Older, missed or neglected poems

Green Girl Gone

Green Girl Gone

She stood there
with green girl thoughts
in the height of the sun
Gaia to all she observed

Plump geese from the pond
waddled closer
nibbling grass from the meadow
freely around her feet

But summer's heat
like the fattened geese
flew south
when she fled our house.

Now the grass is brown
like my bleak thoughts
on the cold autumn knoll
of my empty years

I hope I blasted him for the cliches. Could have dropped the last four lines. Just kidding, it's really kind of sad.
Even through the halogen (a cento)

Even through the halogen
I worry about us, about
the six faces of time being captured
in this useless still life.

I worry about
the way she'll use Yeats, as if
someone is keeping track of it all.
I worry this will be the day replayed
when she remembers
inspiration waits on tables
at a truck stop.

I worry about 2 platinum protractors
spinning like gyroscopes on spider strings,
darting key and bracelet mountains,
pinned in on all sides by someone else’s expectations.

I worry about us, about long unisons,
rattling manhole covers,
gutterways and mudseason dooryards.
I worry about us
and wish for the warmth of a hand.

There must be bits of truth
caught between these teeth of obscurity.
Miles and miles of kicking rocks,
thinking of what's left behind,
to-morrow I will number the dead.

without the citations

God I love her
God I love that last line.
It's the eyes isn't it? Now you too are in my power.
Just like chipbuddy,
Oh wait you guys are from England, you don't know...
*raises an eyebrow*

Oh dear God, that wasn't a koan, was it? :D
*smiles - against my better judgement*

Green Girl Gone

Green Girl Gone

She stood there
with green girl thoughts
in the height of the sun
Gaia to all she observed

Plump geese from the pond
waddled closer
nibbling grass from the meadow
freely around her feet

But summer's heat
like the fattened geese
flew south
when she fled our house.

Now the grass is brown
like my bleak thoughts
on the cold autumn knoll
of my empty years

I hope I blasted him for the cliches. Could have dropped the last four lines. Just kidding, it's really kind of sad.

i think those last 4 lines weaken this - the poem feels like it reaches a natural stop after 'when she fled our house'.
Even through the halogen (a cento)

Even through the halogen
I worry about us, about
the six faces of time being captured
in this useless still life.

I worry about
the way she'll use Yeats, as if
someone is keeping track of it all.
I worry this will be the day replayed
when she remembers
inspiration waits on tables
at a truck stop.

I worry about 2 platinum protractors
spinning like gyroscopes on spider strings,
darting key and bracelet mountains,
pinned in on all sides by someone else’s expectations.

I worry about us, about long unisons,
rattling manhole covers,
gutterways and mudseason dooryards.
I worry about us
and wish for the warmth of a hand.

There must be bits of truth
caught between these teeth of obscurity.
Miles and miles of kicking rocks,
thinking of what's left behind,
to-morrow I will number the dead.

without the citations

God I love her
God I love that last line.

we had a spate of doing centos they were great fun
we had a spate of doing centos they were great fun
thought you'd like it
but seriously do you English people know Crow

I want to know.
I actually got an E from a poem structured like MST3000, everybody thought it had to with Ezra Pound, I pretended, can't let people know, I base these things on video games and TV.
Nature is soooo much better on Hi Def, bugs can't get you.

Here's an Instant Oldie:
Hi Def

I am a close-up,
in your face,
tears rolling down my
Hi Def cheeks,
my pores open for your
delectation: perhaps
you would like to see what
I had for lunch or
what became of it?
thought you'd like it
but seriously do you English people know Crow

I want to know.
I actually got an E from a poem structured like MST3000, everybody thought it had to with Ezra Pound, I pretended, can't let people know, I base these things on video games and TV.
Nature is soooo much better on Hi Def, bugs can't get you.

Here's an Instant Oldie:
Hi Def

I am a close-up,
in your face,
tears rolling down my
Hi Def cheeks,
my pores open for your
delectation: perhaps
you would like to see what
I had for lunch or
what became of it?

no crows here that I know of
thought you'd like it
but seriously do you English people know Crow

I want to know.
I actually got an E from a poem structured like MST3000, everybody thought it had to with Ezra Pound, I pretended, can't let people know, I base these things on video games and TV.
Nature is soooo much better on Hi Def, bugs can't get you.

