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woo hoo! glad im not the only one. cym? bath tub? why the hell didnt i think of that?

can we all be weird and proud together?
One time, at band camp.....

Way to go, Kira!

Say "I am a weird exhibitionist, and I am proud!"

Do be careful to not end up in the klink in the future, though.
Kirabeth said:
yes when we go camping we do play in the woods.

Once when we went camping, we were camping at the river near aboat ramp, in a tent, it had just gottne dark when the sky opened up and it started to rain with lightening flashing in the back ground out over the water, we thought well it raining and everyone is running for cover and it wa shot as he double hockey sticks inside that tent and the picnic table really did keep calling my name, so we climbed on top of it and well you get the and yep I get loud, unbeknownest to us there were sevral bot loads of people sitting around the boat ramp waiting to remove their boats from the water and other who camp back out of their own tents to sit in the rain and watch us......... when we finished they started clapping and hollering way to go at us........... it s just turned me on all the more. so does that make me somewhat of a voyager (spelling here) too. I guess it does knowing it turns me on to be watched and to watch.

Oh yeah, I like that. next time you go he ought to tie you to a tree way out in the woods and cut a switch to whip you with.

And I think you mean you are an exhibitionist. A voyeur is someone who gets off watching.
I've never been whipped with a switch (well maybe when I was like 6 or 7 by my grandmother who belived in willow switches)

I have a fondness for the cat of nine which hubby uses on me quiet regular because he knows what it does to me, and a riding crop oh what delicious feelings that causes just think ing about it.
Kirabeth said:

We both enjoy camping...

Me too. I love camping - the sound of rain on canvas, the wonderful cooking smells, the smell of a barbecue
yes, there is nothing quite like the rain ~

and swings~

in the rain ~

remember, when we were kids, we used to call it the *spider* that position on the swings???

mmmmmm yeah....
mo: I've done the spider-sex, in a public park. Oh, the things I did to get laid as a teenager. Of course, my ass used to be smaller, so it's good that I tried it then rather than now.

I'm going back to kinks and fetishes. I hope you don't mind, but this is so ideal for me. I rarely actually talk about my sex life here, and this'll get buried fast. So, I'll have outed my most obvious kinks, and nobody'll be the wiser. Sounds cool to me. :D

The smell of leather makes me pant; leather and steel bondage together (leather cuffs and chain) makes me wet just looking at it. On occasion straight fireplay. I have a thing for priests and clerical collars in general. Crops, floggers, and paddles--good. And don't tell anyone, but, breath control.

I like to dominate men in uniform, any kind of uniform. My big fantasy is a cop, and it's straight sadism on my end. I think cocks belong in rings if not harnesses.

Oh, and I can just from candlewax on my body in controlled bursts, or from a slow steady pull on the chain linking a set of nipple clamps, without ever being touched directly.

Too much information? :p
That's what YOU think! I've created a link on my desktop to this thread and page, and when I get my RisiaSkye Tribute webpage built, I am going to link it in. That and some conceptual art renderings of our favorite amazing amazon doing the funky fucky spider on the jungle jim.

RisiaSkye said:
I rarely actually talk about my sex life here, and this'll get buried fast. So, I'll have outed my most obvious kinks, and nobody'll be the wiser. Sounds cool to me. :D
Kirabeth said:
I've never been whipped with a switch (well maybe when I was like 6 or 7 by my grandmother who belived in willow switches)

We had a peach tree in the backyard when I was growing up. My mother used to love to have my brother and me go out and pick our own switches.... and if it was not good enough and she had to do it... oh boy, just watch out!

Maybe that is why I have a fondness for sharp, stingy things today....
Kirabeth said:
willow switches)

I don't switch ... well, I haven't switched yet! lol

My kinks .... I adore leather. The smell, the feel the ... ohhhhhh gosh it's hot in here.

And ... I adore the outdoors - I have a fantasy about having sex outdoors - in the woods, or by the sea, or by a river or ... ohhh just outdoors will do!


no, actually, that will do for now.
And sorry kirabeth for taking the willow switches out of contex, but having the handle I do, I just couldn't resist.
I don't really care for sex out of doors...

I did that when I was younger. Today I perfer, if I have anything to say about it, sex indoors in the air conditioning. It is way too hot out there for me. And there are bugs and such that I don't really care for.

Of course that's just me.
Hot is not a problem over here!

Cold and damp ... now THAT is a problem! lol
You guys are wonderful, you always give wonderful advice and lots of good ideas that I have ben able to incorparate into my own life. And I truely appreciate you all trying to help me get an av the more I posted yesterday and saw my numbers riseing the more excited I got and I do believe t hat if I keep it up I will soon have my av. Thank you.

I also think the more we keep posting the sooner we will reach the goal to get the How to that Writedom first started this thread about not sure how many we still need before we reach it though so ya'll keep posting.

Willow, the comment about the willow switches was kewl with me I did not take offence I would have done the and said the same thing I think actually made me wonder what a willow switch would feel like now and we have a willow tree near our home so ya know it yep I am thinking of going out and gathering a few just to see for myself is that bad or what. na it can't be
and talking about Hot and sweaty............

in high school english we had a poet come out to give us lessons in writing poetry and we hated what high school senior has writing poetry on his or her mind but anyway we gave him a really hard time and so he decieded the best way to keep our attention was to let us ick the topic so we did and I thought when we all at one time screamed out we want to talk about sex teh teacher would blow a gasket but he just smiles and said ok, so how do ya'll like it and most everyone in the room just looked at him but a friend of mine stood up and said I like it hot and sweaty and he looked my friend dead in the eye and said I like it under air conditioner myself.

at the time its was a big thing that a teacher or any adult fo rthat matter would talk open about sexual preferences with a bunch of horney seniors, and although it maynot sound like much now I just thought I'd share it.

and besides that it helps get my number even higher and thats a big thing to me . :)

Thanks again for helping me reach my goal and for listening to me ramble maybe I can return the favor someday soon.
ok, i give in. what is the bad boyz club? and are they naked? and can we watch?
Merelan[/i] Hell no said:
That's what YOU think! I've created a link on my desktop to this thread and page, and when I get my RisiaSkye Tribute webpage built, I am going to link it in. That and some conceptual art renderings of our favorite amazing amazon doing the funky fucky spider on the jungle jim.
It was a jungle gym, dearest. The gent's name was not James. ;)

About your proposal...


( :devil: )


Re: *raises hand*

navarre said:
Perv here.


The more the merrier!

*waves to all*

I am definitely NOT a perv. I simply arrived at my misspent youth and decided to stay there!
Isn't this real life?
There's something outside that door?
Nope, not me.
Staying put here.

The truth is Lady and I ran away together and now live on an island in a castle. All alone with no worries and no one to bother us.

Hey, I can dream right?

Miss Taken, you aren't perverted, you're right.
Just sweetly sensual and tastefully twisted.
So you say.

But along with you, the renderings will include Jungle Jim, Tarzan, George of the Jungle, Doctari and even though it's not keeping with the theme, the Incredible Hulk (purely for selfish reasons). If Doctari is nimble enough, perhaps a jungle gym will be tossed into the mix.

Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion will be looking on, becoming even more cross-eyed as Cheetah jacks off, and Jane will be dragging boy off to another corner of the jungle by his ear, even though she's secretly wishing boy was staying with his cousins so she could join the fray.

Um, poetic license?

RisiaSkye said:

It was a jungle gym, dearest. The gent's name was not James. ;)

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