Only 13,048 posts to go

Gosh, I didn't realize I was yanking the chain of the issuer of poetic licenses. I feel like I just road raged at an off-duty cop. You know, like that feeling you get once in a blue moon when you wish you could somehow un-flip the bird?

RisiaSkye said:

Which will definitely be revoked now, after the Cheetah incident and all.
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monster666 said:
Gosh, I didn't realize I was yanking the chain of the issuer of poetic licenses. I feel like I just road raged at an off-duty cop. You know, like that feeling you get once in a blue moon when you wish you could somehow un-flip the bird?

See? I told you I was playing bad cop this thread. ;)
I'm definitely a perv.

monster666 said:
wish you could somehow un-flip the bird?
Today, in traffic, there was a siren coming in my direction from down the road. The light was green. Each car in front of me cautiously nosed into the intersection to try to determine if it was safe to go before crossing through. The siren was getting closer. My turn came. I nosed in there, straining to see for lights; the sound was close but there was so much traffic.

From behind me came the blare of a horn. I jumped and hit the gas and shot through the intersection. A big-ass brown truck followed me, horn still blaring. The ambulance flashed through the intersection from my left just behind the truck. I stuck my middle finger out the window and screamed "ASSHOLE" at the driver of the truck - who waved his middle finger back at me as he began weaving through traffic and moving away.

I puled into the far right lane, getting ready to turn into a mall. Glancing over to the passenger seat, and then into the seat behind that one, i saw (with secret amusement) that my kids looked totally shocked.

"I've never seen you do that," my 14 year-old daughter confessed, "I didn't think you knew how." Then my 5 year-old son asked, "Mommy? Why did you yell 'ASSHOLE'?" I tried not to be too obvious about my amusement while i explained to them all about how mommy should *not* have done that or said that...
Re: I'm definitely a perv.

Was that you?

cymbidia said:
A big-ass brown truck followed me, horn still blaring. The ambulance flashed through the intersection from my left just behind the truck. I stuck my middle finger out the window and screamed "ASSHOLE" at the driver of the truck - who waved his middle finger back at me as he began weaving through traffic and moving away.
Re: I'm definitely a perv.

cymbidia said:
Glancing over to the passenger seat, and then into the seat behind that one, i saw (with secret amusement) that my kids looked totally shocked.

"I've never seen you do that," my 14 year-old daughter confessed, "I didn't think you knew how." Then my 5 year-old son asked, "Mommy? Why did you yell 'ASSHOLE'?" I tried not to be too obvious about my amusement while i explained to them all about how mommy should *not* have done that or said that...

I love it when the kids suddenly realise that you do know more than they think!

The first time I swore - both looked at me open mouthed as they had never heard me say much more than fiddlesticks before then! Their faces were priceless!
thanks for the update willow, i was just wondering what the total was. how do you know?
12805 at this particular moment

on the main forum page you subtract our total number of posts from the total on the How To board

we're gaining on them but it's still gonna be a while before we catch that board

Actually, it's nice being one of the smaller boards, not as much crap trying to find it's way inside.
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oh i see, that was silly of me! i agree i like the smaller size, it seems more personal as well.
stopping in quick to help that post count.....

oooooooooo r/l has been keeping me spinning, but i am adding what i can when i can.....

thanks to all who lent their support to Soron and myself at the Communication thread, when i actually get solid time online, i will reply there as well...

but for now, goodnight!!
Just over a month since this was posted to.

And now we have only 8,418 to go to catch up!
WillowPuss said:
Just over a month since this was posted to.

And now we have only 8,418 to go to catch up!

Really? The gap is actually getting closer?

I started reading this thread, thinking it was a brand new thread. Shows how long I've reading in here. :)
admirable quest

I volunteer myself, Willow and an assortment of others to head the cheer squad. Don't you just love those short little skirts and white bobby sox?

I checked this morning and was amazed to find that the difference is now a mere 3392.

That means, if the rate of posting remains the smae we shall have overtaken the How To forum in less than two weeks time!