Opinions on period sex

I'm the same way, very horny in the days leading up and the first few days on it. Sex helps with the cramps and kills the headaches too. Just put a towel down to avoid blood on the sheets and then let's get to it! Hubby will be intimate once or twice a week if I'm lucky but he always knows I need it at the beginning of my period week or I'll just be miserable.
I love it and we do it the same way !! Three towels and having a candle going on at the same time in the corner.

And a hot water couples shower afterwards
Well she’s probably not pregnant. It happens sometime. I don’t seek it out but it’s not a deal breaker.
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:
That’s what they made showers for !
"And I will def not be giving any bjs to a man that won't touch me during my period."----- EVERY bit of this! My hubby is in the "hell no" camp, which I find ridiculous given that we are often in the shower anyway! :/ But then to want his own needs met while (literally) grimacing at the idea of meeting mine? Even with fingers?? Nah.
:(((( that sucks!

And then they turn around and post here that their wives don't wanna have sex anymore. Sir! Grow up
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:
Love it.

I will finger you, lick you and definitely fuck you.
I'm fine with messy period sex. If the flow is too heavy to use a towel to protect the bed, take it to the shower. My ex used to appreciate it because it relieved her cramps and in reality we probably had more sex that way because she wanted cramp relief daily but normal sex weekly.
Period sex can be fantastic because of the extra lubrication. Not for everyone though - talk to her and what her needs are. Periods can be various phases of pain, arousal, emotions, etc.

#1 always: communicate.
Nope, nope, nope.
I'm peri-menopausal. Which means i'm just at that stage where the fucking things are stopping for good. I can go three or four or more months without one and then 'hello'... the worst bit is that these days, i'm super horny when i get them. The hormones are off the fucking chart crazy.
But, put a dick in me... God, i've made him do it now a few times cause i just couldn't stand it. And yeah, i get my rocks off but then the bastard things take longer to go away.
So... no... No period sex. If i just suck it up and wait it out then it's over in a few days and gone for another few months.
I have a naughty memory of him coming home from night shift once and waking me up like he used to all the time with oral. We both discovered afterwards that Aunty flo had visited. It looked like a murder scene involving vampires. God we laughed while we showered.
Hubby has no problem fucking me on my period, and I have no problem with it either. 😁

But it's not much of an issue anyway. I am on the Depo shot for birth control, and my periods are either nothing to just a little blood. But even when I've not been on the shot, it's never been an issue for us.

When I was in college, I did once hook up with a guy who really wanted sex instead of a BJ, and I was in the right mood and really buzzed, so I decided to let him. I was on my period, and you would have thought I had leprosy the way he acted when he found out, which was after he had already put it inside me. After acting like my blood was going to burn his dick off or something, he asked me to clean it off with a BJ. He got nothing. Asshole.
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:

period sex is bloody good! my woman is very much horny and wants/needs to cum. :)
Done this a few times with my wife before and after marriage. Didn't really bother either of us.
Before menopause hit, my wife also got very horny during her period. She wore a tampon during her periods so I could go down on her without too much mess. After making her cum several times (she's always been multiorgasmic - due to her physiology, not my technique, I'm sure!), she'd take out the tampon and wrap it in some tissues and we'd continue. Since the tampon soaked up some of her lubrication, we'd engage in a bit more foreplay like doing oral on me and then we'd start the main event.
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:
I'm 75 now, but back up a few years, and I've found that ex-girlfriends, and two wives have been exceptionally ,highly sexual during their periods.
It never put me off having intercourse with those who were willing, and not embarressed, including feeling etc.
So , no , nothing odd about it ,as far as I'm concerned, to answer your question.
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:
love it and the heat from inside
If this is somehow inappropriate or offensive please take it down.
With that being said I have a question for you denizens of desire here at Lit regarding your opinion on period sex.
I am a woman with a healthy libido but I have found in the last few years that just before my cycle starts and for the first day or so of it I am insanely aroused. I'm super sensitive and am able to climax easily and often with very little effort; by myself or with a partner (and a good orgasm helps infinitely with cramping). As such I find myself really craving sex during that time but I've found that for a great many men, and even many women, period sex is a hard limit. My husband, who by his own admission is into "some kinky shit" is on the "hell no" team, however I have a lover who doesn't give a damn and actually says I'm more responsive and quicker to orgasm then .
So what are your thoughts? Is it odd that I want sex more during "lady times" and if this is something that's a hard limit for you (male or female) would you mind sharing why.
Thanks in advance to any who respond. :rose:
I have buddies that run for the hills when their wives or girlfriends have their periods, but probably not because of a sexual issue. I've been married twice and neither of my wives liked the idea. I always guessed that it was something that bothered them because it never bothered me. In my younger days, several girls I dated looked forward to their periods, because we used it as birth control. If they were receptive to the idea, I was their man. I want my partner to be happy and open with me, telling me what they like and what they want sexually. If they want sex during their period, let's do it, it's all good.
My wife loves having sex during her period. Messy, but really fun. Natural lube for her and I Iike seeing her blood on my hard cock. Also she’s really, really horny at that time. Just use a towel and rags for clean up.
I'm 100% game if my wife wants it. I think we've only had it like twice in 14 years though. Can't blame her, I never try to initiate during that time but if she really wants it she's welcome to track me down, haha.
My wife and I *always* had sex during her period. Messy, fun and different from regular fucking. She was really horny then.
Definitely crave sex more right before and during my period. But still doesn’t compare to how much I need it during ovulation.
I've never had sex, but I mean... put down a towel, cover your sex toys with condoms or plastic wrap, and go to town? Good luck!
I find being able to have a strong orgasm helps with cramps but every woman is different,
Game on indeed sir!
I had a GF years back loved it because it helped her cramps. We booked a high end hotel one New Years Eve and she packed several "old" beach towels and some black contractor bags!!! She didn't want me to get charged for ruining their fine linens!

We had a great evening and after a nice dinner, just say I had my desert carefully as I "ate the Y" several times that night, before banging her into the New Year!!!
It's a great opportunity to have shower sex!
oh i remember a shower one morning with an old girlfriend that loved period sex. She got so horny. Happen to be in the shower together getting ready for work. Her saying "babe i need some this morning" man game was on , she got so worked up.. Remember looking down at the drain... WOW glad we were in the shower...