smithpeter to explore his poems. He had no education in writing or literature but is one of the most naturally artistic poets I've ever read here. His illustrated poems, especially, are a real treat.

Let's have another of yours

Summer Sonnet

by Angeline©

The sky is made of marble blue gray streak,
and the willow iridescent green sways
in summer's moist grass-scented air, oblique.
The memory of other years allays
the small apartment, and the tiny room
where music sings. Here poetry is born
in tears and laughter. Even in the gloom
of rain or break of night, the Sun's not worn
from care or pain. Each day the dawn brings light
like lemon sliced in tea, so sweet and tart
that underneath the darker taste of fright
is swallowed. Let the morning sing its heart
in freedom taken in small bites; its dreams
built warm in shaded season's burnished streams.
what a way to wake up - such wonderful writings. thanks, guys, for showing these that would have never met me otherwise. :rose:
I would ask our poets to read back into the old poems of some who post here. There are gems like this I found this evening.

bySenna Jawa©

in the morning breeze
achilles shouted
i'll catch you
and light on his feet
in the blink of an eye
approached the cheetah

the cheetah smirked at achilles
morphed into a horse
and went away

not too far

it was noon by now

achilles shouted
i'll catch you
and soon crowded the horse

the horse smirked at achilles
morphed into a cow
and went away

not too far

it was hot afternoon by now

achilles shouted
i'll catch you
and soon reached the cow

the cow mooed at achilles
morphed into a turtle
and went away

not too far

the sun was setting

achilles shouted
i'll catch you
and soon approached the turtle

the turtle smirked at achilles
morphed into a snail
and went away

not too far

it was late in the night by now
achilles sighed
i am making progress
years from now
one day i may catch you
I remember this one, I wrote it after reading of how along some of the beaches the parents who had lost children would walk each morning hoping the tide would return their children. It was an image I could barely consider.

Of course the cyclic form of the pantuom seemed the only way to show the disappearance and later return of their bodies. Thank you for mentioning it, this one affected me also:

Waiting for the Tide

jth : )
Thank you Jim.
I always remembered that. I remember sitting there in a stunned wordless state.
still is I hope and I miss her terribly although she scared the hel out of me when I first arrived, she didn't suffer fools gladly and told it as it is

That makes two of us. I write to her every few months but haven't heard back yet. I don't think she's mad or upset with me or the forum, just wants a differrnt focus now.
still is I hope and I miss her terribly although she scared the hel out of me when I first arrived, she didn't suffer fools gladly and told it as it is
Happy birthday. BTW
She loved me, we suffered each other.
Eve was able to create sympathetic characters, although not in this one.
But if you look at her work, she is able to portray a normal scene, that begins to look more and more like a Goya painting.
I've never seen anybody do that with such consistency.
Probably unique.
She hated me, we suffered each other.
Happy birthday. BTW
She loved me, we suffered each other.
Eve was able to create sympathetic characters, although not in this one.
But if you look at her work, she is able to portray a normal scene, that begins to look more and more like a Goya painting.
I've never seen anybody do that with such consistency.
Probably unique.
She hated me, we suffered each other.

Thankyou :) I can never think of Eve without remembering her hairy man and the dldo chair aghhhhhhh happy days