Here's an Instant Oldie:
Hi Def

I am a close-up,
in your face,
tears rolling down my
Hi Def cheeks,
my pores open for your
delectation: perhaps
you would like to see what
I had for lunch or
what became of it?
not heard of Crow before but bookmarked for when i ever find the time. looks funny. i'll pass the link on to seanH - i'm sure he'll appreciate it.

as for friday's piece - the line about the open pores gets me every time!
ABC's Of Aging
By Bavit Shiite

A is for arthritis,
B is for bad back,
C is for the chest pains. Corned Beef? Cardiac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight - can't read that top line.
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention
and not to forget other gastrointestinal glitches)
H is high blood pressure
I is for itches, and lots of incisions
J is for joints, that now fail to flex
L is for libido - what happened to sex?
Wait! I forgot about K!
K is for my knees that crack all the time
(But forgive me, I get a few lapses in my
M-memory from time to time)
N is for nerve (pinched) and neck (stiff) and neurosis
O is for osteo-for all the bones that crack
P is for prescriptions, that cost a small fortune
Q is for queasiness. Fatal or just the flu?
Give me another pill and I'll be good as new!
R is for reflux - one meal turns into two
S is for sleepless nights,
counting fears on how to pay my medical bills!
T is for tinnitus - I hear bells in my ears
and the word "terminal" also rings too near
U is for urinary and the difficulties that flow (or not)
V is for vertigo, as life spins by
W is worry, for pains yet unfound
X is for X ray - and what one might find
Y is for year (another one I'm still alive).
Z is for zest
For surviving the symptoms my body's deployed,
And keeping twenty-six doctors gainfully employed.
Bullwhip Rose

Always knew God was tetched,
what with armadillos, the moon,
and Günter Rose. He just flung a soul
into that baby. New cry in winter
wailed into Bullwhip, God's Günter
under a Confederate sky,
lashing "shuffalongs" in white fields.

Brothers marched North.
Brothers marched South.
They marched past Günter,
shadow in a cave,
Blue Ridge hidey-holes,

miles from unpicked clouds.
Fields waited for sons,
sons waited for Papa's swinging arm.
Texas took those sons,
and years later:

"Horses rocked us toward that bless-you place.
I bumped along on the bed
in chaw-spattered, church white.

I was hush like raw cotton,
unpicked in the sun.

Suppose other wagons came
just so he could crack them aside."

Old whip curls like a rattler's memory
in my Grandma Rose's lap.
She speaks of digging dirt, a small grave
to return it to ready hands.

copyright d. dixon
The Come-Down Rain

Woman is a rail and chain,
held fast by man’s perversion.
She kneels in the come-down rain.

Blessed by his sick immersion,
she’s bent over shadowed beam,
held fast in his perversion.

Night flows like a steady stream,
deep in his darkest donna,
who’s bent over shadowed beam.

He baptizes false Madonna,
drowns his pleasurable ills
deep in his vessel, donna.

He drains into the well, and seals
her hard with dominate need,
that holds in his pleasurable ills.

He loves her more, indeed –
slave bound to rail by chain.
Filled with his dominate need,
she kneels in the come-down rain.

copyright d. dixon
Always been an Eve fan, what happened to her? I know she was getting married, am I right in assuming she is living happy ever after in her own little pleasure zone?
Always been an Eve fan, what happened to her? I know she was getting married, am I right in assuming she is living happy ever after in her own little pleasure zone?

Last I heard she was, but I keep trying to lure her back. She has such a gift for poetry.
The Come-Down Rain

Woman is a rail and chain,
held fast by man’s perversion.
She kneels in the come-down rain.

Blessed by his sick immersion,
she’s bent over shadowed beam,
held fast in his perversion.

Night flows like a steady stream,
deep in his darkest donna,
who’s bent over shadowed beam.

He baptizes false Madonna,
drowns his pleasurable ills
deep in his vessel, donna.

He drains into the well, and seals
her hard with dominate need,
that holds in his pleasurable ills.

He loves her more, indeed –
slave bound to rail by chain.
Filled with his dominate need,
she kneels in the come-down rain.

copyright d. dixon

I can only say, I wish I had written that. I would question some of the middle stanza, but the rest is pure poetic joy. Ty for bringing it to my attention, which was the whole purpose of this thread.

P.S. I am deeply embarrassed that one of my own poems has appeared here--naughty 1201
I can only say, I wish I had written that. I would question some of the middle stanza, but the rest is pure poetic joy. Ty for bringing it to my attention, which was the whole purpose of this thread.

P.S. I am deeply embarrassed that one of my own poems has appeared here--naughty 1201
yes I am, well we fought over the last lines...excused you cause you're british

and the british don't know crow

anyway, I just jumped in to claim credit for WickedEve's Bullwhip Rose. She had written a good poem Bread, everyone loved, I being in dissent. Not your voice I said. Guess she showed me, showed me good. Evie, I'm back, you'll (or is that yaw'l) come back too. Me. Be like old times, you abusing me, me prodding:rolleyes: you.
I hope she is doing OK. Woman was an amazing talent.