Oral vs Written Poetry

Last night I attended a poetry reading and was coerced into reading some of my poetry. I can certainly tell you, my choice of what to read came down to what sounded good. (Obviously).

But what surprised me was the different reactions to my poetry read aloud rather than read on paper. Folks liked certain ones better that rarely get a reaction when merely read.

I can certainly tell you it was a learning experience.

Oh......and I wrote a poem about it.

Channeling Allen Ginsberg
to be read to the beat of bongos

Let's start an anti-angst movement.
Ratify joy
washed in lexico-philia

(You'll get old like me
and anger will bring ennui)

baseball cap mythology
plastic retro-empathy
indulgent hippie wannabe

Let's wear pastel once in a while.

We can all


