Opening up a bit: a funny story


I already have a four post bed of hardwood.

It is lovely and has all the necessary spindles and such.

Perhaps, you would care to check that instead?
Yet, another funny story

My physician must be a Dom!

If not, I bet he would hear me if I told him I was a bit submissive.

He is a sexy, Canadian man in his thirties, which makes talking about it all more appealing ;)

I went to see him.
We talked of many things, including my difficulty sleeping.
He suggested a touch of something, I declined stating I needed to moderate my caffiene intake.

He asked how much I drank and then chuckled as he threatened to put me over his knee and spank me. I giggledm but didn't tell him how much I would love that *smirks*

Then, when leaving, he asked if there was anything else. I said , "No, I am leaving before you realize I haven't had my annual."

He said, "Get up on the table, <name> and put your feet in the stir ups."

It wsa all fun and games as I was leaving, no, I am not concerned about his conduct. However, the tone of voice was oddly reminiscent of one or two times in my life ! ;)

Just had to race home and share the giggles.
The Near Kink Nexus Is.....Where? seem to be having your fair share of "near kink" experiences with men lately, MissTaken....are you sure the nexus of these vibes you're getting isn't being generated internally?

And all of this right after you declared yourself to be more interested in VanillaValues than BDSM as your Primary Thrust...mere coincidence???

Thor Heyerdahl would say otherwise, I'm sure.

Womens is funny took me soooo very long to realize how often what they say is the opposite of what they have in mind.

Lance "Those Lucky Boys" Castor

MissTaken said:
My physician must be a Dom!

If not, I bet he would hear me if I told him I was a bit submissive.

He is a sexy, Canadian man in his thirties, which makes talking about it all more appealing ;)

I went to see him.
We talked of many things, including my difficulty sleeping.
He suggested a touch of something, I declined stating I needed to moderate my caffiene intake.

He asked how much I drank and then chuckled as he threatened to put me over his knee and spank me. I giggledm but didn't tell him how much I would love that *smirks*

Then, when leaving, he asked if there was anything else. I said , "No, I am leaving before you realize I haven't had my annual."

He said, "Get up on the table, <name> and put your feet in the stir ups."

It wsa all fun and games as I was leaving, no, I am not concerned about his conduct. However, the tone of voice was oddly reminiscent of one or two times in my life ! ;)

Just had to race home and share the giggles.
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Re: The Near Kink Nexus Is.....Where?

Lancecastor said: seem to be having your fair share of "near kink" experiences with men lately, MissTaken....are you sure the nexus of these vibes you're getting isn't being generated internally?

And all of this right after you declared yourself to be more interested in VanillaValues than BDSM as your Primary Thrust...mere coincidence???

Thor Heyerdahl would say otherwise, I'm sure.

Womens is funny took me soooo very long to realize how often what they say is the opposite of what they have in mind.

Lance "Those Lucky Boys" Castor


Hmmm I never declared vanilla values, but yes, it is a woman's perrogative to change her mind, yes?

In fact, it is almost an obligation! :D
Re: Re: The Near Kink Nexus Is.....Where?

MissTaken said:


Hmmm I never declared vanilla values, but yes, it is a woman's perrogative to change her mind, yes?

In fact, it is almost an obligation! :D

Don't go gettin all cute young know exactly what I'm talking about and you know I'm right....there's no wiggling out of it either...unless you're er, gonna actually .wiggle. out of it.

In which case...may I watch?

Lance "Visions of Sugarplums Danced In His Head" Castor
Re: The Near Kink Nexus Is.....Where?

Lancecastor said:
Womens is funny took me soooo very long to realize how often what they say is the opposite of what they have in mind.

Lance "Those Lucky Boys" Castor

That tends to only be true when what they say doesn't gibe with what you have on your mind.

Then it's all about convincing them (women) that they *really* want what you want. Isn't that so? :p

And believe me -- there are some of us who not only see through it...we play along with the little game (unless there's something more interesting to go do...) :p

And then there are a few of us -- who say *exactly* what we mean and aren't shy about it.

Perhaps you've yet to meet women like that? You have to be a very genuine trustworthy person to meet equally open people.

But of course -- women confident with their eroticism and in their sexuality aren't a dime a dozen. And we don't waste time with game players or phonies.

Just a word to the wise. ;)

Persephone "Ms. Wisdom Personified" :rose:
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Re: Re: The Near Kink Nexus Is.....Where?

Persephone36 said:

That tends to only be true when what they say doesn't gibe with what you have on your mind.

Then it's all about convincing them (women) that they *really* want what you want. Isn't that so? :p

And believe me -- there are some of us who not only see through it...we play along with the little game (unless there's something more interesting to go do...) :p

And then there are a few of us -- who say *exactly* what we mean and aren't shy about it.

Perhaps you've yet to meet women like that? You have to be a very genuine trustworthy person to meet equally open people.

But of course -- women confident with their eroticism and in their sexuality aren't a dime a dozen. And we don't waste time with game players or phonies.

Just a word to the wise. ;)

Persephone "Ms. Wisdom Personified" :rose:


Where to begin?

Hmmmmm...I think I'll pass on this one. "Forfeit."

Lance "There is no good that can come of this" Castor
Hmm Persephone !

:D Nice post!


At this juncture,
I would recommend repeating after me

"I love all the lit posters

The lit women are sexual muses.

The lit women are icons of intelligence and grace."

Please, feel free to add any other words of praise that might fit this situation!


Miss "Save yourself, boy!" Taken
Ah, MissTaken, I love it when someone adds good positive advice to the bdsm board. :D

(Hmmmm, do you think any of the Stepford boys are smart enough to follow that advice?) ;)

Persephone "If you can't take the sarcasm, don't dish it out" :rose:
"I love all the lit posters

The lit women are sexual muses.

The lit women are icons of intelligence and grace."

Lance "Whipped By Their Beauty" Castor
Lance finally got it!



And with such an aura of grace and intellect as well as being a sexual muse, is it no wonder that these closet Doms are awkward or flirtatious in my physical presence.

I mean, Lance himself, has so decreed me errr us to be such/

Given that there....

..are 4 of us left, what choice do I have?

I assume the last one to leave gets all the pics.

Do you know where the light switch is?

Do we turn off the servers, too?

MissTaken said:
Lance finally got it!



And with such an aura of grace and intellect as well as being a sexual muse, is it no wonder that these closet Doms are awkward or flirtatious in my physical presence.

I mean, Lance himself, has so decreed me errr us to be such/


Will wonders never cease?!? ;)

Anyway MissT -- you ARE a sexual muse with grace and intellect. That's just a given. :)

I'm too new for them to all have figured out that I'm Ms. Erotic WonderWoman (okay -- with apologies to Sunstruck from the GB). Oh-ho but if you gentlemen only knew! There would be a breathless hushed moment of awe. (Ask anyone who was at the NYC July 5th get together.) :D

Aw, Lance -- there aren't only 4 of you left. I'm trying to get my er, uh, male friend to get back to posting on the bdsm tomorrow. I think he might stop by. Poor guy has a lot to put up with from a pushy sub like me. Be gentle with him. :)

Persephone "Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld" :rose:
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Fair enough....

...I'll be gentle with him at first.

Hmmm..that sounds vaguely rude. :)

I like it!

Obviously, he's a lucky man to be connected with such a high, wonderful, communicative, definitive woman such as yourself.

Lance "Alone, alone, so sadly, alone." Castor

Persephone36 said:

Will wonders never cease?!? ;)

Anyway MissT -- you ARE a sexual muse with grace and intellect. That's just a given. :)

I'm too new for them to all have figured out that I'm Ms. Erotic WonderWoman (okay -- with apologies to Sunstroke from the GB). Oh-ho but if you gentlemen only knew! There would be a breathless hushed moment of awe. (Ask anyone who was at the NYC July 5th get together.) :D

Aw, Lance -- there aren't only 4 of you left. I'm trying to get my er, uh, male friend to get back to posting on the bdsm tomorrow. I think he might stop by. Poor guy has a lot to put up with from a pushy sub like me. Be gentle with him. :)

Persephone "Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld" :rose:

ok,...enough of the foolishness, back to Lance and the bunk bed/iron bed/throw out the wooden four poster/let's see some action on the homefront story. :rose: (Pulleeeze) :rolleyes:
The bed thing fizzled.

When they delivered my washing machine~it needed repairs,. they sent the wrong guy!

So, I made my bed and put on make up for nothing!


I like the doctor story because in all seriousness, it made me feel a bit more comfie if I ever need to go in and explain a bruise or mark somewhere.
MissTaken said:
The bed thing fizzled.

When they delivered my washing machine~it needed repairs,. they sent the wrong guy!

So, I made my bed and put on make up for nothing!


I like the doctor story because in all seriousness, it made me feel a bit more comfie if I ever need to go in and explain a bruise or mark somewhere.

I have a standard explanation for any and all bruises/marks. I was playing with my dog.

think of it as the BDSM equivalent of "my dog ate my homework" ;)

MissTaken said:
The bed thing fizzled.

When they delivered my washing machine~it needed repairs,. they sent the wrong guy!

So, I made my bed and put on make up for nothing!


I like the doctor story because in all seriousness, it made me feel a bit more comfie if I ever need to go in and explain a bruise or mark somewhere.

I liked the "Doc" story too,...but as with all things concerning "fizzled and female",...I feel it's time for you to continue shopping for new,...
err,...uhmm,..."adornments" for your lifestyle.

Am I wrong? :rose:

P.S.~Remember how you felt just after you put on your make-up that day,...the ANTICIPATION,...the wicked,...err,...I mean wayward thoughts that flashed across your mind? The POSSIBILITIES? The EXCITEMENT coursing through your veins? Oh yes, ...back to the venture Darlin'!!!

You seem agitated by the Maytag man's appearance....not even any butt crack?


MissTaken said:
The bed thing fizzled.

When they delivered my washing machine~it needed repairs,. they sent the wrong guy!

So, I made my bed and put on make up for nothing!


I like the doctor story because in all seriousness, it made me feel a bit more comfie if I ever need to go in and explain a bruise or mark somewhere.
Re: MissT

artful said:

I liked the "Doc" story too,...but as with all things concerning "fizzled and female",...I feel it's time for you to continue shopping for new,...
err,...uhmm,..."adornments" for your lifestyle.

Am I wrong? :rose:

P.S.~Remember how you felt just after you put on your make-up that day,...the ANTICIPATION,...the wicked,...err,...I mean wayward thoughts that flashed across your mind? The POSSIBILITIES? The EXCITEMENT coursing through your veins? Oh yes, ...back to the venture Darlin'!!!

Isn't that part of what it is all about?

Planning and acting on plans to make Him of my dreams pleased with me? Doing what I can and testing my limits so that I may have the moments of intimacy and cuddling wherein he tells me how pleased he is?

Anticipation and Suspense: My two favorite pieces to D/s.


So the Maytag man flopped.
The Doc is married.

On the horizon is............................