One Word

Should one word posts or just a smiley face count as a legitimate post ?

  • YES they should how the hell am I going to keep my number of posts higher that the rest.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • NO people who do this all the time are morons

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • DON\'T KNOW don’t care what others do

    Votes: 17 54.8%

  • Total voters
SlickTony said: sounds like virginity is as problematic and blurry a concept here as it is IRL.

Actually, here, it is worse than RL. It only takes once to devirginize yourself in RL. Here, it takes 30 posts.
But, that is very much a blurry concept.
But, once it is gone, you do feel kind of reborn. I guess that is where the virgin association may come in.
Hiya Tony

I lost my "virginity" at 30 posts, I think it was. It just automatically happened. Was rather sad to see it go, actually :(

You can post an AV at 100. I just passed that mark, so I'm-a-wonderin' what AV to choose, if any. Could be brave like Tiggs and just use a real pic, or maybe just be one of those AV-less souls that floats around with no visual definition.


To address the question at hand: No, one-word posts don't bug me as long as the post is an honest-to-goodness response or statement.

(shrug) I don't know why someone would want to post numerous, brief messages just to get their count up. If they want to, however, I have no problem with it. No biggie.

It seems like threads with quite a few brief messages is almost like hearing a spoken conversation. IRL, conversations very rarely consist entirely of lengthy paragraphs.

However, out here on the net, it can get a little tedious to keep pushing the next page number just to get to substantial parts of a thread. So I can see why it might be annoying.

But it hasn't bugged me... yet :)
The one word question

Its not just the one word. There are some people on these boards who use that one word so nicely. One word is definitely not the problem.

The real problems are those people who just post anything which is irrelevant to whats going on in the thread. Usually even that doesnt bother me, but if done repeatedly... its sick.

SlickTony[/i] [B]How does one lose one's virginity around here? [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MsLinnet said:
100 posts will do it for you

Sorry, 30 posts removes your virgin status. 100 gets you your AV status.
SlickTony said:
How does one lose one's virginity around here?

Once you hit 30 posts you are experienced.

Funny location for this thread. Seems Gen board would be best, but c'est la vie. My name is in here somewhere...this I know from a search. Time to see who said what about me this time. lol
I'm a 'virgin.

I have been amused by the 'virgin' title, since I am happily married for twenty some-odd years, three kids,(Yes they are mine!), and all of that. As to one word posts, well, I have seen some very well-done responses being less than a full sentence, and found them to be amusing. The biggest deal, to me, is the fact that I control my computer, and thus, I can choose to read them or cruise right on by to the next one. I think that they should be allowed, and yes, counted! After all I might have a time when I respond with just one little word in the future. (Highly unlikely, but it could happen.)
curious2c said:

The biggest deal, to me, is the fact that I control my computer, and thus, I can choose to read them or cruise right on by to the next one.

Exactly. Instead of whining and bitching about posts, adults can act like adults and use the powers of their brains to ignore the things they do not care to see.
Having often followed a two page "comment" with a couple of short sentence fragments,
I guess I could be one of the guilty parties here? :eek:

Lucky, I just changed my sig.file in time. ;)
just go to your control panel and fiddle around with the options there.

I went in there, and where my signature is, it says that html is on. But it sure doesn't seem to be on when I'm trying to post.
One word posts (nothing wrong with them), Virgin labels and the obsession with an H on a strory.

It all boils done to worrying over things that mean nothing to no one eh.

I only read posts that are interesting normally, and the micro second that it takes to blur past a one word (or symbol) comment doesn't qualify as reading really (it doesn't diminish there worth, it's just over before it began is all).

Virgin status...most of us here could care less what your label was. Soooooooo....

And the H's that are constantly being discussed all over the forum, are inaccurate pointless and have less value than your label even.

In the end, the only thing that counts, is what do your friends think.
My name is in here somewhere...this I know from a search. Time to see who said what about me this time. lol

Hope you don't mind my bringing your name into it :D
Always admired you and others who use real pics for an AV.
its Leslie said:
In the end, the only thing that counts, is what do your friends think. [/B]

hmm leslie, i'd debate this point. firstly i doubt that it's the only thing that counts. surely what matters if not most, then at least first, is what we ourselves think of ourselves.

if we feel we are doing right for others, then that matters more than what those 'others' think, right?

okay some would likely say the two are directly related, but what i'm meaning is that how we see ourselves primarily is what counts. we need to feel good about ourselves in order to pass that goodness on. right?
Well what I meant sweetone, was of course the only thing that matters is the input of our friends...when compared with fancy status ratings, numbers of posts achieved, and those H ratings.

It goes without saying (which is why I didn't mention it) that a person must be happy with themselves before they can gain any worth from outside of themselves.

I like me.

Therefore I am happy with all that is me (well almost all heheh, I could improve the waist line eh heheh).

So I tend to over look myself, and my opinion of myself, when rating what I hold as important, about how well I do what I do.

That is why I normally remark, that I place my friends over other factors.
If I get just one praise from one friend for a story I have written, I call that as good as getting an H (well at least the one comment from that one friend has more substantiated worth at least).

When a friend replies with a word word post, odds are I get more out of it than a stranger's word word comment. But my friend knows what words will make a big impact to me.
wow i am in one weird mood swing today, i actually read your '.' BlkOwned. somebody help me! rofl

leslie of course that's what you meant, i knew. it certainly comes home to roost when one discovers who ones friends really are.

i agree with you.

an interesting exercise i've never tried before, to write in sequence that which is most important in my life. that which matters most to me.

...bears thinking about.
plse excuse me while i borrow grab quasi

quasi i've tried emailing and pming you, maybe something this end isn't working too well.

do you still want some feedback? i'm holding off on other work until i hear from you in case you're on a deadline. please let me know. :)
OK, it seems we are going way down to the base of the human language.

First, this thread is about one word posts. A one word post would be:









Well, you get the idea.

To play the devil's advocate for a bit, is a period (.) a word? I think it is puctuation and then not actually a word.

A sentence is comprised of words and punctuation. So, to get down to my question...

Is . a one word post, or is it just a fancy use of puncutation?

who would have thought it eh... i just read DVSs too. gee what a weird mood i'm in today ;)
BlkOwned said:
Sorry about that. I couldn't delete my post, so I thought that was the next best thing. I made a mistake by posting here. :eek:

Oh, man! And, here we thought it was some cute way of sending some one word reply. Oh, well.
Remember, BlkOwned, you can only get away with one "." every 28 days. :)

--------------[Message to WSO]-----------------

If my PM did not get through (sigh!) No Worries!
MS is now published. :cool:

Don't go through PM, I think my connection is pooched. :mad:

Contact me via "

Story we discussed is in Toys Category: "Connie's Cure for Copulation" :eek:

Thanks for your efforts on my behalf, WSO! :rose: